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Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee
"We are about religion and politics, the only two things that matter."
-John Michener, President

Mark Costello…He’s the Right Fellow
Twenty years ago it was enough to call oneself a conservative.  We knew what the term meant.  These days it is not so clear.  With so-called conservatives in charge of the state House and Senate and Governor’s office, we still see budgets balanced by borrowing, big spending, a state income tax, socialist programs expanding under the guise of economic development, the continued murder of innocent unborn babies, and now perhaps the acquiescence to homosexual marriage.
Mark Costello, on the other hand, was the real deal.  He was a liberty-minded conservative who did more than give lip service to the ideals of godly government.  He actually worked to limit government, expand the free market, and uphold Judeo-Christian standards.  When asked at an OCPAC meeting how he defined the proper role of government, he responded, “To defend life, liberty, and property.  Anything more would be tyranny.”
Following are thoughts and reflections from select friends of OCPAC and Mark Costello:
Charlie Meadows, OCPAC President Emeritus
It is with great sadness that I will attempt to pay tribute to Mark Costello, devoted Christian, husband, father, successful businessman, dedicated public servant and my friend.
It was approximately eighteen years ago that our good friends Wid and Izzy Lyman moved to Oklahoma where Izzy took a job at The Oklahoman to work on the editorial page.  They had purchased a home next door to Mark and Cathy Costello and were hosting a reception for Pat Buchannan during one of his presidential campaigns.  Mark was a huge supporter of Buchannan, not just because they were both Catholics and Irish, but because they were both conservative movement ideologues.  It was during this reception that I first met Mark, and so began the building of our friendship.
Mark was in the technology business and was very successful in the U.S. as well as internationally.  While Mark was a very astute businessman, he also understood the principles of free market economics.  As he was building his business, he always understood the proper balance between management and labor:  A person’s labor makes management successful, but that success also opens the doors of opportunity for those who labor.  I believe that understanding is what made Mark the finest Labor Commissioner that Oklahoma has ever had.  Mark always understood that the relationship between management and labor should be win-win.
I believe it was at the urging of Rep. Tim Pope and others that Mark decided to go beyond the business world and enter the realm of politics and public service.  I am of the opinion that Mark’s talents were best suited for Lt. Governor and eventually the position of Governor; however, the best political opportunity at the time was to run for Labor Commissioner.  Mark earned the endorsement and financial support of OCPAC during the 2010 and 2014 election cycles.  
Mark was a very generous person.  It appeared to me that his generosity always supported a good cause, a good organization, or a candidate of good character and conservative ideology.  Mark was one of the individuals who would offer a matching challenge for OCPAC fundraising when I would ask.  He was also our speaker on several occasions and would attend our meetings from time to time.
It was probably not a big secret that Mark was seriously considering a run for Lt. Governor in 2018 or perhaps even the Governor’s seat.  Though Todd Lamb would have been a formidable opponent, Mark once told me that at his age he might as well “go big or go home” and thus skip the Lt. Governor‘s race and run for Governor.
Mark considered a run for the Fifth District congressional seat in 2014, something I urged him not to do.  While I will always try to support the best candidate to serve in Washington, I am of the strong opinion that any person serving at that level, no matter how great, will have little chance of accomplishing what is needed to fix America.  I believe the best place to make a difference is in state government and that Oklahoma needs men like Mark to stay home to really make a difference.  Sometime after the filing period, Mark told me my urging had persuaded him not to run for that seat.
The last time I saw Mark was in late April when Linda and I hosted a table at the annual fundraiser the Crossroads Clinic, located in both Guthrie and Oklahoma City.  Mark and Cathy were two of our guests at the table.  Turns out, they both used to volunteer in a pro-life clinic which was located near 23rd and Classen during the early years of their marriage.  That clinic was across the street from today‘s new clinic.
Governor Fallin will appoint someone to finish Mark’s term and that person will serve until the 2018 election cycle.  It will be interesting to see if she does what is best for Oklahoma or puts someone in office for political reasons.  The best person for Oklahoma, without doubt, would be Mark’s chief of staff, Jim Marshall.  Jim was also chief of staff for the first five years of Brenda Reneau’s terms as Labor Commissioner where he was the architect of the positive reforms she made in the early years of her service.  Mark had the wisdom to put Jim in the same position over the past five years.  Mr. Marshall is supremely prepared to carry on Mark’s legacy and serve the people of Oklahoma.
Oklahoma has lost a great man.  The conservative movement has lost a great supporter and leader.  A lot of people have lost a real friend.  More importantly, Cathy has lost a loving and devoted husband, and the children have lost a loving father.  The circumstances of Mark’s death were tragic and traumatic.  Cathy and the kids will all need to draw near to the Lord Jesus during this most difficult time.  The rest of us need to be willing to share our love and prayerful support to help them get through the days ahead.  May God’s comfort and emotional healing flow to everyone in need.
Jim Marshall, Chief of Staff, Oklahoma Department of Labor
It was truly an honor to serve my friend Labor Commissioner Mark Costello as his chief of staff.  Not many people are so fortunate as to wake in the morning looking forward to spending the day with their boss. What I enjoyed most about Mark was his drive to improve everything he came across, his intellect, his humor, and his love of the Lord.  Mark's passing is very painful for me.
Richard Engle, former OCPAC Vice President
Every experience with Mark was outstanding.  I was fortunate to be called his friend and to be called by him for counsel, prayer, and even fun.
What tells us a person is great?
If everyone says his life is better because of him?  Sure.
If everyone says his life would be better yet if he remained longer than he did?  Yes.
If everyone's life continues to be improved despite his absence as his life work continues to have a positive impact beyond his time on earth?  Indeed!
We will all continue to benefit from what Mark Costello did when most have forgotten his name.  I, however, will never forget the name Mark Costello, Always the Right Fellow!  For I was in the presence of a great man, and I will ever endeavor to be like him.
Stephanie West, OCPAC Vice President
The Costello family is and has been an important part of our family for over a decade.  We love each of them.  We will miss Mark for obvious public reasons.  He was a great statesman, businessman, and friend.  We will support and pray for Cathy, Anna Marie, Christian, Ian, Caitlin, and Colby as this tragedy continues to affect all of our lives, and we will trust God for all the good to be done.  Blessings to the Costellos and all who love them.
Video Clips
Here is a twenty-five minute video of Mark Costello speaking at OCPAC last October, and here is his famous Right Fellow campaign piece.


Charlie Meadows


OCPAC promotes and supports public servants who oppose expansive government while promoting liberty, free markets, and Judeo-Christian standards.

OCPAC has been meeting every Wednesday at noon since 1991.  We currently meet at:

Mama Roja
9219 Lake Hefner Parkway
Oklahoma City, OK  73170

You are invited.  There is a $1 cover charge without lunch.


We are an organization of volunteers.  All membership dues are used to help worthy candidates and provide continuing education to legislators and voters.

To become a member for the calendar year, send the information below with your check to:

P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083

I want to join OCPAC for this calendar year as a:

-Basic Member, $50
-Elephant Provider, $180
    (or $15 per month drafted)
-RINO Hunter, $360
    (or $30 per month drafted)


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