

Church News

August 17th, 2015

Parish Office: (613)839-3195
We are a diverse community growing in the presence of the living Jesus, proclaiming the gospel and seeking to connect with the wider community and each other, through faith, worship and service
My experience at the Byron Fellowship was great and exhausting. It was amazing to be with 22 other 'Fellows' and Mentors at this leadership week. I have included some of my photos from the trip (including my road trip to the location of the Hunger Games District 12 filming). You can access the photo album HERE

At church this past Sunday I talked about one of the Mentors, Harry Pickens, who had played a piece for us that he wrote and offered to the Dalai Lama. The video of his performance for the Dalai Lama is found HERE
Visionary Project
At Byron each fellow was tasked with considering a visionary project that they would commit to taking on in the near future. My project as part of the work at  the Byron Fellowship Educational Foundation was to  follow-up on my desire to explore what people (mostly those outside the church) would consider a relevant, engaging, and authentic spiritual community. The task includes asking anyone I can about this topic and what people think (love/hate) about church as they know it. To collect this info from the diverse people and networks that I connected with at Byron I have put together an electronic survey. I am looking for more input from everyone and would welcome your involvement and would appreciate you sending this to people you know! This survey is for anyone and everyone - atheists, long-time Christian church-goers, humanists, people of other faiths, people who hate the church and people who love it. I would love to have you share this link and help me gather some info. All data is confidential and if you complete the survey I will not know it is from you. The link to the survey is found HERE. Remember you can share this link (and the explanation) to anyone you know through any social media that you use (i.e. Facebook).

The next step in my project is to have an informal gathering of non-church goers who will provide some insight about what an intentional spiritual gathering might look like that is not on a Sunday morning. I will be holding this 'focus group' in the fall and will invite about 10 - 12 non-church goers to it. If you know anyone who would like to participate in this focus group please send me an email at

This was one of my most in-depth and intense continuing education programs and I am honoured to be part of a fellowship of very inspiring change leaders from various disciples across the world.


The next few weeks at the Parish..

Please Note there are no Wednesday services until September.

All Services are at 9:30am
August 23 ~ St. Johns, Rev. Monique
August 30 ~ Christ Church with Rev. Bill Prentice
September 6 ~ St. James, Rev. Monique

Remember that the office hours are reduced to Wednesday mornings until September

VACATION ALERT... My final break is August 27 through to September 2nd. If you are in need of Pastoral Emergency care please contact your wardens for the on-call number or call the office number at 613-839-3195 and listen to the voicemail for the on-call Priest number.  Thank You

Warden Phone Numbers:

Christ Church Huntley

Rectors Warden ~ George Wilson 613-839-3455

Peoples Warden ~ Leslie Richardson 613-839-5660

St. John’s Sixth Line

Rectors Warden ~ Laurie Armstrong 613-839-5657

Peoples Warden ~ Norma Baird  613-839-3060

St. James’ Carp

Rectors Warden ~ John Montgomery 613-866-1091

Peoples Warden ~ Kathy Craig 613-839-1066

Update on Rick..
I visited Rick last week and he has begun a new medication. He was in good spirits and has had his appetite return!  He says hello to you all!

Please continue to join in the Prayer Pager for Rev. Rick:

Rick continues to be in hospital and is not able to receive visitors at this point but we can connect with him through the Prayer  Pager he has by his bedside!

This numerical pager is with Rick and will beep anytime someone calls the number and enters a numerical code.

You are invited to join the community and making sure that Rick knows that he is being prayed for.

Simply say a prayer for Rick in the comfort of your own home. Then right after the prayer is done (or right before) call this number: 613-719-3999. Enter the following numerical code: 1838 and then press the pound key (#) and then hang up.

The numerical code is simply the year our Parish was started. It is not the number that is important, just the beep!

Please join in and say a prayer for Rick each day this week and send in daily prayer beeps!

Please keep Rick and Judy in your prayers.

Community Events

Huntley Community Association Drive-In
August 26 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Movie: Paddington
Venue: Carp Fairgrounds (3790 Carp Rd.)
Admission: $5 per person

Please Bring a Food Bank Donation!!
Come early. Canteen will open at 7 with lots of goodies… Movie starts at dusk (approx 8 pm)
Raindate: September 2

CLAY 2016 ~ August 18th through to August 21st ~ Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

We are about to get ready for CLAY 2016 and are less than 1 year away from our departure date! CLAY 2016 is an an awesome youth event and we want to make sure that all of our youth and their parents are starting to plan!

Please join me on Sunday, September 20th at 1pm for our first CLAY conversation. This meeting is for youth and parents who want to find out more. It is also for any community member who is interested in being involved and supporting the youth as they prepare for their trip.

Email me at to let me know you are attending our first meeting on September 20th!
The Community Site provides an online lectionary and other resources as well as several blog articles on various issues in the Anglican Church. You can sign up for their online updates and check out the site by clicking HERE

Starting in September my blog submissions will be posted on a regular basis
Our busy fall season is right around the corner and we are needing some support for our fall events and activities. Below are some activities/roles that are in the works. Leadership is required for these activities to happen. Please let me know if you are interested or call/connect with the assigned individual who is leading the activity:

If you have never taken on a leadership opportunity at the church and/or you would like to take on something that is manageable within your busy schedule there are some great opportunities available for you below. Please note that volunteering for these important ministries is available for people who are new or old to the church, for those who come to church every week or once a year, and for those who are part of the larger community but wouldn't consider themselves a member of our church... there are many opportunities available for anyone who is seeking to make a contribution to our larger community! Email me if you would like to discuss more:

Monthly Sunday School at Christ Church ~ Heidi Richardson is taking the lead on having a once a month Sunday School at Christ Church. This once a month Sunday school will be supported by a service that will be geared to families and hopefully include a coffee hour. If you would like to support Heidi with Sunday School please contact her at I encourage Christ Church leaders to contact me about starting a coffee hour to support the once a month family service. For more info please email me at

Sunday School at St. James ~ Please contact Cathy Yocom at to volunteer to lead one or more Sunday School classes in the fall. Your assistance is needed and we welcome your involvement! We have a growing number of Sunday School students with a more diverse age range... it will be ideal if we have a larger team for this years program.

Carp Fair ~ There have been ideas floating around to consider ways that we can have St. James and the Parish Hall open during the Fair. People have suggested a fundraising coat/bag check in the Hall, a breakfast on one of the days, and/or 'Open Door' hours with music and lemonade in the church. Not sure we can do it all (or any) but if anyone has any interest in exploring and leading what we could do I would welcome your input and ideas. Please email me and Cathy ( and  if you feel this is something you would like to take on.

Blessing of the Pets Service ~ On Saturday, October 3rd at 10am we will host a Blessing of the Pets Service at the Parish Hall and St. James. I am seeking some leadership to ensure this is a community event that invites the many pet owning / animal loving families in our community. Please email me if you would like to help lead this event:

Annual Pumpkin Carving Family Day ~ Our very successful Pumpkin Carving Day will take place on Sunday, October 25th from 1 - 3pm. I would welcome a leader for this event.

All Souls Service ~ St. John's will host our annual All Souls Vigil on Sunday November 1st at 7pm. I am looking for a leader who will send an invitation to all community members who have lost a loved one in the recent past and then follow-up with a phone call. Please let me know if you would like to lead this opportunity to provide support to our friends and family who continue to grieve.

Communications & Promotions Coordinator ~ Although we do get a lot of information and publicity in our local paper and in the community I feel that we need to do a better job at ensuring our activities are listed in the Coming Events calendar in the local paper and on other Facebook pages, etc. We also have new signs that can promote our activities, etc. If you think that you can take on this coordinating role please contact me asap. It does not need to be a huge job and can be done from home but it would be most helpful!

Are you interested in providing friendship and fellowship to our parishioners who have a harder time getting out to church?
Our Pastoral Care Team met together and is planning to relaunch our ministry of friendship this September! Our new ministry will be the 'Travelling Friendship Club' and we will be hosting a workshop in late September for anyone who is interested in visiting a parish friend! We are looking for new members who can help visit one or two people once a month (approximately 2 hours per month commitment). 
Enjoy these last days of summer! 