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We have had such a great influx of new subscribers over the past week, I though I would run the poll again - so nobody misses out! And, if you forgot to participate last week, now is your chance. It is quick & easy to vote - to participate, just click on the answer you agree with the most. Results will be revealed in next weeks newsletter. Do you have a suggestion for a future poll? Let me know.

Poll Question:

Does Community play a big part in everyday Strata living?

Yes - strong community = happy building, and I live in a 'happy build'

Yes - I strongly agree, however I've never experienced living in a building with a great community

No comment - I have no interest in getting to know the neighbours

No - strata living can still be great, even with a lousy community

No - community plays no part in successful strata living

Have you ever considered a user-pays system of strata fees - only paying for the facilities you use? Read our News story of the week below for more information and get back to me with any comments. Can you see some pros and cons to the idea?

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Loud music

Can I get fined for ignoring complaint letters?

Paula Byrnes, Metropolitan Strata Reports

This case is about an owner who felt bullied - via neighbours complaint letters - by the other owners for playing loud music and entertaining & became distressed about what they were going to do next .

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nuisance owners

QLD: Dealing with nuisance owners

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Tank tower QBCCMCmr 322: dealing with a problem lot owner strata, including what may be considered reasonable and what is just pushing things too far.

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FAQ Fire doors

QLD: FAQs regarding fire door compliance

Peter Pedersen, Scanline Fire Doors
Do you know your fire door compliance? Here we provide some straight forward answers to some common questions regarding fire door compliance in Queensland.

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asbestos VIC

WorkSafe Victoria on Asbestos within Strata Schemes

Deborah Sullivan, QIA Group Pty Ltd
VIC: Are Owners Corporations required to gain an Asbestos Assessments under Division 5 (Asbestos in workplaces) for common areas that are not within the lot?
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NSW wheel clamp

NSW: Who does a wheel clamping by-law apply to?

Allison Benson, Kerin Benson Lawyers
Can we use a wheel clamping by-law to solve our strata parking problems? Well, the answer is maybe......
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NSW: Dealing with payments under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) ("SOPA")

David Bannerman and Ben Robertson, Bannermans Lawyers
Generally, in comparison to litigation in Court the SOPA progress payment claim process can be a quicker interim method to resolve progress payment disputes and obtain progress payments.
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News story of the week

User pays strata fees

Barangaroo raises prospect of user-pays strata fees

Sue Williams, Domain
They’re among the biggest gripes of apartment living: “I never use the pool, so why should I have to help pay for it?” And: “I live on the ground floor, I shouldn’t have to pay for the lift.”

But after a landmark revelation about the future running of the Barangaroo development, a system of user-pays strata fees may well be on the horizon.

September 2015 Apartment Property Clock

Apartment property clock

The most read article from our last newsletter?

strata title meetings

NSW: How are successful strata title scheme meetings run?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
This article explains how typical strata title meetings, such as Annual General Meetings (AGM) or Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) are run.

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Strata Events

SEPT 11:
(WA) Green Gurus – Sustainability in WA Housing Workshop

SEPT 15:
SCA (WA): The Role of the Council

SEPT 16:
SCA (WA): Maintenance Contention Issues on Common Property
SCA (NSW) & Waverley Council: Strata Owners Seminar

SEPT 18:
SCA (NSW): Gold Sponsor Comedy Event

SEPT 19:
Downsize With Style (NSW): Part 1: Get Started

SEPT 30:
OCN (NSW): Your Legal Responsibilities for Living in a Vertical Village

Visit our Strata Events Page

Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

Pets in apartments: mood swings towards animal owners The Australian

The Block 2015: will apartments in South Yarra’s former Hotel Saville sell? Domain

Australia Gets its First Asbestos Management Plan Sourceable

Unit investors are happy to buy before they try, with the number of off the plan apartments for sale jumping dramatically Courier Mail

Merging blocks to create multiple dwellings Property Observer

Australia’s shoddily built high rise shoe boxes Macro Business

Rise in unit approvals drives rebound Property Observer

NSW: Developers to cover cost of new building defects in NSW ABC News

Sydney’s Barangaroo project opens up harbour lifestyle choices Domain

Aussie Home Loans chief fears apartment price crash to hit Sydney The Daily Telegraph

Top lawyers call for changes to apartment ‘sunset clawbacks’ Domain

Strata experts back state government’s defects bond plan Domain

VIC: Lacrosse apartment fire - who to pay expenses related to making building compliant? Dockland News

It's time to bring back the suburban flat Urban Melbourne

The Watergate OC plans to appeal the recent VCAT short-stay decision at the Supreme Court Dockland News

High-rise panels fall on Valley street Brisbane Times

WA: Forced-sale plan for older flats The West Australian
Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at:
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