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We made it to Language School in Texas at the Rio Grande Bible Institute. Our first few weeks have been a whirlwind of learning a new language. We have had to jump right in with speaking Spanish to our tutors and in class where most of the professors conduct the class in Spanish. We do feel more settled in our apartment and new home for 10 months. It's right on campus and we are excited to meet other students around us especially Bible school students that speak mostly Spanish. However, it is so hot most people are not outside a lot until almost dark. The campus is gated and has two playgrounds and basketball courts. So it is a great set up for our children. 

Krystie has already been playing for events and chapel. She has also been helping her tutor with her piano lessons. This will give her an opportunity to hear and speak more Spanish. Caleb is going to start playing soccer with students. Every opportunity we can try to connect and learn more is our goal now. 

Each Sunday we will be involved in a Spanish speaking church. In our first week of classes we learned how to pray. The schools emphasis on spiritual life and church involvement is shown right from the beginning. We may not be able to order any food in Spanish right now, but we are learning to pray effectively in Spanish!

We have had unexpected financial gifts come in these past few weeks. It has been a blessing as we weren't able to bring everything down with us that we needed. It has been such an encouragement to us. 


Pray that we can adjust well, learn quickly and be patient with ourselves. We have only been told how hard it is, which isn't very encouraging! It's very important that we meet and connect with Spanish speaking students to improve. 

Pray our children continue to enjoy and thrive in these new settings, daycare and school. The daycare is on campus and has really been a good fit for the girls. We decided to put Elijah in the local public school. He seems to be enjoying it and it is where most of the other kids in the community are so he enjoys seeing familiar faces there. 

We are so close to being fully supported! We are at 94% and have only $400 left to raise. It is important for us to get to this financial clearance so that we can officially begin our first term. Pray that we can continue to build this base while in language school. God has gotten us this far and we are so excited!

We have 36/40 partners.

Praise the Lord!
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calle Pablo Picasso, 2
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