I hope everyone took time to rest, reflect, and enjoy the summer. Why does it always go by so fast?
Looking back to the NIHSDA’s 25th anniversary supporting AIAN grantees and the outstanding conference in Sacramento gave me wonderful memories and pride in the work that this organization does. Thank you to all who attended and worked together to make this year a great success! The dancers, drummers, and singers for culture night shared their beautiful culture and appreciate the time and effort it took to be there for us, and a reminder of how important it is to carry on the language and traditions that gives identity. The excellent presenters gave information that will help us make better decisions for the children, families, and ourselves. Meeting with our regional representatives and regional programs allowed us the opportunity to see each other and share common issues and laughter. The recognition dinner gave us time to honor the programs who gained excellence through the rigorous review process, and those who have continued to serve children and families for 50 years!
The film “Voices Rising” was the perfect ending to leave us with the reality and importance of language revitalization.
The theme of our conference was “Sowing the Seeds of Love in the Hearts of our Children” is the perfect way to think about how we begin the school year.
Patty Brown, NIHSDA President