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Sweet Dream In A Bag


July 2015

 Providing New Bedding, Caring

and Love to Children in Transition

A comment from a Sweet Dream Mom after her children chose their Sweet Dream Bags,  "Thank you so much, that is one  of the most beautiful gestures.  You made my family feel so blessed.  We won't forget this experience!"


Charlottesville, VA


The Charlottesville Kiwanis Club in Charlottesville, Virginia is starting to put in motion plans to start Sweet Dream In A Bag in their area.  They have contacted the Chief of Family Services, Charlottesville Division of Social Services to explore the need in their area.  This all takes time----but we are so excited that they are looking at the possibility of helping precious children in their area!!!  We will help and encourage them as much as possible!!!  

   New Logo!

After months of work ..... we now have a new logo. You will be seeing this on all of our materials.  We are also in the process of re-doing our story book with new illustrations that go are much like the logo---we are going to have the booklets professionally printed--we found a wonderful printer on line --- so new "looks" for Sweet Dream!!!!!


It has been our desire to help children all over the state, we have been to Colorado Springs and Pueblo ..... we are now going to make a trip this summer to Alamosa, CO.  We will pack the van and bless about 25 children -- the date will be either Aug.10th or Aug. 17th.  Should be a fun road trip!!!

Signing Up for Packing Events

We love for individuals and groups to come to our once a month Packing Events -- Please e-mail us with the number of people you are bringing or go to our website and sign up, would be so helpful to have the numbers at least a week ahead..... that way we will know how to plan for the day.


July 16, Thursday, starting at 5:00 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Denver Rescue Mission Tran. Housing –
The Crossing
6090 Smith Road, Denver, CO  80216
(Volunteer neededl)
July 18,  2015 Saturday Morning
"Packing Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240  S. Broadway, Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay!  
(Everyone Welcome!) 
July 21, Tuesday, starting at 5:00 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Family Tree Family Services
3805 Marshall St., Wheatridge, CO  80033
(Volunteers Needed)
July 27, Monday, starting at NOON
"Teasure Time Gifting Event”
Posada Family Shelter
1207 Elko, Pueblo, CO
(Volunteers Needed in Pueblo)
July 28, Tuesday, starting at 6:30 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Decatur Place Transitional Housing
1155 Decatur St, Denver, CO  80204
(Volunteers Needed)


Aug 10 or 17, Monday, starting at 6:00 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
La Puente Home  
Alamosa, CO
(Volunteers Needed in Alamosa)


Aug. 14,  2015 Fri. Morning, 8:30 am
"Wells Fargo Presentation of Challenge Grant Check”
Union Station, Downtown Denver—
Large event with media, the Wells Fargo Stage Coach
Aug. 15,  2015 Saturday Morning
"Packing Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240  S. Broadway, Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay!  
(Everyone Welcome!) 


Sept. 19,  2015 Saturday Morning
"Packing Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240  S. Broadway, Littleton, CO  80121
Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay!  
(Everyone Welcome!) 

Reminder:  There will be Treasure Time added as agencies get the event dates set,
so check our website and look at the CALENDAR!!! 
 If you can help with any Treasure Time Event please call Susie
 303-507-2098 or
 Check  Calendar on our Website:


Sponsoring a Packing Party
Does you work, church or club want to sponsor a Packing Party and get everyone involved? Susie would love to share how to do that and can come share about Sweet Dream with the group so everyone understands and is excited about this great opportunity!  Susie:303-507-2098
 "We have our very own beds!"


Access Housing/Commerce City

Alternatives to Violence/Loveland
Angel House/Loveland
Castle Rock Women's Crisis Center/Castle Rock
Coalition for the Homeless /Ren. at Lowery
Coalition for the Homeless/ West End Flats
Coalition for the Homeless/Renaissance 88
Coalition for the Homeless/Ren. Blue Spruce
Coalition for the Homeless/ Stout Street Flats
Colo. House/Partners in Housing-Colo Springs
Crossroads Safehouse/Trans. Housing-Ft.Collins
Decatur Place Transitional Housing
Denver Rescue Mission Star Tran. Housing
Extended Hands of Hope/Avanti House
Family Tree Housing & Family Services
Family Tree Crisis Center
Fostering Hope Foundation/Colo. Springs
Gateway Women's Shelter
Greeley Transitional Housing
Hope Communities/California Street
Hope Communities/Hidden Brook
Hope Communities/Thrill
Humbolt Archdiocesan Housing I
I Am Academy
Jefferson Co. Attorney/  Family Violence
Jefferson County Head Start
LaPuente House/Alamosa, CO
Mercy /Springfield Ct. Apt./Ft. Collins
Mercy/Holly Park Apartments
Mt. Loretto Family Housing
Open Door Ministries
Pasada Family Shelter/Pueblo
Pasada Rio Sacramento/Pueblo
Salvation Army Lambeth Center
STRIDE Transitional Housing
VOA Brandon House
VOA Bright Starts Head Start
VOA DAV Families
VOA Family Housing Program
VOA Rainbow Head Start
VOA Young Mothers
Warren Village
Warren Village First Step

As you look at this list you will realize just how much these children need your help and caring to make their lives a little more cozy and give them something to call their own!

  • Toothpaste (any size)

  • Twin Sheet Sets

  • Baby Quilts

Together we can
make a Difference!
Schedule You Next Event
Directors and Case Workers schedule your next Sweet Dream Event --- Fall will be here before we know it.  Email: and secure a date!
Copyright ©July_2015Sweet Dream In A Bag, All rights reserved.     

Our mailing address is:  9249 S. Broadway, Unit 200, Suite 198, Littleton, CO  80129
Sweet Dream In A Bag
9249 S Broadway, Littleton, CO
Littleton, CO 80129

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