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wellness wednesdays newletter, volume 7

your healthy living update for july, 2015

My Awakening

by Kailea Crommett


We all have the ability to tap into our inner goddess life-force energy. Paying attention to the signs lately, it seems as if the goddess has been speaking directly to me. All things feminine in nature have been on my mind and in my reality.

I’ve been taking an Herbs For Women’s Health class that centers on empowering women to understand how to heal their bodies with medicinal herbs. The class has been a catalyst for me to start questioning things on an even deeper level. I’ve been realizing that women in our society today (myself included) have strayed away from—and even been denying—the power of the divine feminine that’s so ingrained in our souls.

Recently I started seeing lots of cats in my waking life as well as my dreams. With such an unprecedented amount of cats coming into my life, I decided to do a little research to figure out the symbolism behind the kitties. Both cats and women in the form of goddesses were revered and respected in ancient cultures. From Egypt’s religious reverence of cats—and worship of goddesses who shapeshifted into cats—to Celtic goddess who had cat companions, there’s a strong link between cats, the feminine, and the divine.

The signs in the form of cats have caused me to take a deeper look at the common thread that is running through everything in my life lately. The message that I’m getting is clear. In the modern world we have become disconnected from that which we are—including the earth beneath us.

The fact that the goddesses of the ancient cultures were so powerful and influential really inspires me to listen to the inner goddess and re-awaken that which has been dormant—including a connection to Mother Earth. The planet is calling us to raise our consciousness and heal her—and ourselves! This energy is revealing itself everywhere, through every means possible—even cats appearing in my daily life—and we can awaken to it.



MT's News!
Note that we're continuing our $1/minute special with our new therapists, Kai and Buffy, through the summer! Get a massage through the end of August to get this great deal. Learn more abut our newest therapist, Buffy Swallow on our website's therapists page to learn more about all of our therapists and schedule your appointment. 

We are kicking off our Full Moon Meditations this month and look forward to many more in the future. See our workshops and upcoming events here!

Looking to practice yoga with Mary? Both group classes (Episcopal Church Center and St. Peters By the Sea in OB) and private sessions are available. Learn more here.
Missed previous Mary'sTherapies Wellness Wednesdays newsletters?


Q. I hear all the importance of taking breaks.  I'm sure it is along the same lines of taking care of oneself between therapy sessions with you. Can you provide examples on how one can do this?


A:  Great question! Try any, some or all of the following.

  • Drink lots of water - at least 8oz (2 full sport bottles), double that when exercising
  • Ground yourself - walk barefoot around on the grass or the sand while imagining roots like of a tree coming out of the soles of your foot and deeply connected to the earth below.
  • Stretch - think of doing the opposite of what you do all day. For example: if you sit at a desk or drive, you chest is hunched over your heart. Therefore, try doing heart openers: stand between a doorway, arms bent like goalposts and placed on either door panel, lean in and breath into where you feel it.  Stay like this while you turn your head to look toward either shoulder. Think shaking your head 'no' but moving very slowly like you're swimming in honey. Do this for for about 3min. 
  • Relax - to relieve emotional stress. Do absolutely nothing for a minute.  See what comes up for you in your thoughts and emotions while doing this without judging yourself.
  • Do yoga - to release physical stress. Go to a class or look up one online.  There are free classes at libraries, on the beach and in the park. Check out the yoga classes I teach that are donation and community based.
  • Meditate - to relieve mental stress
  • Exercise - try doing a same routine same time each day focusing on strengthening the whole body.
  • Think positively - the time it takes to think of all the wrong negative things, use that time instead to spin it to a positive by thinking of ways it can be.  Affirmations are a great way to instill positivity. Examples: say to yourself: 'I am doing the best I can'  'I love my life'  'This too shall pass'  'Life is finding its way to work in my favor'
  • Practice gratitude - having an attitude of gratitude. Think of all the things you have, own and have accomplished so far.
  • Take breaks - for every hour of work take 10min
  • Deep breathing 
  • Get plenty of sleep - 7-9 hours is the most ideal.  Get to bed early, so you can rise earlier and enjoy the day.
  • Eat a healthy diet 

Yours in Health,


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