Milton Keynes (home to Secklow) is one of the prettiest venues we get to visit each year.
Rage arrived and tried to find a relatively poo-free patch of grass – but this was in vain :D Instead, we secured a spot with a great view of the race course and easy access to our pontoon.
Teams later battled it out in the sunshine amidst the picturesque setting and synchronised flapping of swans and geese (which quickly got out of our way).
Rage clocked 50.22" in our first 200m heat. We progressed to the next race as 4th fastest team from heat 1, and crossed the line in 51.77". We earned a place in the Minor final – finishing in a time of 50.05" in our last race of the day.
A few last minute changes and adjustments resulted in LRC Ladies uncharacteristically finishing in 2nd place instead of 1st at this event in a time of 58.50". Better luck and planning next time!
After a long day of racing, the team enjoyed a feed and looked forward to our short journey home. After the epic sagas of Stockton, we couldn't believe it...another car breakdown – again involving Captain Marfiak (this time as a passenger) and Reds.
Fortunately some of the Exe-Calibre crew were staying in a nearby teepee for the night and kindly invited our strays in. Unexpectedly, a busted car led to new friendships with another team :)
Our boys finally got home at around 5am. Who dares share a car with Mr Jinx next time? :D
Yet another picturesque venue – also where Vic and Travers made international headlines last year rescuing a baby when her pram rolled into the water.
Our 200m times throughout the day were 57.22", 57.81" and 56.19" consecutively. Rage ended up in the 200m plate semis and completed the 1300m pursuit circuit in a time of 5.41.20".
LRC Ladies faced Worcester Ladies and Pink Champagne on the start line. It was Hoi's last BDA event before her planned departure to Hong Kong. We thanked her for her efforts as LRC Ladies captain this year and promised to give her and each other our best. Team LRC did not disappoint – we made this one count, winning the 200m race by over a boat length and maintained position 1 on the BDA Ladies leaderboard with 78 points – 36 points clear of the closest runner up.
LRC Ladies dig deep and secure 1st place in Exeter
Customary Rage race day drama
After a long day of racing, a few of us decided to indulge in some alfresco dining by the river. As Rage had not yet seen its usual share of drama for the day, Katha decided to hide Travers' phone. It wasn't long before he realised he was missing his digital companion, and called it.
Meanwhile, Katha and Sharyl scurried up a set of stairs and answered. Travers got suspicious after speaking to Katha, but then proceeded to get conned by Sharyl. As Shaz couldn't decide what accent to adopt in disguise, she muffled her voice instead: "No English! Blue bridge – near water...birds go tweet tweet. £500 – to feed baby..."
Andrew returned somewhat flustered and under the impression that someone with a baby was holding his phone ransom. He enlisted the bodyguard services of our very own Slovakian mafia representative Marfiak, and embarked on a phone retrieval mission. To our horror, they approached the blue bridge nearby – where a couple was happily strolling along...with a pram!!
While the group watched in mild panic and bewildered amusement, Katha and Sharyl ran over to explain – and to prevent the boys from unknowingly assaulting an innocent young family.
This season's news headlines could have read: "Last year's pram-saving hero now a baby bully and phone thief." We requested in future that if Travers was ever going to do anything like that, could he at least take his Rage hoodie off first...
Since joining Rage almost two years ago, Fernando's fitness (and English) have dramatically improved. He was already a keen runner beforehand, but his dedication to dragon boat conditioning has been consistent and evident – so much so that when Juan returned for a visit, he commented whilst watching Fernando in action at circuits that he was now a 'machine'.
Though his paddling technique and focus still need work, Fernando's commitment to self-improvement and the team has to be recognised :)
Now let's see if we can get you to paddle a whole 1 minute (200m) race without turning your head to the side! Congratulations, Kuty-Pie ;)
Rage's July birthday babies
Happy birthday to Rob M (17th July), Vic Junior (22nd) and Sharyl, Joy and Marfiak (all on the same day – 30th!)
Congratulations to Lucy who married John at what her guests described as one of the most beautiful weddings they've ever attended. We wish you all the happiness you deserve in the next chapter of life's adventures.
Happy honeymoon, guys!
Raging Dragons: the next generation
Congratulations to Kitty and Ken on the long-awaited arrival of little Chow Junior, who was born a healthy 6.5lbs :)
He's already melted everyone's hearts, and we haven't even met him in person yet. We look forward to meeting the newest addition to the Rage family soon.
Lots of love, us...xx.
Special thanks to Jess and Sharyl for organising our unforgettable weekend water adventure :)
Rage's stand up paddling and wrestling skills were put to the test. The team chased and dunked each other countless times through the day. While Vic and Buzz wrestled, Ruth got caught in the middle of the chaos: "I don't want to be a part of this!!" Vic then went after Jess, who panicked and threw herself in the water, arms and legs sprawled out starfish-style :D
Our timing might be decent on a dragon boat, but trying to coordinate ourselves on a mega group SUP board was a hilarious sight to behold. Finally, we played 'last man standing' – and witnessed the most spectacular (and drawn out) wrestle ever between Jo A and Princess Jay. At the end of it all, Will Ip noted "that was hot!" Haha! Photos here.
What a day it was – we paddled together, dunked each other, cooked up a storm (at one point we thought Vic and Buzz were going to burn the place down) and devoured a whole lot of food :D
It's outings like this that remind us what our eclectic family is all about. This is what we're so proud of, and what we live for. We always ask everyone give their best at trainings and on race days – but regardless of what our results are on the water, win or lose – may we never lose sight of what our club stands for. May we proudly carry forth the values that our predecessors established and engrained in this family through their blood, sweat and tears – and may we always stand together and 'Rage as one'.