News from Oakwood Yoga - classical hatha yoga classes In Derby, Belper, Stanley Common, Allestree, Little Eaton & Darley Abbey, master classes, retreats & holidays, daily practice, 1 to 1 sessions, corporate yoga, Nepal.
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Neals Yard
Hari Om!
Hello everyone...really hope this finds you well and happy.
It continues to be busy around here.  I like it that way as if I am ever sat too long I will find something to do!  Today it has been jam making...I find that really theraputic.

Holiday season is upon us and the classes are a little muddled so please check the dates out below to be sure you do not miss your class.  If you cannot make your regular class feel free to come to another...there should be room even in the Monday evening class in Allestree.

The plans for the Holistic Day for Nepal, 12th September are going well.  If you are able to help on the day, provide a raffle prize; provide something we can auction; make a cake ~ then do let me know.  Your support by coming to the event and telling your friends will make all the difference.  I am getting excited as so many lovely people are offering wonderful experiences.  There is more detail below.

I have sorted out dates for more masterclasses...check the website for details.  The next will be October 24th when we will look at OM.

There are a couple of practices for you to use over the holiday period.  Enjoy and stay safe.

Sending you love, joy and peace. 

Phillipa  xx
Please read and share these reports from Ann, Simon and Hamilton.  All received money from us and they have done some fantastic work in different areas affected the earthquakes of April 2015.

Ann Brooks ~ Classic Journeys Nepal Newsletter
Simon Watkinson ~ Nepal Aid Special Feature
Hamilton Pevec ~ you can read his 6 reports via this link 

Ann and Simon will be with us on 12th September.  Hamilton won't be but his wife Devika Gurung will be.

I also sent some money to:
Light Education Development
Himalayan Trust UK

All the sleeping bags and tents collected went to Nepal via the above two charities.  I have a large amount in my garage and am hopeful they too will go in September but the cost is huge and we are looking for a generous sponsor.
A nice cup of tea!
All those herbal teas you collect and don't drink...could I have them please?
  As long as they are in date!  I can use at the Nepal day.
If anyone wants to sponsor the tea/coffee station please let me know.
Many thanks. 
Holistic Day for Nepal

To date a whooping £4077 has been collected for Nepal.
Thank you so so much.
We are doing more though....

12th September
10.00 to 16.00
Clinical Suite, Derby University, Kedleston Road, Derby

(free parking in car park 3)
Admission is £5 - you get a cuppa and cake or samosa.
We are still developing the full programme but once available I will share with you all.  For those on facebook please do 'like' Oakwood Yoga (there is a link at the top of this newsletter), as I will post there too.
This is a day where you can come along and:  Read more
Yoga in France
25th August to 1st September 2015

Fully Inclusive.
A relaxing and rejeuvenating week.

Do you deserve some quality chill-out time?  Can you see yourself lazing by the pool, dipping in the hot tub, sipping wine in the local village, strolling through beautiful countryside?  If so, treat yourself to a week of yoga and deep relaxation in the beautiful French countryside.
For more details please click HERE. 
Do email me if you are interested in coming along.
Classes over the Summer

This is the class schedule over the next two months.  Hopefully it makes perfect sense.   
The Block Booking price rises in September to £40.

here for a printable version.

Monday in Darley Abbey and Allestree
  • August 3rd & 10th
  • August 24th Allestree ONLY
  • September 7th, 14th & 21st
Tuesday in Little Eaton
  •  August 4th & 11th
  • September 8th, 15th & 22nd
Wednesday in Allestree and Stanley Common
  •  August 5th, 12th & 19th
  • September 9th, 16th & 23rd
Thursday in Belper and Oakwood
  • No classes in August
  • September 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th
Master Classes
All master classes will be held in Allestree Memorial Hall, 1 Cornhill, Allestree. Derby. DE22 2GG
Unless stated otherwise they are £15.
August 1st - 09.45 to 12.15 - Exploring Colour through Yoga and Crystal Therapy

"When you work with the energy of colour, fear, suspicion, and anxiety give way to clarity, peace, and a deeper knowing of what is forthcoming in your life!. - Laura Alden Kamm

This will be a joint class with myself and my lovely friend and crystal therapist and yoga teacher, Jeanette Bunyan.  We will explore the subtle energy system of the body through yoga, which includes the chakras, which relate to various physical organs, psychological attributes, sounds and colours.
Colourtherapy or chromotherapy uses different colours to change or maintain vibrational frequencies in the body to promote well being and harmony.
 Colour rays can be applied physically through light or mentally through visualisation, suggestion and meditation.
 Whilst having physical attributes, colour also has psychological associations. 
 Colour permeates every aspect of our lives and our environment.  By using colour to balance ourselves physically and emotionally we can promote well-being.
 Crystals also work on a vibrational level to harmonise the aspects of the human being.  Whether used as a meditation tool or directly placed on the body, crystals have great potential for aiding self-discovery and healing.
 Join us for a morning of discovery through yoga and colour.

(Venue: Allestree Memorial Hall, 1 Cornhill, Allestree, Derby DE22 2GG)  EMAIL TO BOOK

October 24th - 10am to 12.30pm - Discovering with the Mantra OM
November 28th - 10am to 12.30pm - Stillness and Dynamism
December 28th - 7.00pm to 9.30pm - Reflections


For fun, why not book a party with me during the summer...we could have Pimms on the lawn too!
Or you can order directly from

I love Neals Yard products.
The products are divine, great for the environment, animal friendly and organic. 
No nasty chemicals or GMO here!
Fill your bowl to the brim
and it will spill.
Keep sharpening your knife
and it will blunt.
Chase after money and security
and your heart will never unclench.
Care about people’s approval
and you will be their prisoner.
Do your work, then, step back.
The only path to serenity.

Meditating on the word Serenity.
Easy on the Wrists
Over the last month we have been working physically on making the legs a little stronger.  At the same time listening to the breath and surrendering to it both mentally and physically.
Every cloud has a silver lining; as one gate closes another opens; sometimes we have to close some gates in order to let knew things in, to create the space to do or receive what we actually need.
For those that made it to class this week I have attached here the sequence we did.  This is not mine, it was shared with me by my lovely friend Debbie.
Give it a go and see how you get on.  It is a version of Surya Namaskar.  My other lovely friend (I have a few!!) uses it for her lady with no arms, which is why we kept the arms on the back.
Let go of what is no longer needed.  Let in what you need and enjoy.
Have a super summer. xxx
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