Who else loves September? Raise your hand!!
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I love September, do you?

September 1st - January 1st it's pretty hard to find me in a bad mood.

Why's that?

Wellllllllllll . . . Football starts again, fall weather is my favorite and then the holiday season starts and I.LOVE.CHRISTMAS!!!

Oh and one other thing - my birthday is in September! And it's a BIG one this year... the big 3-0!

It seems that most of my friends aren't too excited to turn 30, but I'll be honest, I'm pretty excited for it. I'm ready to turn over a new leaf. I'm ready to take on a new adventure. And I truly believe that my best years are in front of me.

I was curious as to why all my friends thought I was cray cray embracing 30 and I started REALLY listening to what they were saying.

"We're getting so old."
"I'm no where near where I thought I'd be at 30."
"I wish I could go back to college and have no responsibilities whatsoever."
"After 21, what else is there to look forward to?"

Stopping and listening to these comments, I started to see a common theme. It's so easy to live in the past, to worry about the future or to dwell on the "plan" we had for ourselves. . . but lets be honest, how's that working out for us?

It makes us bitter. It makes us resent change. It makes us fear the unknown. It makes growing older more stressful than it needs to be.

One thing I've come to realize during my own health care journey, is that the plan that I had made up (or the millions of different plans I had created earlier in my 20s) didn't matter. 

After college graduation I planned on living with my boyfriend, starting my career, getting married, settling down and starting a family. When that all fell through, I began planning a new life, with a new person, in a new location. Then that fell through. There were plans of living different places, starting different businesses and living completely different lives.

When I turned 25 I kinda have a panic attack. I saw where my life was going and I thought I should be so much further ahead than where I was. (I also got cellulite that year as well...)

5 years later, I'm in an extremely different place, one that I couldn't have even imagined back when I was 25. The career I thought I'd have is completely different than the one I have today. I never thought I'd be living where I'm living and I never thought I'd be turning 30 and not be married.

My 25 year old self would not have been happy had you told me how the rest of my 20s would play out. But guess what. . . everything we experience in life is meant to teach us something. I've had many of my greatest lessons in the past 3 years. And they were all preparing me for the rest of my life. I truly look at the most difficult part of my life as the biggest blessing I've ever received. The place I'm in today is exactly where I'm meant to be. I'm so happy - happiest I've ever been actually. And I have the least I've ever had.

This month I challenge you to look past where you "think" you should be or where you'd rather be. Give gratitude and thanks for where you ARE. We all experience ups and downs. We all experience good and bad times. Everything and everyone we come into contact with is making us a better version of ourselves. So embrace it. Embrace the perfect, imperfect-ness that you are. I know that's exactly what I'll be doing as I enter into my 31st year of life ;)

Happy Birthday to all my fellow September 21st babies! Bring on the pumpkin errrrthing!!!!
Wishing You A Pain Free Day!
Read Later
I've been getting such an AWESOME response to my Ask Juls videos. THANK YOU and keep your questions coming!!

This month the most popular video was What's An Easy Way To Add Meditation To Your Day! Didja miss it? Click here to read the blog post or watch the video below!
Ask Juls - What's An Easy Way To Add Meditation To Your Day?
Do you wish you could control your pain, inflammation & fatigue?

Have you ever wanted to work with a health coach, but haven't been able to take the plunge?

Do you feel alone on your health journey and would love some support?


Contact me today to schedule your free Health History Consultation! 



The Avani Institute, Gianna Thomas, Tracey Eakin & myself will be running our nutrition series again this fall! Come learn all about The Secret Side of Food: How To Heal Yourself In The Kitchen!
October 12, 19, 26 & November 2
From 6:30-8:30 pm
Each class builds on the previous one, so it is strongly recommended that participants attend every class.

The whole series can be purchased for $130, or can individually be purchased for $35 per class.

Not sure if this class is for you? Ask yourself the following questions . . . 

- Do you know what a GMO is and how they impact your health?
- Do you know ways to support your digestive system to ensure that your system is working optimally?
- Do you know what foods you should avoid if you're trying to lose weight?
- Did you know that your body can heal itself, by itself, given half a chance?
- Do you wish there were ways you could help manage your symptoms without having to make a trip to the pharmacy every month?

And beware: this series may cause weight loss!!

This class series has been praised by some as one of the most comprehensive nutrition courses in the area. Check out the story the 5:30pm news did on it when we ran it earlier this year.

Looking To Start Group Coaching In The Pittsburgh Area!

Group coaching is a fun and effective way for you to get the benefits of working with a health coach, but not feel the pressure of having to work one on one. Group coaching provides a setting where connections and community are just as important as the information you gain from the health coach. You will learn how to apply tools and strategies from people facing the same or similar Looking 

To establish a successful program, the sessions require a minimum of six people to start. If you have interest -- no matter whether you would like to start now or later in the year -- call AVANI at 724-941-7400 or email Julie, at These sessions will be created based purely on client interest, so even if you are undecided or have questions, please call for more information.


Wish you lived in the Pittsburgh area so you could join?


I'm currently exploring a virtual option to this program as well. Just like the in person group coaching, the sessions will be created based on client interest. So if you're interested- please reach out to me today! You can simply reply to this email or send me a separate email to

Want to know more about my health coaching? Click here to check out my site!

So far my recovery is going along great! I'm almost 5 months post Regenexx procedure and I've been feeling awesome! This month's post was the BEST ONE YET!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure to check it out :)

Want to keep up with all my #Regenexx Posts!

Make sure you're following my blog and reading all the latest details :)
Are you living your best life possible?

Whether it's a one on one program or participating in a group coaching program, let's work together to achieve optimum health! 

Check out my site and if you like what you see, contact me today to set up a FREE consultation!
You may have noticed I've taken a lot of my doterra posts down. To explain why I've done this I'd like to point you to this post.

I still very much believe in the healing benefits of essential oils, but unfortunately am not allowed to write "Doterra" or about their specific blends. I'm also not allowed to connect my Doterra site to my blog. If you'd like information on the oils or would like to order them, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I still use them, I still love them and can offer them to you on a personal basis.
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