floriferous |flôˈrifərəs|adjective(of a plant) producing many flowers.ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from Latin florifer (from flos, flor- flower +-fer producing) + -ous.

Bloom Report:

Zinnias-California Giants and Cactus 
Chantilly Snapdragons
Carrots, what?! Yes!
Pincushion Flowers
Russian Statice
Green Ammi flowers
Sweetest fragrant Sweet Peas
Deep Purple Salvia
Lace flower

Passion Flower Bouquets at Animas Chocolate Company and
The Wine Merchant!!

You can request a bouquet to be picked up on Thursday afternoon through Friday. Number of bouquets are limited so please let me know in advance if you would like to reserve a bouquet to be picked up there. Please purchase your bouquet in advance at
Request a Bouquet from The Wine Merchant
Request a Bouquet from Animas Chocolates


Bellydancing Bees 

Entertainment in the garden on Thursdays from 4 to 7pm

Passion Flower Bouquets make
you smile from the inside out.

Request a Bouquet from Passion Flower Farm

Enigma con a Flor- Enigma with a Flower

-Pablo Neruda

Una victoria. Es tarde, no sabías.
Llegó como azucena a mi albedrío
el blanco talle que traspasa
la eternidad inmóvil de la tierra,
empujando una débil forma clara
hasta horadar la arcilla
con rayo blanco o espolón de leche.
Muda, compacta oscuridad del suelo
en cuyo precipicio
avanza la flor clara
hasta que el pabellón de su blancura
derrota el fondo indigno de la noche
y de la claridad en movimiento
se derraman atónitas semillas.

A victory. It is late, you did not know.

She arrived as lily to my will

the white waist that transcends 

the motionless eternity of the earth,

by pushing a weak form clear 

until perforating the clay

with white ray or ram of milk.

Mute, compact darkness of the soil

in whose precipice 

advances the white flower  

until the pavilion of her whiteness 

defeats the unworthy depth of the night

and from the clarity in movement

astonished seeds are spilled.

Local Seasonal Flowers

For more information or questions call me at 970-759-0318 or email Looking forward to growing your beautiful bouquets, see you at the farm!

Lisa Bourey
Copyright © 2014 PASSION FLOWER BOUQUET FARM All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Lisa Laree Bourey/Passion Flower Bouquet Farm
616 Ford Drive
Durango, CO  81301

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