Newsletter // August 2015
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 Message from
 Craig King, 
 Executive Director

Call to Action

The Legislature has been convened in a Special Session to address the funding crisis in Disability Services.
Liz, Ernie and Barbara from our Participant Advisory Council are going with staff to the “We’re Here to Speak for Justice” rally in Sacramento on Thursday, September 3.  The Governor has mandated that any increase in DDS funding must come from sources of revenue other than general fund revenues. In response, legislators are negotiating changes to the tax on managed care organizations to fund Medi-Cal, to reinstate IHSS hours, and to increase DDS funding by at least 10%. 
We welcome our friends and supporters to join us at the rally, and to contact their legislators to urge their support for a revenue solution to the disability services funding crisis. Watch the Lanterman Coalition site for more details to come.

Craig C. King
Executive Director
Greater Opportunities
900 Lafayette Street, Suite 700
Santa Clara, CA 95050
408-248-4464 x23
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Greater Opportunities'
First Annual Spaghetti Dinner

Join us for fun, friendship and good food!

Friday, September 18, 2015, 6pm-8pm
Greater Opportunities Day Services/Adult Development and Activity Center
687 N. King Road
San Jose, CA, 95132

Menu: Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread, Beverage, Dessert (vegetarian option available!)
Events: Raffle - Winners announced at 6:45 pm and 7:45pm
Tickets: $10 Adults, $4 Kids 3-12 years, Kids under 3 free
Artwork for Sale - Support our participant artists!

Please join us! Get Your Tickets Today!
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Safety First at Our Day Program

John and Renee visited Fire Station 34 to introduce the crew to Greater Opportunities since the station is located just around the corner from our Day Program. John had a field day - he visited the living room, kitchen and office, and held onto the fire pole. Seven of the firefighters then visited our Day Program with a fire truck to do some fire prevention training and to observe a fire drill. We were able to clear the building in only a minute and 17 seconds! Gabe Vega, the Fire Captain, said, "My guys had so much fun because your guys were so excited!" 

Thank you so much, Station 34!

Success Stories

Meet Andrew

Andrew loves that he has so many different options and activities as a resident of the Cortez Apartments and he’s grateful for all the friends he’s met. Looking back on how much his life has improved, he says he doesn’t know what he would do without Greater Opportunities.

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Greater Opportunities
900 Lafayette St., Suite 700
Santa Clara, CA 95050