Every week we scour the web for the most insightful and interesting mobile game news and writing so you don't have to.

This Week in Mobile Games


This Week's Top Stories

Every week we scour the web for the most insightful and interesting mobile game news.
The Chinese mobile gaming market is expected to hit $6.5b this year. So knowing what those millions of players want is essential. A Report from @NewzooHQ finds that Far Eastern players love the "core" genres, with RPGs dominating the Android charts. Find out more.
Although times have been hard for Konami, it seems that its efforts to reclaim ground are working. Part of this is due to cancellations of games that weren't working, but it's recovering fortunes are reportedly been driven by its mobile gaming efforts. Find out more.
A new system that predicts what individual gamers are likely to do while playing, and then delivers marketing messages in the most opportune way has been launched by @Swrve_Inc. Early tests suggests a 28% increase in playtime, and an 11% decrease in lost gamers. Find out more.
The cloud infrastructure behind mobile games and apps has long been dominated by Amazon. But @VentureBeat says Google has this market in its sights, with Google Cloud making serious headway in its challenge and giving developers extra choice. Find out more.
@TheKhronosGroup is an open consortium of hardware and software companies that's developed the Vulkan graphics API; a unified graphics engine that easily runs across multiple platforms from cars to PCs. Android is the latest OS to adopt the Vulkan API to deliver high-end 3D visuals to mobile. Find out more.
Speaking to @PGbiz, @DoubleFine's James Spafford highlights the studio's ups and downs with crowdfunding; including the difficulties of matching the end product with the expectation of backers. But, he says, they'd use the platform again to fund their games, and that "crowdfunding isn't going anywhere". Find out more.

Developing Games for Kids

At @Dubit through our offices in the UK, America and Australia we provide strategy, research and development services to help brands launch entertainment that kids love, whether that's mobile games, virtual worlds or virtual reality experiences. We’ve worked with some the biggest brands and most innovative start-ups out there. Find out how we can help you.
Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page have unexpectedly announced a new venture, called Alphabet ( This is an umbrella company that is designed to allow the new CEOs to shift the structure of Google and its subsidiary companies away from being one, massive entity, and "get more ambitious things done". Find out more.

Two to follow

Want insight into mobile games? Follow our two favourite twitter accounts of the week.
Videogame designer and writer of novels and comic books. So I like my equations to have a beginning, middle and end. And a speech bubble.
@Twilio Europe. Tweeting about startups and tech, mostly. 10th level avocado hater.
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