We are working with the Lanterman Coalition to urge your participation in this
Call to Action: Monday July 20, 2015 - Sunday August 16, 2015
The Lanterman Coalition Urges Advocates to Visit District Offices Over the Legislative Recess to Save Developmental Services in the Special Session
It's been about 4 weeks since the Developmental Services budget relief was removed from the state budget put into the Special Session and still no decisions have been made. Meanwhile the urgency for our community continues to increase and the state of collapse worsens daily. Please take some time during the legislative recess to meet with your representative in your district. You can either set up a formal meeting in their district office or just go to one of their local events and talk to them there.
The Lanterman Coalition has developed a variety of talking points from several perspectives of parents, self-advocates, and other stakeholders in the developmental services system. For more information on the severe underfunding of developmental services in California and the national comparisons check out our research page that also shows poverty statistics, the affordable housing crisis, early start, and system audits.
The Lanterman Coalition Fully Supports Senator Jim Beall's SB 2X-1, Across the Board Funding Increase
Ask your representatives to support SBX2-1, it mandates:
A 10% increase in the funding paid to a regional center and purchase-of-service vendors;
Funding to enable the regional center and the regional center's purchase-of-service vendors to fund certain costs related to minimum wage requirements; and
The Department of Developmental Services to develop a 10-year financial sustainability plan.
Post the picture on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Write a thank you letter
Follow-up meeting later in the year
Have others write letters
Too many issues Too Complex
Too Many Facts and Stats
Stretching the truth for effect.
Answering questions you don't know
Messing around in the photo
Forget to write a thank you letter
Ignore the member the rest of the year
Ignore the member the rest of the year
Confrontational: The issues are personal to you, not them. Personal attacks could close down communication
Craig C. King Executive Director Greater Opportunities 900 Lafayette Street, Suite 700 Santa Clara, CA 95050 408-248-4464 x23 cking@greateropp.org
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Summertime Fun and Fellowship
at Greater Opportunities
Consumers, staff and family members joined in the fun and games at Greater Opportunities Annual Barbecue in Central Park, Santa Clara. Everyone enjoyed the perfect summer weather, delicious food prepared by staff, and festivities including an egg race, a three-legged race, musical chairs, and dancing. Already, people can’t wait to know - when’s the next barbecue?!
Greater Opportunities' First Annual Spaghetti Dinner
Friday, September 18, 2015, 6pm-8pm Greater Opportunities Day Services/Adult Development and Activity Center 687 N. King Road San Jose, CA, 95132
Meet the People We Serve!
Bob and Theresa
Theresa reiterates her love for her job, and that she’s deeply invested in what she does, “People with disabilities deserve to live like everyone else. They should have everything they need, and have the freedom and skills to achieve their goals, and that’s where Greater Opportunities comes in.” READ MORE
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Greater Opportunities
900 Lafayette St., Suite 700
Santa Clara, CA 95050