The Jewish Fall Feasts begin on September 14th with Rosh Hashanah and end on the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). In the middle of it all is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are considerd the "High Holy Days" and are named the Ten Days of Awe (you can read more about the significance of these days here).
During these Ten Days of Awe, we will explore different methods of "practicing the presence of God". I am a gatherer/collector at heart, and have gathered together some spiritual practices to share with you - a different one every day. You will receive an email in the evening (beginning on September 13th) that gives instructions for the following day's spiritual practice. The emails will be short, and each practice will be from 5 to perhaps 30 minutes in length. At the end of ten days, I will encourage you to pick the one or two that resonated the most and then practice turning towards and tuning in to His Presence using that method for the next 6 weeks (that is how long it takes to build a habit!). We will even have a Facebook group for participants to join so that we can share with and encourage one another!