Paddling in the same direction
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Sue and Jerry Pfaff
Aloha, Friend!

Paddling in the same direction
"Wa'a" (pronounced "vah-ah") is the Hawaiian word for "canoe". In a canoe, everyone works together paddling in the same direction to reach the goal. I am part of a group called the Pacific Wa'a that meets twice a year. This group includes people from various Christian ministries in the Pacific area. We explore ways to collaborate and help each other in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. These meetings are important in networking, helping get access to more Scriptures, and encouraging each other. On the 28th of June, I (Michael) will fly to the University of the Nations Kona Campus for the next Pacific Wa'a meeting

Please pray for divine connections, supernatural revelation, wisdom, joy, and peace among us who attend. See Colosians 1:28.
Solar panels and back deck
Family Update
Lori and Rachel have been enjoying their Summer vacation, working on turning our house into a nice home. Lori's first day of school for teachers is the 23rd of July. She will be teaching 6th grade health education at Iao Intermediate School. Rachel starts school on the 12th of August. Evan will graduate from his Fire Academy on the 31st of July. After that, we don't know where in Maui County (which covers 3 islands) he will be assigned. Ben & Naomi are planning to go to India for the last half of August to explore joining Servants to Asia in Kolkata. I'm sure ministry in Kensington has been good practice for them. In September, Nate plans to go to Harlem, NY to spend 10 months with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. Please pray for us as we adapt to these changes.

How can we best pray for you, today?
Bible library on a micro SD card
We give away free Bibles in over 620 languages. Most of these are available in more than 5 electronic formats on many web sites (where copyright owners allow it). These Bibles are not copy-protected with any sort of DRM, but freely copyable via all kinds of networks and media to many kinds of devices. Except for the World English Bible and its derivatives, all of these are translated by others who allow us to distribute their Bible translations. We do this because God's Word produces eternal results in people's lives. We don't require payment for any of these Bibles, but rather rely on God to supply our needs. God is well able to do that. We are truly grateful for those whom the Lord leads to support us so that we can keep doing this. We are also very grateful to those Bible translators and Bible translation agencies who allow us to distribute their Bible translations without charge.

Thank you for persevering with us in prayer as God leads you. Thank you for being a part of the team getting the Word of God to people in the languages and formats that best serve them.
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