An update from Alice and Amy
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A Day of Wonder and Grace

No, I haven't started a new band called Alice and the Shooting Stars (though I DO like the sound of it!).  My day of magic, wonder, and grace began early this morning.  I was working on editing my brochures (the cover with the Connie Talbot-produced bear graphic is pictured above).  I recently received a gorgeous surprise in the mail...a handmade exquisite Alice's Kitchen sign produced by my brother, Ed.  He carved an exact replica of my cherished bear into the sign.  So someone asked, "What's up with the bear?  What does it have to do with food and cooking?"  She is a mama bear; she feeds and protects her loved ones.  So I began the day pondering my ursine mascot.  

A while later, returning from my errands, I spotted a small (yearling?) bear on Plainfield Road, standing no more than 8 feet from the shoulder.  I backed up, rolled down my window, and watched and listened to this bear for a good 8-10 minutes.  She stood and watched me as well.  A few minutes later, a tiny cub came running across the street to join the larger bear.  I was awed by the beauty and power of these two, and by their appearance on the day that I was pondering bears.  

And now, as I'm bringing my day to a close, I am again in the presence of a bear.  I've been laying outside in our pasture, tucked into a nice warm blanket, watching the perseid meteor showers with Amy and our friend Christian.  I was courting inspiration for my menus and this newsletter, and right above me was ursa major (the big dipper), the bear.  And through her brightness soared two brilliant shooting stars with long, blazing tails.  Magic...mystery...wonder...grace.  Full circle from morning to night.  

This Mama Bear looks forward to offering you food and nourishment! 

Alice's Kitchen is hosting a seated dinner at Honey Hill Homestead (our place) on Friday, August 21.  This will be a celebration of delicious local food and community!  The atmosphere will be "rustic casual", with a combination of indoor and outdoor seating.  Guests will share larger dining tables (no intimate tables for 2!).

* If you're interested in attending, respond to this email or call us at (413) 634-5659.  Let us know if you'd like to attend the 1st seating (arrive 5:15-5:30 and leave by 7:15) or the 2nd seating (arrive at 7:30).  We'll promptly respond and let you know if there is space available.  

* All guests will choose their menu items in advance.  Orders must be placed by Monday, August 17.  You can tell us what you'd like by sending us an email listing your choices or by calling and letting me know (sorry, no online checklist!).  Please let me know if you have special dietary concerns or requests.  Click here to see the menu.  Vegan or vegan-option-available items are indicated in black.  Items available as half-portions (at half price) are indicated with an asterisk. 

We're joyfully anticipating sharing an evening of great food and fine company with you!

Community Supported Foods Membersclick here for this week's menu.
A La Carte customers:  click here for this week's menu.

Please visit our website at for further information on all our programs.  We have many ideas about how Alice's Kitchen can help build and serve our hilltown community.  We're excited to share our resources in a myriad of ways.  Stay tuned for more details and let us know how we can best serve. 

It is a joy to provide delicious, nourishing, and beautiful foods, prepared with care and love, for our community.


Copyright © 2015 Alice's Kitchen at Honey Hill Homestead, All rights reserved.

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