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We are having a rest from conducting a poll this edition, however we promise to return with more surveys in future newsletter editions. Suggest a poll for future editions!

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Thank you to everyone who contributed to last fortnight's poll. Once again we had lots or responses, and we thank you for your participation. Take a look at the results in my post below: What is your apartment pet policy? Does it work for you? You may be surprised by the percentage of our readers who keep pets without body corporate approval!

BIG NSW NEWS: Strata reform drafts were released today. See the report below for links and further information.

Our community grows from word of mouth. If you like what you discover in the newsletters, please forward them on to others who may be interested or simply tell them about LookUpStrata. We thank you for your support!


EXCITING NEWS: We have had so much content published to our blog of late that we are changing to weekly newsletters as of August. Thank you to all contributors and readers for your continued support.

Feature Article


NSW Building Defects and Maintenance

Jamie Killorn,
K&S Building Management Services

What do I do if I have a defect in my apartment?
Find out the steps to take when dealing with NSW building defects and maintenance.
smoking in apartments

What is your apartment pet policy? Does it work for you?

Our most recently poll asked about pets in apartments. Find out how you - our subscribers - responded. What percentage of you are keeping pets without approval? You may be surprised!

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storm ready

Are you storm ready?

Renee Cassidy, Whitbread Insurance Brokers
Recent storm damage due to severe storms in NSW, where estimated Insurance losses have reached $250 million with claims far exceeding 60,000, highlight the need to be well informed on the right procedures to take if you are faced with a similar catastrophe.

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short term let

VIC: “My Apartment is My Castle (and I’ll lease it on AirBnB if I want to)”

Nicole Wilde, Tisher Liner FC Law

The latest regarding short term rental apartments in the Docklands building, Watergate: Owners Corporation Plan No. PS 501391P v Balcombe & Salter VCAT.

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480 new apartments

VIC: 480 New Apartments For Our Fast-Growing City

Media Release, office of the Premier of Victoria
Planning Minister Richard Wynne has given the green light to another three Melbourne apartment developments, equating to almost 480 new apartments around inner Melbourne.

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WA Property

WA State Government Called on to Lead the Way in Support for Sustainable Living in WA Property

Rachel Cosentino, President of SCA (WA)
During the strata reforms process in WA, the State Government is being called on to take up a “once in a lifetime chance” and make Western Australia a world leader in sustainable living.

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Strata proxies

NSW: Proxies and Participation at General Meetings

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Owners Corporation Proxies: can a lot owner could have someone else attend a meeting on their behalf and if so, what power does the proxy possess?

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mediation vs hearing

NSW: The benefits of mediation vs the benefits of a hearing

Pierrette Khoury, Turnbull Bowles Lawyers
In this article we explore the benefits of mediation over a hearing, which clients should consider when deciding which option is suitable for their case.

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WA: Design, Not Size, Matters in Small Apartments Debate

Rachel Cosentino, President of SCA (WA)
SCA (WA) is calling on the WA Government to review local building design standards to prevent the growing market for small apartments from resulting in high-rise “dogboxes”.

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NSW: Renovations – Do I Need A By-Law?

David Bannerman and Mark Pollinger, Bannermans Lawyers
Owners of strata lots considering renovating apartments may be tempted to “keep it simple” and not request a by-law and associated EGM approval.

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NSW: Strata Schemes not to be Owners

Bailey Compton, Leverage Group – Solicitors & Academy
Strata Plans sit on top of deposit plans, that is, where ever a strata plan exists, there is always a deposited plan that sits under the strata plan.

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Mixed Media

Concrete Cancer

The Project: Concrete Cancer

Air Date Thurs 9 July 2015 Duration - 02:55
QLD: We take a look at the hidden problem that's set to cost owners of older high rise properties plenty.


3AW693 News Talk - Partygate: Docklands apartments rented for parties, bucks nights

Mon 13 July 2015 Duration - 04:26
The residents of the tower, officially titled Watergate, and Body Corporation have complained about the rotating door of party guests renting apartments through services like Airbnb.  Domain's Emily Power said roughly 1000 apartments in Docklands are listed on Airbnb, and they are popular with partygoers because of its close proximity to the Melbourne CBD.

Illegal Housing

The Project: Illegal Housing

Air Date Mon 13 July 2015 Duration - 04:23
With Australia in the grip of a housing affordability crisis, illegal rooming house operators are cramming people into tiny apartments. And that's putting the lives of tenants and others at risk.

NSW Strata Reforms

The Fair Trade minister, Victor Dominello, is releasing two drafts of the reforms today for final consultation: The draft Strata Schemes Development Bill 2015 and Strata Schemes Management Bill 2015.

The public has two months to comment on the draft bill which includes reforms on keeping pets in strata, problems with parking and also smoking regulation. “People can now have their final say on the drafting of more than 90 proposed changes to improve strata living including the perennial issues of parking, pets and passive smoking,” Mr Dominello said.

If you are interested in having your say on the reforms, visit the NSW Fair Trading Reforms of Strata Laws page, scroll down to the What’s Happening Now section, and refer to the draft Strata Schemes Development Bill 2015, and Strata Schemes Management Bill 2015. You have until the 12 August, 2015 to comment.

We welcome MYBOS - A cloud based building management system for Residential and FM schemes - to THE Strata Directory.

Visit their Premium Listing here.


Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia, follow us on Twitter

Compliance With NBN Laws For New Developments


NSWMap shows the historical progression of strata schemes across Sydney 1961-2012


Ageing eastern suburbs apartments should be replaced

Parking incident in apartment block leads to fine thanks to CCTV


QLD: The Problem with Body Corporate Maintenance

Thousands of Queenslanders seeking strata change in state budget


VIC: Avoid Prescriptive Measures for Better Apartments - its about good design

Tribunal ruling opens door to holiday lets

Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:

The most read article from our last newsletter?

low levies

Are your Reserve Fund levies set to low ?

Peter Greenham,
Independent Inspections

When you buy a unit you need to make sure of all the costs before you buy. Some Strata Managers have been setting the reserve fund levy at 10 percent of the administration budget.

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Strata Events

JULY 17:
SCA (NSW): 2015 Whitbread Strata Community Awards Gala Dinner

JULY 22:
SCA (QLD): Brookfield Decision: Builders 1 – Body Corporate Nil (Surfers Paradise)

SCA (WA): Strata Company Financial Reports & the Role of the Strata Company Manager

JULY 23:
SCA (QLD): Brookfield Decision: Builders 1 – Body Corporate Nil (Mooloolaba)

JULY 24:
(WA) Green Gurus - Sustainability in WA Housing Workshop

NSW: Owners Corporation Network General Meeting

SCA (WA): Lot Owners Forum

Visit our Strata Events Page
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