Lost your focus?

How do we stay on track?

It happens to all of us on occasion, we stray from our path, lose commitment to the things that we want to achieve and sooner or later we let it all slip. The danger now is we think it's no big deal if we don’t re-focus, especially if the consequences were minimal, or perhaps even not apparent at all. 

Does it really matter that much?

That depends - if we commit to doing something and people then expect it of us, it can be the ‘kiss of death’ if we don’t deliver as we say we will. If on the other hand it’s a nice to do and there is no obvious commercial aspect to the action, maybe it doesn’t have any severe ramifications. However, what is beyond doubt is the fact that we serve ourselves well if we respect the concept of maintaining the new context in which people consider us, once we have cemented new behaviours. That is the key and it requires tenacity.

Tenacity is a hallmark of success!

All the great game-changers of our time know that persistence is a necessary part of a high achievers character. They know what they want or need to do and they stick at it. But such tenacity is something more than mere dogged commitment; it is action with true dedication because there is a prize at the end of it. There-in lies the difference between those who truly succeed and those who simply have a crack.

This level of focus comes from clarity

We know that clarity feeds conviction and it fuels the courage within us that leads to better decision-making.  We should be doing all we can to ensure we keep our eye on the prize, the key reason we are doing what we do; because when we are fully engaged it is not hard to stick to the main game. For high-achievers this is a given; they have an unwavering belief in what they’re trying to build, and they tenaciously pursue success at every opportunity.
If you’ve lost your focus, don’t despair, just re-visit what success really means to you and you’ll almost certainly get the clarity you need to switch back on.
See you next week

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When you aim high, you invariably reach new heights. You are driven to climb that mountain and you reach a new level of capability because of it. The problem for most people is they don’t know where to start on this journey.
With more than 30 years experience in multiple business categories around the world, Rod is renowned for helping people grow to be the best they can be.
If you want to reach a new level in your career or business, give him a call.
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Would you like to make a high six figure income from the ideas in your head, but don’t know how? Sell Your Thoughts is the #1 Thought Leaders Global program that teaches you how to do more of what you like, the way you like, with whom you like.  If that sounds like you, Rod will personally mentor you through this life changing experience.
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