Albuquerque Center
Friend of Facebook
A quiet place in a noisy world.
This week of August 3rd, 2015.
Hello <<First Name>>, enjoy your newsletter. It's best if you do display images (they are safe), and be sure to look for the last note about contributing to the car fund.

To Try For The Sun


We stood in the windy city
The gypsy boy and I
We slept on the breeze in the midnight
With the rain droppin' tears in our eyes

And who's going to be the one
To say it was no good what we done?
I dare a man to say, "I'm too young
For I'm going to try for the sun"

We huddled in a derelict building
And when he thought I was asleep
He laid his poor coat round my shoulder
And shivered there beside me in a heap

And who's going to be the one
To say it was no good what we done?
I dare a man to say, "I'm too young
For I'm going to try for the sun"

We sang and cracked the sky with laughter
Our breath turned to mist in the cold
Our years put together counted thirty
But our eyes told the dawn that we were old

And who's going to be the one
To say it was no good what we done?
I dare a man to say, "I'm too young
For I'm going to try for the sun"

Mirror, mirror, hanging in the sky
Won't you look down what's happening here below?
I stand here singing to the flowers
So very few people really know

And who's going to be the one
To say it was no good what we done?
I dare a man to say, "I'm too young
For I'm going to try for the sun"

Click here if you haven't heard it in a while ...

Zen Classics

Daishin Patrick Vigil
Albuquerque Zen Center


Each moment is the Universe.
Zen and the way of being time

Dainin Katagiri
In the Lotus Sutra the Buddha says “Come to me, come to me, open your eyes, look at yourself with open eyes.” This is very important, but even though you read it again and again, you don't understand the short sentence. If you look at yourself with open eyes, Buddha appears. Buddhist teachers are always telling you, “please take care of your life.” So before your mind starts to analyze, accept everything that exists is the contents of your life. Open your eyes and see all beings vividly, as they really are, right now, right here this is called right seeing, the first step of the Buddha's Eightfold Noble Path. After that, with a calm mind, profoundly think what you intend to do. Then, whatever it is that you do, do it wholeheartedly.

Zen and Aikido Classes

Starting Next Week

Albuquerque Zen Center and Both Hands Clapping Aikido are partnered in offering traditional Zen practice integrated into the modern self-defense art of Aikido.

A quick note to let you know that the Both Hands Clapping fall session Zen and Aikido classes will be starting the week of August 10th - and they are now open for registration. All currently active AZC members are eligible for discounted rates (just $110 for the 13 week session).

The fall session Zen and Aikido classes will feature the classic Aikido attack called 'katate-tori' (wrist grabs). Many attacks actually begin with grabs to the wrist, arms or clothes. Wrist grab techniques are ideal for the beginning student, as they are generally done from a static position, allowing the student to fully focus on the necessary hand and foot movements.

There is a noon class and an evening class. It looks like there may be only a handful of slots available in the evening session, so if you are interested you may want to decide fairly soon. As always, the noon session will be wide open. You can follow this link for more info.

The Zen and Aikido classes are suitable for both men and women of all ages (and mature teens), but realize that this is a complex martial art meant for serious, dedicated students. 

Consider the Beginner's Instruction ...

Every Friday evening there is a beginner's instruction - starting at 5:30 and lasting about an hour. Regular members are always welcome ... maybe to get a refresher or maybe to just add some support for those coming for instruction or maybe it's just that Friday evening is the perfect time to get in a little extra practice. Hope you can join us!  

Our last request ...

As most of you know, the Zen center car was stolen several weeks ago. And because the car was over 15 years old, we did not carry theft insurance on it - so the center will have to completely absorb the cost of a replacement. 

Since then, we have been able to locate and purchase a suitable replacement - a 2006 Mazda. And with registration and license and a tuneup and some miscellaneous details, the car will end up costing something over $8000. To pay for all this, we've dipped into our emergency fund and now Seiju is back in business. But of course, we really need to rebuild our emergency fund.

First, a big thanks to all of you have have already jumped in with donations. You know who you are and you are awesome. And in trying to follow on this generosity, the AZC Board of Directors (Sandy, Steve, Carlos, Joana and Jim) have agreed to match all donations ... up to $2500. Here is your chance to essentially double your donation (and put the squeeze on the board). So, if you haven't already done so, won't you please send in a donation today:

AZC Car Fund
2300 Garfield SE 
Albuquerque NM 87106.

For you on-line types, you can also donate on-line here

Of course you can always put an envelope into the donation box - refer to the AZC Car fund.

The AZC Board

As an FYI, we have collected over $2800 in donations (including the matches from the Board), so thanks again to you who have already donated. And for those of who have have been waiting for just the right time - it's now!

Beginner's Instruction Friday 5:30PM
Wear loose clothes, bring a friend. The beginners instruction is also a great refresher if you have been away for a while.

seeing the world as it is ...

sincerest thanks to our Friday visitors ...
Shantika, Peter, Brian, Colin, Frances, Racchel, Dean, Rebekah, Jake, Sigi, Sheryl, Alicia, Savi, Mike
A member donated some bumper stickers. Be sure to stop by and pick one up.

Zazen in an AZC t-shirt ... priceless.

We are always looking for short articles and first-person stories, from both AZC members and non-members alike. (700 words, plus or minus would be great - please include pictures if you can.) Please send to Jim Redel.
Got a favorite AZC photo? We'd be happy to include it.Please send to Jim Redel.
We are now registered with the Amazon Smile programs, where they will donate a percentage of certain purchases to AZC. Please consider this the next time you shop at Amazon.(You can clock on the image to check it out.)

At AZC, we depend entirely upon the donations of our sangha members and the support of those who strive, as we do, to help others see their worlds a bit more clearly. If you've found a photo or link or article that you feel may help to inspire others, we welcome your support.

AZC Calendar

Monday 8/3
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
11:30-12:50 PM Zen and Aikido
5:30-7:00 PM Evening Zendo

Tuesday 8/4
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
5:30-7:00 PM Evening Zendo
6:00-7:20 PM Zen and Aikido

Wednesday 8/5
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
7:30 AM Bagels and Coffee / Tea
11:30-12:50 PM Zen and Aikido
5:30-7:00 PM Evening Zendo

Thursday 8/6
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
5:30-7:00 PM Evening Zendo and Discussion Group
6:00-7:20 PM Zen and Aikido

Friday 8/7
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
5:30-6:45 PM Beginner's Instruction

Saturday 8/8
6:00-7:30 AM Morning Zendo
7:30-8:15 AM Bagels and Coffee
8:15-9:15 AM Work Practice
9:30-11:00 AM Mid-morning Zendo

Sunday 8/9

Rinzai-ji Links

The term Rinzai-ji refers to the group of Zen centers affiliated with Joshu Sasaki Roshi. There are currently over 2 dozen centers world-wide (not all have websites). Here is a quick listing of most of the US centers.

Bodhi Manda Zen Center (Jemez Springs, NM)

Haku-un-ji Zen Center (Tempe, AZ)

Mt Baldy Zen Center (Mt Baldy, CA)

Rinzai-ji Zen Center (Los Angeles, CA)

Ithaca Zen Center (Ithaca, NY)

Silent Shin Zendo (Berkeley, CA)

Entsu-an Zen (Bainbridge Island, WA)

Dharma Mountain Zen Center (Grand Junction, CO)

Charles River Zen (Watertown, MA)

Genka-ji Zen Center (Clarksville, TN)

Upper Valley Zen Center (White River Junction, VT)


The AZC Board
President: Sandy Reiger
Steve Slusher
Carlos Ruiz de la Torre
Joana Arcos-Gamboa
Jim Redel

We on the board are always interested in your input. Feel free to drop us a line about what's on your mind.