Welcome to the UCL Energy Institute Summer 2015 Newsletter

Among the UCL Energy Institute's many developments and milestones of 2015, UCL-Energy celebrated the sixth anniversary of its formal launch. Since June 2009, UCL-Energy has grown from being a small upstart based on a handful of pioneers, to being to one of the largest academic centres for energy research in the UK, with our current complement of 14 full time academic staff, 41 RAs, and 55 PhD students. 

It is my privilege to use this introduction to record my thanks to Prof Tadj Oreszczyn, who provided the original vision for the institute, secured the initial funding, and then piloted it through its first five years. On Tadj’s and my own behalf, I would also like to record my thanks to Sir Malcolm Grant, who in October 2007 accepted Tadj’s proposal and provided steadfast support throughout the rest of his term as UCL Provost; to Prof Alan Penn, Dean of the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, who provided the essential departmental and administrative base; and to Prof David Price, vice-Provost for Research, who continues to provide support and advice. We are also grateful to our new Provost, Prof Michael Arthur. 

The original vision for UCL-Energy was for a largely virtual institute with a core staff of two full time academics and three fellows, Dr Mark Barrett, Dr Alex Summerfield and Harry Bruhns. Initial funding was to be used to strengthen and focus existing UCL capacity in the demand side and energy efficiency in buildings, carbon capture and storage, off-shore generation and energy systems modelling, and to initiate cross-disciplinary working, particularly on the energy demand side with economics, laws and anthropology. These elements were intended to provide a focus for energy research from across UCL, to complement the long-standing dominance in UK energy research of the supply-side, and to help to address the big strategic question: how to decarbonise major industrialised economies, while maintaining the energy services that such systems rely on? Read More

All the best,
Bob Lowe
Director, UCL Energy Institute
Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change launches landmark report with chapter contributions from the UCL Energy Institute This study was written by experts from around the world and includes two chapters in which the UCL Energy Institute was actively involved in writing. Read More 
New study for the Deep Decarbonation Pathways Project (DDPP) calls for stronger action to transform the UK's energy system according to research led by UCL scientists The report finds an ambitious policy package is essential for the UK to avoid dangerous climate change. Read More 
Read blog by DDPP lead author Steve Pye
UCL-Energy participates in Mexico’s President
round table

The aim was to debate areas of future co-operation through knowledge and technology transfer and building a sustainable energy economy in the UK and Mexico.

Read blog by Baltazar Solano Rodriguez 

UCL-Energy Shipping Group is recognised for their applied research work with the maritime industry 
Over the last 5 years, and enabled through UCL Consultants Ltd (UCLC), the group has undertaken a variety of applied research and consultancy contracts from a number of stakeholders in the maritime industry.The Shipping Group has also launched UMAS, a new vehicle to work further with shipping stakeholders.

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Dr Tristan Smith wins UCL Consultant of the Year Award 2015 
Dr Smith was awarded the UCL Consultants Award for the projects he has led within the IMO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

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Watch UCL Enterprise official video on UCL-Energy Youtube Channel
EnergyWise launches project to assess the impact of smart meters on fuel-poor and vulnerable customers, with UCL-Energy as academic partner
The project will test the energy savings response of this group to smart meters and time of use tariffs over two year-long trials in the Tower Hamlets area of London. UCL Energy Institute’s People, Energy and Buildings Research Group is the academic lead on this project.

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UCL-Energy attends Parliament launch for time of use tariff report 
UCL researchers found that almost a third of people in Great Britain feel favourably towards switching to a time of use tariff.

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UCL-Energy doctoral researcher Sofie Pelsmakers named RIBA Role Model for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Architecture campaign
The campaign highlights the need for architecture to be an inclusive profession and features Sofie’s personal story about her career in architecture and the barriers she encountered.

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Join us! We are recruiting a Postgraduate Research Manager & EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo CDT) Manager 
This position provides an exciting opportunity for an experienced and enthusiastic administrator to play a leadership role within the Professional Services team of the Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources and to support our thriving doctoral training programme of over 110 research degree students. 
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Join us! UCL-Energy offering PhD Studentships in Energy Modeling 
Project title: Integrating climate change effects in a bottom-up integrated assessment modelling (IAM) tool. Start Date: October 2015. The successful candidate will work closely with researchers from projects such as HELIX or ADVANCE and will be involved in the Energy Institute collaborative work with the Met Office. Read More
We are pleased to announce that the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo) Annual Colloquium will be held on Thursday, 19th November 2015.
The event will be held in the at University of London Senate House.  Full programme and Key Note Speaker will be confirmed soon.  Read More
New report published by INSIGHT_E focuses on how EU defines issues of energy poverty
The report includes UCL-Energy research and focuses on how EU Member States define the issues of energy poverty and vulnerable consumers, and the measures that have been implemented to address these issues.
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wholeSEM holds successful 2015 Annual Conference: Hybrid Energy Modelling- Linkages and Interdisciplinarity 
The conference brought together experts from the energy modelling community to explore the linkages between different areas that have traditionally been analysed with separate methodologies. 
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oin wholeSEM's mailing list to receive the conference report, news and future event invites
The UCL-Energy air transportation group is awarded EPSRC research grant to model the implications of airport capacity expansions
The goal of the grant funded ACCLAIM (Airport Capacity Consequences Leveraging Aviation Integrated Modelling) is to develop rigorous scientific models that simulate passenger and industry behaviour in an integrated way.
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UCL-Energy researchers inform Welsh Government’s ‘Smarter Living’ plan
The project is looking at how the Welsh Government could support the growth and commercialisation of ‘smart’ innovations – usually involving the connecting up of services such as energy and water with information and communications technology.
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New UCL-Energy research group, EnergySpaceTime, experiences great success
Launched in April 2015, the EnergySpaceTime group, led by UCL-Energy’s Dr Mark Barrett and Dr Catalina Spataru has already achieved great success and is in the completion phase of a TSB funded city model feasibility study. Read More
UCL-Energy, IEDE and LSHTM research assessing the potential health impacts of energy efficiency retrofits in England’s housing is published by BMJ Open
The research investigates the potential public health impacts of changes to indoor air quality and temperature due to retrofits that aim to improve the energy performance of housing in England.
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UCL- Energy hosts another successful year of public seminars
The 2014/2015 academic year at UCL-Energy saw a fantastic program of invited speakers, who spoke on a wide range of topics.

Full round up of seminars for 2014-15 academic year
UCL-Energy welcomes new government posts
New Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Amber Rudd Read More
New Minister for Shipping and Ports, Robert Goodwill MP Read More
UCL-Energy joins International Energy Agency project simulating behaviour in buildings
The project seeks to design, develop, and integrate occupant behaviour into the leading building simulation models such as EnergyPlus, ESP-r and DesignBuilder, and will run until 2017.
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UCL-Energy's Hannah Daly runs highly successful international workshop - BE4: Including Behaviour in Energy/Engineering/Economy/Environment models.
Funding was raised jointly through wholeSEM and the IEA’s ETSAP network with over 50 participants, with representation from the UK and a dozen other countries consisting of many of the top modelling teams. Consisting of a high level of interdisciplinarity with engineers, economists and social scientists engaging in lively and constructive debate. Read More
UCL survey paints a vivid picture on implementation of technical energy efficiency measures in shipping
The survey conducted by Dr Nishatabbas Rehmatulla at the UCL-Energy Shipping Group is the first study to assess the level implementation of technical energy efficiency measures at the ship level and at the company level. Read More
LoLo Phd Student Carrie Behar leads ECD architects presentation in the initial findings of a Post Occupancy Evaluation
For Green Sky Thinking 2015, ECD architects presented the initial findings of a detailed Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) and Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) of their own offices. Read More
Work continues on Longitudinal UK Energy Survey (LUKES) following an initial feasibility study 
The Centre for Energy Epidemiology (CEE), in collaboration with the UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (UCL STEaPP) has been working with partners including NatCen and IpsosMORI on assessing the feasibility of establishing a nationally representative longitudinal panel of energy use in UK homes. Read More
UCL-Energy blogs for British Science Week
British Science Week 2015 held a ten-day programme to celebrate British science, technology, engineering and maths
. Full round up of BSW blogs
The CoRE Fellowship submits a response to the Green Construction Board’s Call for Evidence on the Solid Wall Insulation Sector
There were more than 30 responses, including 15 detailed responses which have been included in full or in part within the CoRE submission. Read More
UCL Central House Sustainable Garden Project takes next step
Volunteers used two tonnes of delivered garden soil to fill three raised beds and 13 large planting pots. This is part of the ongoing work to transform two courtyards at Central House into sustainable garden areas. Read More
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