Exciting news! The fall DoubtLess Faith Conference is going to be in Atlanta, GA at Macland Baptist Church this year. Mark your calendars for October 23rd and 24th. Register now!
We as people can often times be tempted by the instinct of self-preservation. We must constantly be checking our motives to make sure that the things we do for people do not have ulterior motives. The desire to do something kind for someone in hopes that they would one day do something for us can be difficult to resist. In the first few verses of chapter 32 in Genesis, Jacob’s survival instincts kicked in and his lack of faith showed as a result.

Jacob had received his brothers blessing through deception. Even his name, Jacob, means “heel catcher” which carries the connotation of being a deceiver. Because of this Jacob lived in fear of his brother Esau. Fearing what Esau might do if they cross paths, he sends messengers ahead of him with the following message:

Thus says your servant Jacob, ‘I have sojourned with Laban and sted until now. I have oxen, donkeys, flocks, male servants, and female servants. I have sent to tell my lord in order that I may find favor in your sight.’ (Gen. 32:4-5)
Jacob reached out to his brother in fear and tried to get on his good side by offering to give him a bunch of stuff. Jacob was relying on his own strength and on his own cunning ways, rather than trusting in God for protection. This foreshadows what is to come in the rest of the chapter as Jacob soon realizes that he can no longer rely on himself because he will ultimately need God’s help in order to overcome.

In what ways are you tempted are you tempted to rely on yourself rather than on God? Identify those areas in your life and turn them over to God. He is the one who can give you the strength and the courage to get through whatever hardship you are faced with. 
Text By: Miguel Benitez, Jr.
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