Moving Naturally with Hypermobility - summary & presentation links from June 18th, 2015 seminar
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Moving Naturally with Hypermobility - June 18th, 2015

Seminar summary & presentation links

On June 18th, 2015, we gave our first Moving Naturally with Hypermobility Seminar. This seminar was put together as a partnership IMG_0729between myself and two local DPTs, Chris Gnip and Victor Chang.  Chris is someone I have personally been working with, after trying to find a PT who really did understand EDS and how to work with Hypermobile patients. To my surprise, Chris did understand and he'd actually been working with Dr. Pocinki to learn more. Chris had the idea of putting together seminars for both patients and healthcare practitioners and he asked that both Victor and I participate. Because both Victor and Chris are hypermobile themselves and both recognize the shortcomings of most traditional physical therapy approaches for patients with hypermobility syndromes, they are passionate about helping patients with all types of Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes.

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Overall, it was clear that seminars like the one we put together are greatly needed. However, our seminar went a bit long, we were not sure of the level of general knowledge of those who came, or who had even been diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Pretty typical growing pains for a new endeavour. 

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Each person had some level interest in movement and hypermobility, but what each person was expecting to learn or gain was also unknown to us. First, it was imperative to give an overview on Hypermobility Syndrome and how that related to Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility Type -- that's a lot to digest for someone new, or can be repetitive for those already diagnosed.
Chris covered the basics of EDS with a few side bars from me, Victor covered how to approach daily activity & physiotherapy when you are hypermobile and I wrapped it all together with additional information, some of the latest research and resources.

Feedback afterwards was great.  All three of us have all already started working with various patients who attended our seminar and we will be planning more in the future.  Our plan is to break each seminar down into different areas of interest associated with physical therapy and overall knowledge on EDS and expand from there.


We met some incredible people and appreciate everyone who came out to our first seminar. All three of our presentations are linked below. 

We are already planning a seminar in September and Kendra is working on Wellapalooza 2015 - an integrative health conference that incorporates EDS, MCAD and related conditions all together. To read details on Wellapalooza, go to and sign-up to recieve event updates. Wellapalooza will be held in Bethesda, MD and sign-ups will be available soon. 

Link to this post on our website is available here

To stay updated on future seminars and find additional PT and exercise resources, you can visit our website:

Seminar announcements will be made on this website as well.

Chris's Presentation - Moving with Hypermobility

Victor's Presentation - Moving Naturally with Hypermobility copy

Kendra's presentation - Moving Naturally with Hypermobility 2015 June Pres

Moving Naturally with Hypermobility 2015 June Pres.013
Any questions can be emailed to me:



Moving Naturally with Hypermobility is a health education website about living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome/Hypermobility Syndrome, with a focus on various aspect of physical therapy. Moving Naturally with Hypermobility is a subsidiary of EDS Patient Solutions, LLC.  We are not physicians; Therefore, we do not offer help with medical diagnosis, give medical treatment plans and/or endorse specific physicians outside of providing names of known physicians who diagnose and treat EDS. It is important to realize that the information provided by Moving Naturally with Hypermobility, SFHEDS, EDS Patient Solutions, related social media sites and affiliates, is not meant as a replacement for proper care from a doctor, therapist, or other health care providers. You are solely responsible for researching physicians, treatment options & resources that best fit your specific EDS case, as well as for your overall health & well-being. It is vital that you talk with your health care providers concerning the diagnosis and treatment options for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and related connective tissue disorders. By requesting health education, exercise and other information and/or counseling or coaching pertaining to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, another chronic health condition or your overall health and well-being in general, you understand and agree that Moving Naturally with Hypermobility or Kendra Neilsen Myles, as well as EDS Patient Solutions, LLC, are not responsible for a providers’ services or lack thereof, treatment & therapies that do not work, injuries or issues associated with exercises or certain workouts posted, as well as any discussions that you may have with individuals that are affiliates of EDS Patient Solutions, such as Our SOS Media, LLC and its subsidiaries, such as Strength/Flexibility/Health/EDS.

Moving Naturally with Hypermobility website and blog, discusses and shares various reputable articles on health, fitness, nutrition and wellness, as well as medical information on various chronic illnesses, including Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The personal information and stories shared by Kendra Neilsen Myles and others on this site are for information only and are not to be mistaken for medical advice or taken as a directive. Other content shared is for information purposes only and content discussed, written or posted on this site is not the opinion of those who own the Moving Naturally with Hypermobility website and its seminars, nor Strength/Flexibility/Health/EDS, its owner, EDS Patient Solutions, LLC or its affiliates. By using or sharing any information presented, you a agree that Moving Naturally with Hypermobility, Strength/Flexibility/Health/EDS (Kendra Neilsen Myles) and EDS Patient Solutions, LLC, are not liable for the content and opinions of expressed on this site.

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Please contact me via email, if you have additional questions:, through my Facebook page and/or our other social media accounts.




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