Welcome to the UCL Energy Institute Summer 2015 Newsletter
Among the UCL Energy Institute's many developments and milestones of 2015, UCL-Energy celebrated the sixth anniversary of its formal launch. Since June 2009, UCL-Energy has grown from being a small upstart based on a handful of pioneers, to being to one of the largest academic centres for energy research in the UK, with our current complement of 14 full time academic staff, 41 RAs, and 55 PhD students.
It is my privilege to use this introduction to record my thanks to Prof Tadj Oreszczyn, who provided the original vision for the institute, secured the initial funding, and then piloted it through its first five years. On Tadj’s and my own behalf, I would also like to record my thanks to Sir Malcolm Grant, who in October 2007 accepted Tadj’s proposal and provided steadfast support throughout the rest of his term as UCL Provost; to Prof Alan Penn, Dean of the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, who provided the essential departmental and administrative base; and to Prof David Price, vice-Provost for Research, who continues to provide support and advice. We are also grateful to our new Provost, Prof Michael Arthur.
The original vision for UCL-Energy was for a largely virtual institute with a core staff of two full time academics and three fellows, Dr Mark Barrett, Dr Alex Summerfield and Harry Bruhns. Initial funding was to be used to strengthen and focus existing UCL capacity in the demand side and energy efficiency in buildings, carbon capture and storage, off-shore generation and energy systems modelling, and to initiate cross-disciplinary working, particularly on the energy demand side with economics, laws and anthropology. These elements were intended to provide a focus for energy research from across UCL, to complement the long-standing dominance in UK energy research of the supply-side, and to help to address the big strategic question: how to decarbonise major industrialised economies, while maintaining the energy services that such systems rely on? Read More
All the best,
Bob Lowe
Director, UCL Energy Institute