Your hearts might not be ready to go back to school, but we know your brains are primed for class thanks to all those summer library visits! We've had a great summer with all our library heroes, big and small.
Special thanks go out to these library heroes for their help this summer with the adult and teen programs:
- Driftless Market for sharing tasty treats and teaching us about super good foods
- Meghavi and Parth Patel of Platteville Mound View Inn for lending us putters for our mini-golf event
- James Hibbard for entertaining us with stories about Platteville History
- Amber Scaife for convincing us that Captain Jack Sparrow is really an ancient Roman underdog
Special thanks to these local businesses for their donations to the children's summer programs:
This year's end-of-summer-reading party is a Community Heroes Fair at the Platteville Armory (475 N Water St) from 6:00 - 7:30 on September 3. Drop in and meet some Platteville heroes from veterans to veterinarians. All ages are welcome and there is no registration.
Children who have turned in their completed summer reading logs on time will also get their summer prize pack, including a book of their choice.
We hope you read lots of great books this summer! Children's summer reading logs are due back to the library on August 28. Everyone who completes the summer reading goal (50 books for ages 3-6 and 1000 pages for ages 7-11) will get a book and a prize bag at the final party on September 3rd.
Drop in and make your own crafty project at our last summer drop-in program on August 27 from 1-3 pm. There's no registration for this program, but children ages 6 and under need to be accompanied by an adult.
Visit our Facebook page to see photos of our some of our earlier drop-in programs: Read-a-thon and Epic Engineering.
Be sure to keep an eye out for this summer's top readers riding in the Platteville Dairy Days Parade! The parade starts at 9:30 am on September 12.
Sign up for fall storytime starts September 14.
Fall storytime sessions will run September 26 - November 21 at these times:
- Infant/toddler (6-35 months) - Monday mornings at 10 am
- Infant/toddler (6-35 months) - Thursday evenings at 6 pm
- Preschool (3-6 years) - Saturday mornings at 10 am
That's a wrap on our teen summer programs. We had an adventurous summer building skyscrapers, constructing golf courses, designing superhero costumes, becoming Clue game pieces and more. Our henna program even made it into the Telegraph Herald. Next year's teen theme is "Get in the Game," and we've already started making plans. Have a great school year!
Make it Monday: Tin Punched Lanterns
September 14, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Each month we try something new that we found on Pinterest. In September we'll be hammering nails into tea tins to make tin punched lanterns. Because this is a loud program, we will be outside. For ages 12 - adult. Call us at 348-7441 ext 4 or stop by the library to sign up.
In Stitches
September 21, 6:00 - 7:30 pm (third Monday of the month)
Join us for crafting, chatting, and cookies at the library. You bring your own project, we'll bring refreshments. All kinds of portable craft projects welcome. Ages 12 - adult. Come when you can, leave when you have to.
Upcoming Computer Classes
Microsoft Excel I: the basics
Wednesday, September 23, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Thursday, September 24, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Learn how to edit a very basic spreadsheet, enter data, add simple formulas, and adjust the formatting to make a spreadsheet more readable. This is an introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013.
- Skills required: basic mouse and keyboard experience*
- Registration begins August 24
Microsoft Excel II: formulas & sorting
Wednesday, September 30, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Thursday, October 1, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Learn how to create a basic spreadsheet, add formulas, sort data, and highlight results.
- Skills required: basic mouse and keyboard experience*, Excel I or equivalent experience
- Registration begins August 31
Microsoft Excel III: graphs & more
Wednesday, October 7, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Thursday, October 8, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Learn how to make graphs, add more complex formulas, and use some functions.
- Skills required: basic mouse and keyboard experience*, Excel II or equivalent experience
- Registration begins September 8
Our seven very hungry caterpillars have all revealed their secret butterflies identities. Thanks to everyone who helped us name and release the butterflies. We waived our wings goodbye to Sir Gabriel Flynn, Samalama Blue, Bob the Lil' Reader, Princess Buttercup, Gemma Joll, Butterfly Batman, and Michael Metamorphosis.
Dine out at Benvenuto's on the third Thursday of the month, mention the library, and a portion of your bill will go to the Platteville Library Foundation. Upcoming dates are September 17, October 15, and November 19.
We're very excited for our Lancaster library friends at the Schreiner Memorial Library and their new library building. After you watch our top readers in the Dairy Days parade, you can head up to Lancaster and check them out on September 12. Dedication is at 10:00 am, ribbon cutting at noon, and open house until 5:00 pm.