
SHL is Changing E-mail Services

Future e-mail announcements will be handled by Mailchimp!

You are receiving this e-mail because you previously signed up to receive e-mail announcements from the Secular Humanists of the Lowcountry.

To better serve you, SHL will be sending all future e-mail announcements with this well-known provider.  We’re not changing the frequency or content of our communications, but this should improve both the delivery and design of the messages we send.

You can do one of these three things:

  • If you want to receive future announcements from SHL (including newsletters, meeting reminders and information about activities and parties) you don't need to do anything.  Just wait and those messages will start showing up in your inbox soon.
  • Or, you can click here to edit your e-mail preferences.  This will allow you to sign up for or unsubscribe from our special interest mailing lists, like our "Book Group" or "Volunteer Network" lists.
  • Finally, if you do not want to receive any more e-mail from SHL, click here to unsubscribe.

Thank you for your interest and support,

Alex Kasman
SHL Webmaster