The weekly e-news of First United Church of Tampa!

July 16, 2015




 From Pastor Bernice

Time out for a moment ...

and I don't mean the kind of time out that parents give to punish their children's temper tantrums or misdeeds.  No, I mean take time out to stop and smell the roses, to re-kindle your spirit and rest your body.  I mean do something fun, that makes you smile or read a good book or walk along the beach or hike in the mountains.  Even here in FL summer is a time for a break from the routines of life.

But it's also a time to hit the pause button in the busyness of our lives and stop to reflect on the gift of life itself.  The days are longer and we can enjoy the sunrise or the sunset (or both).  The beach is wonderful, morning walks are warm but calorie burning. The smell after a summer rain or even the sound of the thunder during a storm is a reminder of God's presence in this Garden of Eden called Florida.

And it's a time to also stop and reflect on life itself.  I got word this week that a friend of more than three decades had died last week-end.  I was so glad that I had paused to call her on Saturday evening, probably less than 30 minutes before she died.  I had no idea that would be my last conversation with her, I just had an urge to call her and let her know I was thinking about her and praying for her.  Maybe there is someone in your life who you need to reach out to -- someone who might be in their last days or someone you just haven't spoken to in a while.  Maybe there is someone you haven't seen in church in a while -- pick up the phone and ask how they are.  Maybe there is a relative or old friend who you've been meaning to call or send a card. We can't take life for granted, nor can we take others for granted either.

Life is a blessing and summer is a testimony to life.  So enjoy and be blessed!

In Peace,

Rev. Bernice Powell Jackson


Sunday, July 19

The texts for Sunday are:
2 Samuel 7:4-13
Ephesians 2:11-19

Quench:  Gigi Allard   
11:00 AM:  Joyce Christison(English), Maureen Baez(Spanish)   

Pulpit assistant:  Michael Cain

Rev. Bernice Powell Jackson will preach on “When House ≠ Home”


9:00 AM - Quench  
Quench your spirit’s longing for God and community in an intimate service of message, music, and media.  Communion every Sunday. Join us!

11:00 AM - Worship Service
A larger service with prayer, choir, sermon and children's church  (The choir and children's church are taking a summer break, but join us anyway.  There will be inspired music and printed activities for children.)

Prayer requests

Doris Rampolla, Pat Allen, Alice Wilber, Karen Mattheis’ daughter, Shandy; Rev. Bernice’s brother, Nick; Lois Whitehurst, Leroy Hershberger, Bob Mitchell, Kenn & Steve Antonelli and family; CL Townsend, Paul D’Agostino & father, Lynette Sanchez’s mother, Alba; Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Robin Hill, Fonda Harris’s sister, Jeanine; Willy Emerson, Carl St. Meyer,  Joyce Bresee, Caleb DeNote, Roy Tamura and Debra Warner and family,  Laurie Hope, Joyce Cleary’s son, Mike; Barbara McFarland’s sister, Diane; Maria Morales’s mother, Emerita and husband, Rudy; Hector Rios’ niece, Viviana Perez; Themla Ashley’s Uncle Willie; The parents of Lois Price, Martin Montonye, Martha Sanchez, Julian Cunningham


Meetings and important events

Sunday, July 19 at 10:00 AM:  New Member Class (Session 2)
Sunday, July 19 at 12:30 PM:  Summer Congregational Meeting
Sunday, July 26 - New Members join!
Thursday, July 30 at 6:30 PM:  20s/30s Group / Dinner

Saturday, July 32 (oops!) August 1 5-8 pm, Christmas in July fun-raiser


Sunday adults' discussion group

The Adult Seminar is taking a short break before it starts its next book discussion.  Stay tuned for more information!


How many people have been killed by guns since Newtown?

Listen to sermons online

Now you can listen to recordings of Sunday sermons on our website,  Tell your friends!

Please help us on Sundays

If you are the last one to leave the church property on Sunday, PLEASE be mindful to check that all doors are locked.  Thank you!

Sunday School news

Over the summer there will be no special Sunday school classes. Children will stay in worship with their parents. There will be children's learning kits for them to play with.

Needed for the fall! 3-4 more teachers and 1-2 teacher's assistants. Would you consider being a teacher or assistant at least once a month? Our children need you.

2 x 3 = 6

Six hours spread over three months – the amount of time Hospitality Hosts contribute to making our Sunday Fellowship Time the best.  Each host “team” member agrees to serve once a month for three months – providing food, enjoying rich fellowship and – yes – cleaning up.

You are invited to become part of this continuing ministry.  As a regular member of a team – pick your Sunday – or as a substitute available as needed.
One further note – Paul D’Agostino and Jim Roney come early every Sunday to make coffee in addition to serving as fifth Sunday hosts.

First United name badges

We are ordering name badges for members, friends, and visitors.  The cost is $10.00.  Please contact the church office at 813-988-4321 or

Submitting items to Courage in the Struggle

We hope you enjoy receiving Courage in the Struggle, the weekly e-news of First United Church of Tampa.  If you would like to submit an item that would be of interest to the members and friends of First United, please email it to  Attach your submission as a Word document.  Submissions may be edited for length or clarity.  For events, be sure to include the date, time, location, and cost (if any).  Thank you!


First United Church of Tampa
7308 East Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL  33617   -   813-988-4321
Founded in 1885


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