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4th Annual Think Humanity Golf Tournament

August 17, 2015

Thanks to all who made this event possible

A message from the Coordinators of the event...
Dear Tournament Sponsors, Players and Volunteers,
On behalf of Think Humanity, we thank you for playing a big part in making our 4th Annual Think Humanity Golf Tournament a huge success.  We were able to raise $18,500 to support construction of five clean water wells and purchase 2,000 long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets.  With your support, we will be helping more than 18,000 people in communities in western Uganda.
The wells will provide clean and accessible water to approximately 10,000 people. Our aim is to eliminate severe cases of typhoid, cholera, worm parasites and other waterborne illnesses.  The nets will shield as many as 8,000 of the poorest people in the world.  Malaria is endemic in this part of East Africa where young children without bed nets die on average every 30 seconds.
Again, thank you for your participation.  We hope you had a great time and will play in our 5th Annual Think Humanity Golf Tournament, which is scheduled for Monday, August 15, 2016 at Highland Meadows Golf Course, Windsor CO.
Joe Bergholz, Kent Mills, Ron Norby and Mike Peetz
Think Humanity Golf Tournament Coordinators

This link has photos and a list of all volunteers, donors and hole sponsors. click here
Also attached are photo updates on the first two of the five wells being constructed. The first is Kiryamasasa Village and the second is Bugangaizi West Village in Kibaale District, Uganda.

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