Ready to learn how to create demographic maps and geocode data? Join GIS Specialist, Chris Gist, for hands-on workshops featuring step-by-step tutorials. All sessions will be taught on Thursdays from 3PM to 4PM in the Alderman Electronic Classroom, ALD 421 (adjacent to the Scholars’ Lab). Sessions are free to attend and are open to the UVa and larger Charlottesville community. Here’s the lineup for this fall:
- 9/3, Making your First Map
- 9/10, Getting Your Data on a Map
- 9/17, Points on Your Map: Street Addresses and More Spatial Things
- 9/24, Georeferencing – Putting Old maps and Aerial Photos on Your Map
- 10/1, Taking Control of Your Spatial Data: Editing in ArcGIS
- 10/8, Collecting Your Own Spatial Data
All sessions assume attendees have no previous experience using GIS. For more information on the workshops, visit