Check out the upcoming events at
First Unitarian Church of Baltimore
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Events for Wednesday, August 19
through Tuesday, August 25

Sunday Service
August 23

Celebration of Life

Our Unitarian Identity: Mr. Parker's Argument

10 a.m. in the Parish Hall

This Week
at First Unitarian

Click on the event name to see the complete calendar listing.

Joys & Sorrows

The following Joys & Sorrows were received at Sunday’s service to be shared with the community through Happenings:

The first are a related Joy and Sorrow.

JOY from Lani Miller 
(410) 299-2393
I am very grateful for all the help and support we have received from everyone at U.U. You all have made our trying times lighter to carry.

SORROW from Chaz Miller
(410) 501-8849
Despite frequent convulsive epileptic seizures, Lani Miller was denied SSDI. This is because her doctors did not submit her medical records to SSDI in a timely manner. She hired a commission-based lawyer who has the documentation now and states Lani has a strong case to “fast track” a reversal of the decision. Fast-track means 4-5 months. I work 13 hour days, but will still run out of money to pay for both the mortgage and Lani’s catastrophically expensive anti-seizure medications by October. How ever will we bridge the gap between October and the SSDI hearing? We are facing foreclosure if I don’t pay the mortgage, or Lani will have daily seizures if I don’t pay for the medications. Of course, the medications come first, but Lani’s epilepsy, on crutches and homeless, is unthinkable. Please visit and share our appeal on social media. Many thanks in advance for your kindness.

And finally a JOY, that this week, Clare Milton celebrated his 97th birthday! Clare has been an active member of the church for 57 years.

We Really Did It!!
Thank you everyone who purchased O's vouchers so veterans from our partner MCVET can attend the August 23rd game.  We are providing 48 tickets for MCVET and 9 First UU fans are going too.  If you saw the photo from the 2013 outing, you know what a joy this is for our friends at MCVET.
With our voucher sales to date totalling 108, we have raised $540 for First Unitarian!       
You can still buy vouchers for upcoming O's games.  Please see the schedule here.  Our last day to sell vouchers will be Sunday, September 6th.  We have 42 vouchers left to sell--that represents another $210 in fundraising.     
Thank you and Go O's!
From the Social Action Clearinghouse: 
Back to School Collection

Once again we will partner with the 4th grade Team at William Paca Elementary School.  A list of needed supplies is here.  Whatever you provide from the list will help the students and teachers.  Please consider picking up some of the items as you and your family prepare for the new school year.  And remember, some items can be purchased as you do your regular grocery shopping (tissues and hand sanitizer).   New this year: uniform pants and shirts (new or gently used).  Last day for collection will be Sunday, September 20, 2015.  Contact Roberta Van Meter,  
Fun and Fundraising at the Flower Mart

Plan to have some fun fundraising for the church before and during the September 11 and 12 Flower Mart in Mount Vernon.  

August 28:  6-8 p.m. Craft-making (succulent magnets):  Pratt Hall
September 11:  Volunteer to sell crafts, books and baked goods outside the church 
September 12:  Volunteer to sell crafts, books and baked goods

Donate baked goods, garden books and other gardening items for First Unitarian to sell at the Flower Mart.

Contact Linnea Anderson at, for more information.  
Our Daily Bread

That's right; it's time to do it again. Join us on Saturday, August 29th, to help prepare our usual casseroles for the guests of Our Daily Bread.

Come at 8:30 a.m. to get it all started, a little later to help cook. Dress appropriately; it's probably going to be a warm day. There will be coffee, a cold drink, and a snack.

Please let me know if you can help. Helen Szymkowiak at
"In the Company of Women"
Saturday September 5, 2015
10 AM to noon in the Parish Hall

Every first Saturday, the women of FUCB  have the opportunity to spend the morning "In the Company of Women" sharing and celebrating our spiritual journey through song, meditation, ritual,discussion, dance,service projects, artistic expression, special activities and, of course, eating and laughing. Participants are encouraged to bring a "brunchish" dish (and ideas) to share.

For more information, please contact Kathleen Flahive at kmfandjmf@gmail. com
Play and Work at Dayspring Gardens

Saturday October 3rd- A SPECIAL DAY OF SERVICE! Civic Works, which has been an invaluable partner in our work at the gardens, is sponsoring a Day of Service. You can register to volunteer at our Dayspring Gardens or other projects throughout the city. T-shirts and lunch will be provided. More info available (or to register) at or 410-366-8533. Deadline for registration is September 1st!

Saturday October 10th- Mark your calendars now for our first Annual Fall Harvest Festival! There will be lots of family fun and activities at the gardens from 10 AM to 2 PM. Watch this space for more details.

For more informaton regarding any of these events, please contact Kathleen Flahive at
Beacon Assembly
We are looking for several people to assist with assembling the Beacon, our monthly newsletter. We are hoping to find several people who could devote roughly 1 hour a month (switching off with other volunteers) to fold, collate, tape and label the Beacon for mailing.
Office Work
We are looking for volunteers who could assist in the church office with file management, answering phones, etc.
Moving Boxes
We are looking for several people who could help clean up and clear space in the catacombs as well as a few people who would be willing to carry heavy boxes of paperwork to the catacombs for storage.
Order of Service
We are looking for several people who could volunteer roughly 30 min – 1 hour every Friday (or switch off with other volunteers) to fold, cut and assemble to Order of Service.
We are looking for volunteers who would be available to assist with rentals. This could be staying for the duration of the rental to assist, opening the building, closing the building or any combination of the three.

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these tasks, please sign up here.
Our Change for Change partner for June, July & August

Our Change for Change partner for the summer months (June, July & August) is the UMAR Youth and Boxing Program, located on West North Avenue.  Social Action Clearinghouse (SAC) members visited the program in May and saw youth doing homework and studying with mentors from the community.  UMAR 's purpose is to help youth learn life skills.  Education comes first:  "no hooks before books".  The program teaches job readiness, good citizenship and high self-esteem.  More information is available during Fellowship Hour at the SAC table. 
Support Your Church When You Shop On Amazon
All you have to do is click here or you can access the link on the church website (scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the Amazon logo). Any time you buy a product or gift card from Amazon, First Unitarian gets a percentage of the price of your purchase -- at no additional cost to you.

Thank you again for all of your support!
Spread the Word
about Your
Church Event!

Here's how to submit your items to Happenings, the church calendar and Sunday announcements. Any special formatting will be changed to fit the current format standards in place.

1. CALENDAR ONLY: Click here to complete the online form. (Allow 48 hours for your event to be approved and added to the calendar.)

2. HAPPENINGS AND VOICES FROM THE COMMUNITY: Submit your announcements by, by noon each Tuesday.

3. SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS ONLY: For announcements that you want in the Sunday Order of Service, please email by 2 p.m. on Wednesday.
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First Unitarian Church of Baltimore (Universalist and Unitarian)
1 W Hamilton Street
Baltimore, MD 21201