UWSP-NADF Job Placement
Because students and staff are exposed to hands-on education, technical experience, and applied research at UWSP-NADF, job placement is over 90%.
Due to an international partnership with Atlantic salmon at the facility, UWSP-NADF Aquaculture Technician, Nicole Larson (photo above), has accepted a position with SweetSpring out of Washington. Nicole will be working alongside world renowned geneticists with various coldwater species including salmon and trout. Also recently, UWSP-NADF Aquaculture Technician of over 5 years, Lance Bresette, has recently excepted a full time position at Red Cliff Tribal Hatchery, working with indoor systems, ponds, and wild species.
Read More Success Stories On Our Job Placement Page...
New Facility Staff
This summer, UWSP-NADF has hired on a new aquaculture technician and three interns. Two of our new interns, Jesse Andrews and Kevin Johnson are Northland College students out of Ashland, Wisconsin. Mackenzie Klemek (on left in photo), is this summer's UW-Stevens Point intern, and has volunteered at the facility last summer 2014 as well. Jessica Zakovec (on right in photo) was employed in June as an aquaculture technician for the facility. Jessica has previously worked for the fish and wildlife service and as a technician at the Iron River National Fish Hatchery.
Both interns and staff get hands-on experience working with both cool and cold water species as well as advanced recirculating aquaculture system technology, bell jar and heath tray incubation systems, ponds, raceways, and larval system tanks. Currently at the facility, staff are working directly with 8 different aquaculture species including arctic char, Atlantic salmon, lake trout, yellow perch, walleye, saugeye, sauger, and lake sturgeon.
Meet All Of Our Staff...
Facility Articles
Aquaculture North America Features UWSP-NADF
- Eugenol based sedative tested for tilapia and yellow perch at UW-Stevens Point suggests higher densities can be achieved during transport, thus reducing transportation costs... Read On
- Advancing student success with real live experience and research. Prospects in aquaculture, special feature on training and education...Read On
Fish Delivery and Farm Visits
Meet Emma Ray (left) and Denielle Gerrietts (right), the UW-Stevens Point Aquaponics Innovation Center's new and first interns. Their summer research project will involve rearing walleyes in an aquaponics system at the AIC.

UWSP-NADF reared 800 feed trained walleye fingerlings for the study and recently transported them to the AIC to be stocked.
UWSP-NADF also provided feed trained yellow perch fingerlings to Coolwater Farms of Deerfield, Wis. and visited Rushing Waters Fisheries, LLC. of Palmyra, Wis. to provide various technical assistance, have a tasty fresh lunch at their restaurant and a great tour of their farm!