September R Users Group meetup, Fall StatLab workshops, Infogroup Historical Businesses Database.
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August 2015

September UVa R Users Group Meetup

The UVa R Users group is holding its first meetup of the academic year on September 8. The featured speaker is Adam Slez, Assistant Professor of Sociology. Adam will demonstrate how to create R packages. Interested? RSVP at

Fall StatLab Workshops

The UVa Library's StatLab is once again providing free workshops in statistical software and methods. In addition to our annual intros to Stata, R and SPSS, we’re offering an Intro to SAS. Other new workshops on tap include
  • Survey Data Analysis in Stata
  • Web-scraping, Twitter Data and Text Data
  • Linear Mixed-Effect Modeling in R
  • Python Plotting with matplotlib
  • Building ‘Shiny’ Web Applications In R
Also back by popular demand are R Graphics with ggplot2, Version Control with Git, and Multiple Imputation for Missing Data.


New Data Source: Infogroup Historical Businesses Database

UVa faculty, students and staff now have access to the Infogroup Historical Business Database. Dating back to 1997, the Historical Business collection contains establishment-level data for more than 24 million businesses, including the business name, location, industry classification code, number of employees, and sales volume. Each establishment has a unique identifier to make year over year comparisons easier and records have been geocoded for use with GIS software. We also now have a subscription to ReferenceUSA. This is perfect for smaller extracts, such as all comic book stores in Virginia.

Learn more:
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