July 2015

A Message from Phyllis

Dear <<First Name>>,
I hope you are enjoying the summer. It’s often a great time for reading, relaxing, and reflection.  Have you taken time to think about what you want to accomplish by the end of the year? There is still time to make it a great year.

Successful people rarely reach their goals alone. We need support and collaboration. I’ve seen geese fly in formation for many years but never stopped to learn the benefits. I did some research and learned that by flying in a V they can fly 70% farther and at a much faster speed than they ever could alone. The V shape flying formation is known as a skein.  Each bird flies slightly above the bird in front of him resulting in a reduction of air resistance. The birds take turns being in the front, falling back when they get tired. Geese honk at each other to encourage the ones in front to keep the same speed.

It’s really fascinating and I think we can learn from the geese. When we have encouragement, our progress is greater. If we work with others and go in the same direction, it will be quicker and easier to accomplish what we want. Have you dropped out of a group and tried to succeed on your own?

Like the geese, we usually miss the energy that comes from being part of a team or community. Maybe it’s time to think about collaborating with colleagues or getting back to your alumni association or a professional organization that you have left. Meetings and groups start up in September. Consider looking up the next meeting of a group that could be helpful. Put it on your calendar and think about flying in a V rather than on your own. 

Have a great month!!

Phyllis Sisenwine, MCC
Regards, Phyllis



September 16, 2015
New Jersey Law Firm
Market You Must!!

This Month's Article

Listen, Listen, Listen

I had the pleasure of visiting a friend in Oley, Pa. It's a very rural area near Reading, much different than my suburban home. On Sunday morning I was the first to awaken. I decided to go for a walk. It was incredibly peaceful and quiet. All I heard were birds chirping, roosters crowing and the trickling waterfalls from the creeks along the road. I laughed as the roosters crowed louder and louder. It's something I've rarely heard in my lifetime. I was so aware of every sound because of the quietness of the area. As I walked and enjoyed the peacefulness I thought about how rarely people really listen. To truly listen and to be totally present is not something that happens by chance. People rarely listen.

One of the courses I took during my coach training was called "Listening." It was twice as long as the average course. It is the foundation of coaching. People hire coaches to listen. We so often are busy thinking about our comments, opinions and response that we don't listen to what the other person has to say. In addition to thinking about what we want to say we often have a slight buzz in the back of our minds with thoughts of all we have to do. Our minds wander and we are not present.

If you are having a conversation with someone and you find yourself only partially hearing them, get back into the present and tell them. Instead of pretending you were following the conversation or responding to what you think you heard, the best thing to do is to tell the truth. Tell them you were drifting and ask them to repeat their statement. It takes practice to really hear someone. Being aware of your current listening skills is the first step to improving them. And once you begin to really listen to the words people are saying, you will find you can hear what their words aren't saying as well.

Business people making presentations also often don't listen well. They are so busy telling their prospects about how great their product or service is that they do't listen. Asking questions is the best method to sales success. Ask questions and then make sure you listen to the answer. Don't start thinking about the next question to ask. Don't start thinking about your response while they're talking. Just listen. The customer will tell you what you need to know to sell them if you just listen. Not only don't we listen to others, but we also don't listen to ourselves. Clients often ask me to help them make a decision about a goal they have set. I often ask them what they think and they come up with the right answer. We usually have the best answers within ourselves, but rarely listen. I have a poster in my office that reads: "Listening to your heart, finding out who you are, is not simple. It takes time for the chatter to quiet down. In the silence of "not doing" we begin to know what we feel. If we listen and hear what is being offered, then anything in life can be our guide. Listen." Let's also make an effort to really listen to our coworkers, spouses, children and colleagues. It's the biggest gift we can give to someone. I know that I process my thoughts by speaking and so many others do too. If you are having difficulty hearing your own thoughts you might want to consider writing in a journal.

As Julie Cameron, author of The Artists Way, suggests, write a few pages every morning. It's called a "brain dump". Get your head clear and you can really hear your thoughts. Your creativity will be accessed by clearing your head. The next time you go for a walk leave the cell phone home and just listen to the sounds of nature. Also, listen to your own thoughts. When I walk or ride my bike my creative thoughts come alive and I listen to my own wisdom. We often do have the answers if we just listen. 

Have a great month!! 

Phyllis Sisenwine, MCC

Published by Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach, Motivational Speaker and writer. She works with clients to earn more money, improve time management and stay focused. To schedule a powerful coaching conversation send an email. Her website is located at

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Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach



Phyllis Sisenwine

(215) 968-2424
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