Banksia marginata survey out now!
Are you interested in the conservation and restoration of Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata) in Victoria and south-western NSW? Can you help us collate and document the location and distribution of known relict or remnant populations of Silver Banksia across this range? If so, please download and complete the survey here. This information will be used to select sites/populations for genetic research that will help to guide seed collection strategies for the establishment of Seed Production Areas and future field restoration works. Stage 1 of the 'Bring Back the Banksias' project has been funded by the Norman Wettenhall Foundation to assist in improving the conservation status of this iconic species which has undergone considerable decline. Responses are due by COB Friday 9 October 2015.

Rangelands Paddock Walk near Hay, NSW - Thursday 1 October 2015, 9.00am – 4.00 pm
Led by Martin Driver, ANPC Project Manager, ecologist and owner of local property “Barrabool.
Stop 1: site inspection and plant identification in a saltbush paddock near Hay
Stop 2: site inspection and plant identification at “Barrabool", near Conargo. “Barrabool” has been owned by the Driver family for over 100 years and is the site of many long-term biodiversity projects.
BYO: lunch box and drinks. Landholders are encouraged to bring plants to be identified
RSVP: Sally Ware, Senior Land Services Officer (Rangelands/Grazing) at Riverina Local Land Services, Hay, to this email or Ph. 0429 307 627

Spring grassland on "Barrabool", near Conargo (M. Driver)
National Seed Science Forum 2016 - Abstract submissions close 4 October
The Forum, to be held at the Australian PlantBank and hosted by The Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan, will be a rare opportunity to bring together leading botanical and agricultural institutions, seed scientists, and conservation and restoration experts to share ideas that showcase the importance of seed science to the future of plant conservation and food security in Australia. An exciting programme of local and international experts is planned, speaking on seed conservation, storage, preservation and germination. Information on registration fees are now available. Registrations open on 25 October. Check out the Forum web pages for updates.

Public Inquiry into the Register of Environmental Organisations
Last Friday 18 September, the ANPC attended a public hearing in Canberra with the House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment, regarding this inquiry into the tax deductibility of donations to environmental groups that engage in advocacy. The ANPC strongly supports the existing arrangements surrounding the Register of Environmental Organisations, including the related tax concession benefits. Although the ANPC is not a campaign organisation, and not even primarily an advocacy organisation, we do play a specific advocacy role when the need arises – as with what we believe were constructive submissions to the recent Senate Biosecurity Inquiry. Also we support the right of other environmental organisations to undertake advocacy without fear of reducing their fundraising ability. As Australian Conservation Foundation CEO Kelly O’Shanassy commented today, “Some of Australia’s most important environmental outcomes – protecting places like the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu and the Kimberley – have only been achieved when Australia’s conservation organisations have informed the community and advocated for the protection of these great national assets."
Other items of interest:
Australasian Systematic Botany Society Annual Conference 'Building our Botanical Capital' - 29 November to 3 December 2015
To be held at CSIRO Discovery Centre, Black Mountain in Canberra. A forum for presentations and workshops on development in plant systematics. There will be a particular focus on emerging methods of phylogenetic anaysis and on making biological collections data accessible. Early bird registrations close Friday 16 October. For more details visit the conference website here.
Biodiversity Dreaming Conference, CSU Bathurst - 10 & 11 November 2015
What can we learn from reflecting on biodiversity in the Central West / Bathurst Region / Wiradyuri Country from 1815 to 2015. Hear the views of 40 farmers, land managers, Wiradyuri/Aboriginal people, artists, historians and scientists. Click here for more information and registration.
7th BGANZ Congress 2015 - 25 to 28 October 2015, Wollongong
Early Bird Registration now open. The 7th biennial Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand (BGANZ) Congress will be held in the coastal city of Wollongong NSW. The 2015 congress theme 'Connecting with Communities' will highlight the many ways in which botanic gardens across Australia and New Zealand play an important role in the environments in which we live through partnerships, joint ventures, sharing, outreach work and advocacy. The BGANZ Congress will enable botanic garden professionals an opportunity to come together, network and return to their respective gardens with new ideas and skills. This congress promises to deliver not only thought-provoking seminars, workshops and tours but will also have a strong focus on networking through a range of events. Check out the whole program and register today.
South East Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Forum 2015 - Fire & Weeds Thursday, 29 October 2015 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM (AEST)
Held by South East Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium at Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha, Toowong, QLD. Keynote: Fire, weeds and healthy ecosystems, a review of current literature and practices across NSW - using fire to manage bushland weeds in the northern NSW area. Mark Graham and Kevin Taylor, NSW Hotspots Fire Project.
Click here for more information and to register.