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Meet GWP at World Water Week 2015

GWP is taking part in a number of events at this year's Stockholm World Water Week 23-28 August. The week is an opportunity for partners and stakeholders to meet with GWP representatives at the GWP booth and in sessions. A number of new key publications are also being launched during the week. Read more >>

Special Edition: GWP Impact Stories, see below 

August 2015

Action plan for water management in Mali

GWP led the technical preparation of Mali's Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) plan and acted as an "honest broker" to lead national and local dialogue. Read more >>


Realising reform in water sector in Gambia

GWP supported the development and implementation of a national IWRM roadmap in the Gambia to guide the country towards increased water security. Read more >>

GWP in the news
African governments tipped on laws governing transboundary water resources (The Independent Uganda)

Floods still swamp Pakistan despite improved warnings (Thomson Reuters Foundation)

New research links water security and economic growth (New Security Beat)

More news >>

Up-coming events
16-17 September, Sustainable Water Conference 2015, Birmingham, UK

21-23 September, The 18th International Riversymposium, Brisbane, Australia

More events >>

New resources
New GWP publications

Progress on sanitation and drinking water: 2015 update and MDG assessment (UNICEF, WHO)

Training manual on drought risk reduction in IWRM (Cap-Net)

More resources >>

Virtual course "Water integrity and transparency" (SIWI). Deadline 28 August.

Virtual course "A human rights based approach to IWRM" (SIWI) Deadline 4 September.

More calls  >>

Improved health and food security in Armenia

GWP Armenia teamed up with the local government in Parakar, and an engineering company, to implement an affordable solution to prevent the discharge of untreated sewage into the environment. Read more >>

National IWRM plan created in Botswana

In Botswana, at the request of the Department of Water Affairs, GWP led the technical preparation of of the country's IWRM plan, including consultations and demonstration projects. Read more >>


Climate resilience for Rwanda-Burundi

In an ambitious effort to improve climate resilience at community level, GWP worked with a broad range of stakeholders in a transboundary catchment area. Read more >>

Unlocking water investments in Zambia

GWP Zambia was requested by the government to facilitate the development of an IRWM Water Efficiency plan. GWP Zambia managed multi-stakeholder consultations, led an awareness-raising campaign and initiated a capacity development campaign, resulting in buy-in from a range of actors. Read more >>

Global Water Partnership (GWP)
PO Box 24177
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 1213 86 00

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