Summer Session 2 starts next week!
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Register now for Session 2 ballet classes!  Get a "leg up" for fall classes.

Session 2 (July 6 – August 14): 5 weeks of accelerated classes to jump start students for the new school year. Challenging curriculum and individual attention give students extra preparation for fall classes. Ballet 1 and Ballet 2 classes in this session include a formal assessment class (structured like an audition) and parent/teacher/student conference to discuss class placement for fall 2015. Please Note: Salish Sea Ballet will be closed from July 28-August 3.

We love a parade...

Look for our dancers performing NEW choreography on Saturday to celebrate this year's 4th of July parade theme: Hooray for Hollywood!  We'll be dancing down the street, so be sure to wave as we dance by!

If you are performing in the parade or volunteering, please meet at the grassy area in between the Salish Sea Ballet building and San Juan Healthcare at 10:00am.  Please make sure that dancers are dressed, hair done, and ready to go when they arrive, and that they have just used the restroom.  After the parade you can pick up your dancer at Brickworks plaza.
Save The Date!

Back To Class day is Saturday, August 29th.

Salish Sea Ballet will offer free classes, refreshments, a raffle, and sale prices on all dancewear!  Stay tuned for more details...
Upcoming studio closures:

We will be CLOSED Tuesday, July 28th through Monday, August 3rd.

class schedule page on our website always has the most updated information about holiday closures.
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