Reminder: Salish Sea Ballet is closed from July 28th through August 3rd!
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Salish Sea Ballet's Back To Ballet Event
Saturday, August 29th, 10am-2:30pm

Gear up for fall classes! Whether you're brand new to Salish Sea Ballet or one of our returning students, it's time to register for ballet classes for the 2015-2016 school year. Salish Sea Ballet will offer free trial classes for all ages at this event, as well as a raffle, free refreshments, and a discount on Boutique purchases for students who register on the spot!

Free classes will be offered at the following times:

Pre-Ballet/Ballet Basics (Ages 3-5): 10:30am-11:00am
Ballet 1 (Ages 6-10): 11:30am-12:00pm
Ballet 2 & 3 (Ages 7-12): 12:30pm-1:00pm
Adult Beginning/Intermediate (Ages 12+): 1:30pm-2:00pm

Come dance with us!  Click here to RSVP on our Facebook event page.

Summer Session students: Thursday, August 6th is Assessment Day!  Classes will be held at the regular times and will simulate a formal audition.  Each student will receive a personalized written progress report and a parent/student/teacher conference.  Conferences will be scheduled for the week of August 10th.
Save The Date!
Fall classes begin on Monday, August 31st.

Call today to inquire about fall ballet classes.  Salish Sea Ballet offers classical ballet training for ages 3 through adult.  Our 2015-2016 ballet schedule is listed below.  Stay tuned for announcements about new special events and classes!
Upcoming studio closures:

We will be CLOSED Tuesday, July 28th through Monday, August 3rd.

Summer classes end Friday, August 14th.  We will be closed August 15th through August 30th.

class schedule page on our website always has the most updated information about holiday closures.
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