I would like to invite you to become one of my exclusive Priority Readers?

It's vital to get reviews on new books as soon as they launch to help other readers in their decision making and help drive early sales which, in turn, means that Amazon takes notice and starts to market on my behalf. And no-one markets books better than Amazon.

In order to make that happen I have developed a small team of Priority Readers. It's pretty simple and is, I hope, good fun. As a Priority Reader you will receive a copy of whatever book I've just finished in return for leaving a quick and honest review on Amazon when it's published. Simple as that. It's amazing what Priority Readers pick up. Even after reading, rereading and editing, eagle eyed Priority Readers still find errors or make suggestions for plot improvements.

Apart from receiving a digital copy of the book before anyone else, I try and say thanks with some nice bonuses. In some circumstances I offer signed paperback books, limited edition artwork, or free audiobooks.

The team is purposely kept small and exclusive but there are a couple of vacancies at the moment. If you would like to get involved just fill in the form below.


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