A weekly newsletter from the desk of Todd Coopee
SEPTEMBER 11, 2015
Here are a few highlights from the blog this week:
Pistol That Shoots Around the Corner


Kenner's 1965 release of Pistol That Shoots Around the Corner (and over your shoulder, too!) was a toy gun far more compact that its 12-word name would indicate.
Vintage Video: Hungry Hungry Hippos from Hasbro (1978)

"It's a race, it's a chase, hurry up and feed their face!" Hungry Hungry Hippos was released by Milton Bradley (a division of Hasbro) in 1978.

Toy Chest: FAO Schwarz Edition

8 things I wanted to share this week:
  1. Before closing its doors for good, this 1940 story from Fortune magazine details the rise to prominence of iconic toy store FAO Schwarz.
  2. In honor of EBay's recent 20th anniversary, here are 20 of the weirdest things ever sold including William Shatner’s kidney stone!
  3. Return of Rugrats? Looks like there may a retro '90s revival on tap at Nickelodeon.
  4. Washington, D.C. public schools are teaching second graders how to ride a bike as part of Phys. Ed. classes.
  5. At your next cocktail party, feel free to discuss the social history of Jell-O salad.
  6. Denmark's first astronaut was accompanied by LEGO toys on his mission to the International Space Station.
  7. Break out your vinyl LPs and go see All Things Must Pass, a documentary about the rise and fall of Tower records.
  8. Here's an interesting profile of the Museum of Soviet Arcade Games in St. Petersburg.
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