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We expect a bright tomorrow; all will be well
Faith can sing through days of sorrow, all is well
On our Father’s love relying
Jesus every need supplying
Yes in living or in dying
All must be well

September Stress!

This month promises some additional stress for Jason and me.  Between Jason leading our first life group meeting with church friends (9/10), my week-long work meetings in another town (9/14-18), Jason starting back at school and me sorting out the details for 4 more Discover trip participants, some doctor's appointments and Jason's parents coming to visit - we are sure to be stretched!

But stress that is planned for is the best kind.  As we go into this month, we are armed with new music, humor, taking in the sunsets when possible, praying together daily, and His Word as our guide.  We're currently studying Jeremiah and Colossians!

Please pray for our week-long work meetings Sept 14-18.  It will be the first time our team has met face-to-face, and our main task is to figure out how to accomplish our goals for the year.  Pray for good communication and God-glorifying strategies to reach the nations with the good news!
Getting ready to go!
Edwina & James* - Ethiopoia
Joanna - not sure yet!
Nick - Papua New Guinea
Deborah - PNG
On the field now
Emilee- Cambodia*
Daivd & Kris - Indonesia
Jenelle- S. Asia
Stephanie - S. Asia
Blaise - S. Asia
Rachel - Ghana
Recently Returned
Mary- Uganda*
Emily B- Uganda
Shannon - Thailand
Emily C- Indonesia
Thank you for praying as we prepare those who are getting ready to go, mentor those who are on the field now, and debrief with those who have recently returned!  I love being a part of the journey from beginning to end!  #forHisGlory
A few extras:
Do you buy from  Did you know you Amazon will donate 0.5% of the  price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice - and WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS is one of the organizations you can pick!  It's the same Amazon, your cart, wish lists and history all stay the same.  Same products, same prices, same service. Just sign in here.

My Blog - I've recently written about Jason's dog (Reagan), as well as the "hurricane" we had recently, and musings from the book "Ordinary" by Michael Horton.  You might enjoy and possibly even relate to the sanctifying things I've been learning recently :-)

Scripture Celebration - September 30, 10am at Wycliffe Headquarters.  You're invited!  If you live in the Orlando area, you should join us as we celebrate scripture translations that have recently been completed!  Admission is free!  All are welcome.  Stay and have lunch at the cafe afterwards!

How to make stress your friend - (A TED talk!) -- Apparently the way we THINK about stress has more of an impact on us than actual stress.
We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,  because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people— the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you. In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace. ~ Colossians 1:3-6

Till All Have Heard,
Elizabeth & Jason
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