August 2015

A Message from Phyllis

Dear <<First Name>>,
I hope you have had a great summer. The weather on the East Coast was beautiful and most days were sunny and warm.  It’s often a good time to catch up with family and get some of our emotional needs met. 

Speaking of needs, we had a sad event last week. A family member’s dog passed away.  I loved that animal.  She visited me every weekend, and she was my walking buddy. A sweet, affectionate dog who ran up to me and hugged me with her legs whenever she saw me. Her passing was unexpected, and her family is missing her.

She filled an emotional need. She made her owners feel loved, appreciated, and needed. 

They will probably get another dog in the near future. However, until that time, it is important to get our personal needs met.

My article this month will explain it further, but sweet Mocha gave us all so much love that she definitely filled a big need. Needs must be met. It’s not an option.

If you have a pet, enjoy the companionship but also realize what a gift they are as they are filling a big emotional need of yours.  I will keep you posted if by next month a new animal has joined our family.

Have a great month!!

Phyllis Sisenwine, MCC
Regards, Phyllis



September 16, 2015
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This Month's Article

What Do You Need to Be Successful?

Needs are like food and water – basic conditions that must be met for us to be happy and successful.

Have you ever stopped to think about what your needs are? Most of us never really think about it, but everyone has needs. Needs are as basic as food and water. If the need is not being met and we are hungry or thirsty we get irritable. We also have emotional needs that must be met in order for us to be successful. When your needs are not being met, you will probably feel resentful, unappreciated or angry. And unmet needs hold you back from success! For example, if you need to be appreciated, but are not getting the thanks you require, you will feel resentful and it will affect your work. By realizing you need appreciation you can develop a system to get that need met.

Identify your needs

The first step to getting your needs met is to identify them. Look at the following list of needs and see which ones jump out at you. To be accepted, included, respected, appreciated, complimented, understood, heard, informed, acknowledged, flattered, esteemed or to be in control.

If you are having trouble identifying your personal needs from the previous list, here is another way to approach it. Think about the times when you have been less than your best. Perhaps you did a favor for someone and they didn't thank you or show appreciation and it really bugged you. What is your unmet need? To be appreciated. If you can identify your top four needs you can set up a system to meet them.

Design a system to get your needs met

Once you have identified your needs, you will want to design a way to get them met. Your business coach, friend or spouse will help you with this system, which involves setting boundaries, raising your standards and asking for help.

Ask three to five people who care about you to help you get your needs met. Years ago when I became a coach, my coach gave me a needs assessment. I learned that I had a need to be appreciated. If I went out of my way for someone and they didn't show any appreciation it really bothered me. If I did a favor for a family member and they said "thanks" I found I wanted more than that or I felt unappreciated. Being appreciated was my key need. I asked five people who care about me if they would be willing to help me to get my needs met. They were happy to support me. I asked for a note, voicemail or email message telling me that they appreciate me. I asked if they were willing to do this once a week for 4 to 6 weeks. The cards and messages came in and it was great. I'm not saying the need is completely gone but it doesn't drive me like it used to.

If you have a manager who calls a meeting, but is always starting late he might have the need to control. To get his need met he keeps everyone waiting and starts the meeting late. He then runs late and inconveniences everyone. If he could recognize that he has the need to control he could also set up a way to get it met (and if he doesn't you can put this newsletter in his mail slot). One who needs control often has difficulty delegating. It could be helpful if they start by setting up a system of delegating with guidelines for frequent feedback.

A salesperson who needs to win might antagonize the other salespeople by being very competitive. The manager, however, might see him as not being a team player. If that salesperson could get his need to win met by playing in a tennis league or playing poker regularly it would serve him better. For his manager, team building exercises would be helpful. Perhaps that salesman could be the team leader in a new sales effort.

The important thing is not to expect others to know what you need. Whether at work or at home, when it's appropriate, verbalize what you want. A spouse or coworker might not realize how much you need to be acknowledged, respected, etc. Be specific. Also, don't feel that if you have to ask for it, it doesn't count. That's not true. Asking to have your needs met does not make it less effective. Don't hesitate to ask for what makes you happy.

Remember, needs are like food and water. They are basic conditions that must be met for us to be happy and successful. 

Phyllis Sisenwine, MCC

Published by Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach, Motivational Speaker and writer. She works with clients to earn more money, improve time management and stay focused. To schedule a powerful coaching conversation send an email. Her website is located at

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Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach



Phyllis Sisenwine

(215) 968-2424
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