September 7, 2015
Week #14
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Letter from a Farmer,
As it is Labor Day we want to thank a few key members who volunteer their time and energy to make your CSA sites possible and a few people and organizations who provide the space for Roxbury Farm to distribute our vegetables in your communities.

For a few years in the early 1990s the NYC members had to get their vegetables out of the back of the delivery truck on a street corner in the Meat Packing District.  In those days it was not the neighborhood it is today.  The battery was stolen out of the delivery truck and when Jean-Paul when to a car garage on the corner, it was his own battery he bought back so he could get home.  The NYC members had a hard time finding an organization with a building to host the site.  They did find a home at the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew on the Upper West Side and many NYC members still pick up there today.  Sixteen other CSA sites followed due to the generosity of other groups willing to host CSA members each week.   

When a family, church, synagogue, school, health clinic, business, or day care agree to host a CSA site they are taking on a big commitment.  One day a week they agree to lend some space for a large group of people to come in and out in a short amount of time.  Many times the people coming to the building are not part of their organization but only part of the CSA.  We ask for space to store our supplies and delivery crates.  The veggies are wet and sometimes still have some dirt on them, so the location can get a bit messy.  Most members drive to the CSA site so parking space is important.  The site hosts feel it is important to help create access to local, fresh produce for their community so they are willing to let us use their space.  In return, it is up to the CSA members to leave the space cleaner than they found it, the leave no trace CSA is what we want to be known as. Please make sure to help in the effort to keep the site hosts from having to do any work after the CSA delivery period is over.

All of the CSA pickup sites except for one are located 30 minutes to three hours from the farm.  We rely on a group of volunteers we call Site Coordinators or Core Group members to make sure the sites function and run smoothly.  This group of member volunteers coordinate the member volunteer shifts, communicate with the site hosts, troubleshoot when a building is locked and the delivery truck is arriving any minute or when the delivery truck is running late because of backed up traffic on the way into NYC, keeps in touch with the farm on a regular basis, keeps track of who didn't pick up their meat share so that the members don't miss out, and many other tasks that happen in the background.  We couldn't do what we do without them.  We ask you to give them a hand by volunteering and being on time for your volunteer shift.  Lend a hand when you see that the delivery boxes aren't stacked neatly or that an empty box is on top of a stack of full boxes or that the floor is getting dirty. 

When you sign up to be a member of a CSA you make  a commitment to be part of a community supporting the activity on and existence of a farm.  It also involves being a member of a group that you may not share anything else in common with besides picking up your weekly share at a location near your home, work, or a location that isn't very convenient but you do it anyway because the vegetables are important to you.   Many of you hurry from work or other activities with family and friends to arrive at your CSA site on time.  Volunteering at your site keeps the distribution costs of your share to a very small amount and is a way to make new connections to people in your community.  We thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to keep the sites running smoothly.        ~Jody                                  
Getting ready for the mornig harvest by the light of the moon.

Lois Caulfield

Dick & Eileen Shirey
Dan Wilcox
Janet Appe
Holy Trinity Parish Center
Mt. Olivet Missionary Baptist Church
Immaculate Conception Church
United Presbyterian Church of Troy

Pace University
Mt. Kisco Child Care Center
Bill and Sue Hassett
Congregation B'nai Yisrael
Community Unitarian Church

Church of St. Paul & St. Andrew
Broadway Presbyterian Church
Thurgood Marshall Academy
The Renaissance and Kalahari Buildings

Chris VonBuelow
Georgia Sullivan
Cinzia Cera
Janet Appe & Beth Malone
Susan Yavaniski
Richie Woodzell
Barbara Wallis
Michelle Naughton & Janis Joyce

Bernice Houle, Anne Corey & Connie Knapp
Dennis Gochuico
Bill & Sue Hassett
Tessa Kwittken
Meredith Garmon, Liliana Keith, & Leslie Mignault

Lauren Lee, Edie Cavalieri, Orlando Miles, & Paul Rhodes
Ciel Mahoney, Josh Dirlam, Josh Arky
Roberta Campos, Dana Points, & Alison Broda
Sharon Richie & Margi Briggs-Lofton

Ed Fallon
ORDER BEEF BY THE CUT:  We now have Roxbury Farm grassfed beef available to order by the cut.  Visit our website at and click on Our Products and Meat Orders to place your order.  We will deliver your orders next week (Sept. 15 - 18) to your CSA pick-up site.  Look for the coolers with your invoice and order.   
Harvesting salad mix as the sun rises.
COMING NEXT WEEK: broccoli or cauliflower, mustard greens, salad mix, head lettuce, sweet corn, green beans, slicing tomatoes, plum tomatoes, onions, garlic, potatoes, cilantro, and Carmen sweet peppers.

FRUIT: Peaches
Delivery this week, Sept 8 - 11
2nd Pork delivery, Oct 13 - 16
3rd Pork delivery, Nov 3 - 6
3rd delivery, Sept 22 - 25
4th Chicken delivery, Oct 20 - 23
5th Chicken delivery, Nov 17 - 20
3rd delivery, Sept 29 - Oct 2
1st delivery Oct 27 - 30
Remaining Lamb deliveries will be during the winter share delivery dates.

The winter share consists of three deliveries:
Dec 1 - 4, Jan 5 - 8, 2016, & Feb 2 - 5, 2016.
Each delivery includes a box of 30 lbs of storage vegetables:
potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, parsnips, winter squash, and celeriac.  The Winter Share costs $125 for members; please email the farm to make an order.