NSW Provenance Workshops a great success
Over 300 people from a wide range of fields attended this series of seven workshops across NSW to learn and discuss some of the issues of native seed supply management for self-sustaining vegetation communities. The workshop series, co-ordinated by the ANPC and funded by the NSW Environmental Trust, brought together Dr Linda Broadhurst from the CSIRO and Dr Maurizio Rossetto from The Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney to convey the latest lessons and understanding on native plant seed science, genetics and issues of climate change. Click here for further information.

ANPC Provenance workshop held at Orange, June 2015. (Central Tablelands LLS)
Share your plant conservation work with others
We are seeking articles for the September - November 2015 (Spring) issue of Australasian Plant Conservation (APC), the ANPC's quarterly bulletin.The issue will carry the theme of "Ferals". The deadline for submissions is Friday 21 August 2015. Click here for more information. If you are intending to submit an article or wish to discuss possibilities, please contact our new Editor, Paul Adam, by Friday 7 August on this email.

National Seed Science Forum - Call for abstracts now open!
The key themes of the forum, to be held 14-16 March, include a) Dormancy and germination; b) Seed storage, conservation and utilisation; c) Establishment and management and d) Seed ecology. Keynote speakers for the Forum will be Dr Christina Walters, Professor Kingsley Dixon and Professor Angela Moles. Click here for further information.

Hunter Valley Myall Woodland Community Workshop
The Hunter and Central Coast Regional Environmental Management Strategy (HCCREMS) team held a workshop and field trip on 20 May 2015 in Denman for local land owners and managers covering a number of interesting topics relating to the management and conservation of this federally listed critically endangered community. The ANPC's Project Manager Martin Driver presented, along with other leading experts from the University of Queensland, NSW OEH and Hunter Local Land Services, to enthusiastic and engaged community members. The Hunter Valley Weeping Myall Woodland is in serious risk of extinction due to its now very limited distribution. It is estimated that less than 10 hectares of Weeping Myall Woodland remains in the Hunter Valley. Click here for more information.

Workshop participants inspecting regenerating Weeping Myall Woodland on private property at Martindale in the Hunter Valley. (E. Twarkowski)
Myrtle Rust recently found in the Northern Territory for the first time.
Unfortunately Myrtle Rust (Puccinia psidii) has recently been found in the Northern Territory (Tiwi islands) and is now widespread on Melville Island (the only NT infected area confirmed publicly to date). Tests are continuing to determine whether the outbreak is the same strain of the pathogen as has been present in eastern Australia since 2010. It has been found on 3 host species - Leptospermum madidum, Lithomyrtus retusa and Eugenia reinwardtiana.
What to look for: small yellow pustules (spore masses) – roughly pin-head size -- on leaves, especially the leaf undersurface, and on new stems, and in some host species also on flowers and fruits. Myrtle Rust occurs on the plant family Myrtaceae only: yellow spots on plants other than Myrtaceae are something else.

Myrtle Rust pustules on Scrub Turpentine (Rhodamnia rubescens) in NSW, 2010. (B. Makinson)
Other items of interest:
Norfolk Island Flora Week - 27 September - 6 October 2015
Get up close and personal with the plants of Norfolk Island. Of the 182 native plant species present, about 25 per cent are endemic. There are also in excess of 50 threatened plants on Norfolk all of which are being recovered to some degree.
The inaugural Norfolk Island Flora Week will be held in Spring this year, with local Norfolk Island flora and fauna expert Margaret Christian, along with Derek Ball, Director of Wildmob Wilderness Conservation and Chair of Island Arks Australia. Their wealth of knowledge will provide a fun-filled week of Flora exploration.