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Are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, EDCs Destroying Humanity?

They are literally all around us, yet most people are unaware of  their invasive presence: EDCs-chemicals, and especially the hormone-mimicking  variety. Everything from plastic bottles and receipts to clothing and furniture  is silently teeming with them, and one prominent New York Times (NYT)  journalist suggests that they could be humanity’s undoing... READ MORE
Heal Your Thyroid by Banishing Inflammation and Boosting Immunity

Thyroid hormones regulate other hormones, including the adrenal glands’ adrenaline production. Thyroid gland hormones also influence cellular metabolism, digestion, libido, and overall energy... READ MORE
Can Vitamin D Help To Treat Hypothyroidism?

Do you feel fatigued all the time? Do flu like symptoms hang  around much longer and for no apparent reason? Are you irritable at  every little noise and occurrence? These are a few of the symptoms that  indicate your thyroid may not be functioning properly... READ MORE
How to Recognize And Decipher Thyroid Issues

Do you know that as many as 59 million Americans have a thyroid problem, but the majority don’t even know it yet?
The main problem is that much of the population is under-informed about symptoms and can’t treat on time, which can lead to obesity, heart disease, depression, anxiety, hair loss, sexual dysfunction, infertility, among others... READ MORE

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"My Thyroid Symptoms Vanished With Diet, Vitamins and Minerals"

- Erin Boyea -
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Inflammation — The Silent Thyroid Disruptor


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