Hi <<First Name>>
Here we are! Six weeks later, and six steps closer to being ready for the Fire Season. The weather has all of us off to an early start this year, so it’s great that you have already started to prepare for the season to come.
This is the last in this series of emails - our team might need some tissues!
We have tried to cover a lot in such a short space of time and we are so appreciative of all you have done so far. There will always be more to learn and plans can always change so keep reading and keep practicing and above all keep reviewing your plans.
The topic of the week is
Always have a plan B!
No matter how well you prepare there is always the risk of things not going exactly to plan. This is why it’s so important to have alternative plans and to discuss them with your family.
So far in the Six Week Challenge you have thought about where you will go:
If you leave early…
If you need to stay away for a couple of hours…
If you need to stay away for a couple of days…
In this week's task we want you to think about alternatives, such as driving routes in case the main road is closed or congested.
Task: Mud Map
Get a copy of a local map and mark the following things:
- The closest clearing to your house- a large, flat, open area without trees, combustible materials or structures.
- The nearest neighbourhood “Safer Place”.
- Where you will go for a short (a few hours) stay.
- At least two ways to get to your short stay place.
Things to think about
In week one and two, we asked you to think about risks. When thinking about alternative plans run through these questions again:
1. Are you within a couple of streets of bush land?
2. Is there a history of fires in the area?
3. Are there many trees or shrubs around?
4. If you need to leave, do you need to travel through bush land?
5. Have you reviewed your plans recently?
Your plans will change depending on who is home and who is out - everyone in your household needs to be aware of the plan and how to put into action.
Does everyone have transport? If the car and driver are out will you be able to catch public transport, arrange a lift or walk?
Before you set out check for information about delays, disruptions or closures.
Live Traffic updates
Public Transport Info NSW
Try to get Apps on your phone as well for updates on the go - but don't rely on them because during emergences phone networks can become congested and go down.
Remember, leaving too late puts you at most risk.
Driving through smoke reduces visibility putting you, other motorists and emergency services at risk of collision or possibly in the path of a fire.
What will you do if you have left it too late to leave and now have to stay?
Where will you shelter from a fire front?
“It is not safe to do nothing” goes the saying. Seek shelter from radiant heat and flames, look out for fires starting around you and put them out while they are still small. The best defence is offence. (This is where the Hairy mop and a bucket of water can be your best friend)
If you have to seek shelter in your house as the fire passes through look for exits in each room.
Is there more than one way out - ground level windows or doors?
Remember where your nearest clearing is and how to get there. Smoke can be very disorientating.
Protect yourself against radiant heat and falling embers with wool blankets.
Don't panic! You need your wits about you to make decisions. Below is a TV show link to check out about what happens when you.
Give you and your family the best chance to stay safe by implementing your plans.
If you planned to stay and defend
Do you feel fit and ready? Are you being honest with yourself? It can be hot, hard and dangerous work so you need to be sure you can cope.
Even if you leave early it’s important to do basic preparations to improve your home’s chances. This includes looking after your yard and bringing door mats, furniture etc. inside before you go. Put your Emergency box and grab bags (see Week 5) in a handy place so they are ready to go.
Remember the common quote of people caught out by disasters "I didn’t think it could happen to me".
Now grab some popcorn
We recommend you grab some popcorn and a nice drink for a night in with the ABC Catalyst program:
"Don't Panic"
This one hour Catalyst TV special will give you lots to talk about and is a must watch!
Upcoming event
Open Day 2015
Our Open Day event for this year will be at Leura First Sunday Markets on the 6th of September at Leura Public School. There will be an info stall, games and demos - fun for the whole family.
We will also be drawing the winner of our prize draw. Good luck!
