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Welcoming you to Autumn, 2015

Overview + News:
  • Stacy's Recent Lyme Treatment 
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  • Plus: Where you can find daily Inspiration from the Well Scent team!



Lyme TreatMent Update
"Limitless Possibilities for Healing"

By, Stacy Shuman.

As we know, healing from a Chronic Illness is not only challenging, but it also takes a whole lot of determination and research to get started on a healing path that's right for you. 

We were lucky enough to have some insight from the Founder and Creator, Stacy, on her recent healing journey, what it has brought for her, and where she hopes it goes. Not just that, but some helpful tips for each and everyone one of us as we embark on our own, unique journey. 


1. EMF/ RF Exposure: Assess, Reassess, Mitigate . Did you know that EMF/ RF stress affects every organ in your body? Did you know that bacteria grow exponentially in the presence of EMF/ RF? There is also a relationship between mold growth and EMF/ RF exposure. When the EMF/ RF is higher, the mold will be as well, and not just in your home but in your body as well. Here are three simple tips to mitigate exposure:
  • Tip 1) Cell Phones: Block harmful radiation from your cell phone with a Pong Case. This case is, dare I say it, sexy. Seriously. Get one. Next, keep your phone in airplane mode as often as possible. Finally, when you are talking on your phone, use a headset (never Bluetooth) or put it on speaker and don’t put it next to your head unless you are deliberately trying to kill brain cells.
  • Tip 2) In your home: Turn off the electricity in your room at night. You can do this by installing a demand switch in your room or by shutting off the circuits to your bedroom. A nuisance? Sure, but economical and with huge health benefits.
  • Tip 3) Laptops and E-Readers: If you absolutely must have a laptop near your body, use a Harapad. You can get one of these for your iPad as well.  *Additional steps for mitigation: Install Stetzer filters at least in areas of the home where you spend the most time. Avoid baby monitors, mobile phones, Bluetooth Technology and smart meters.
2. Mold Exposure: Assess, Reassess, Remediate. To some degree this probably affects most people but genetically some are more susceptible than others. If you have mold in your home, there are things you can do to improve air quality. If there is a massive exposure, however, then you may have to move. I have heard physicians say pointedly that you will not recover from Lyme, etc., if you neglect to consider possible mold exposure. After watching the recent documentary "Moldy," I believe it now more than ever. Here are my top three tips for assessing for mold:
  • 1) Online Screening: Take the VCS Screening Test from Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker. (Other tests recommended by Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker can be found here.) 
  • 2) Home Testing: Get an ERMI test from Mycometrics. If using the swiffer cloth to collect dust, make sure the dust has collected for at least three weeks and swipe in one direction only and from ten different places in your home. You should be wearing gloves and the swiffer should be covered in dust by at least more than half the surface area. 
  • 3) Use essential oils (Thieves Oil or Mold Plus) to clean household items and in your laundry. You should also diffuse these oils with a cold-air diffuser, ideally when you are not home. You might also consider the Air Oasis. It has a sleek, compact design and is very quiet and travel-friendly.
3. Consider drainage remedies. I underestimated the power of homeopathy until I had my first IV with homeopathics prior to getting on a 3-hour flight. I get it now. Homeopathy is powerful. More than any other thing I have ever tried, homeopathic drainage remedies have helped decrease intense Herxeimer reactions. (Other tips for managing Herxeimer include energy work, detox baths, binders, mindfulness and breath-work, nervous system support, Bach Rescue Remedy.) *Two popular homeopathic lines are Pekana and Soluna.

4. Find your tribe. Last month I met another patient in an IV room. We started talking about life, flowers, herbs, plant medicine, camping, stargazing, crafting and, of course, Lyme Disease. An hour or so later we are exchanging IG information only to learn that we have known each other for at least a year through social media. You know, I felt that connection with her even before we figured that out. And although I prefer face-to-face, there are times when social media just makes more sense. When I started down this path years ago, Instagram wasn’t even a thing and I sort of fought that for awhile, but today it is one of my go to places for inspiration. 

5. Keep it simple. Nature, bodywork, meditation and prayer, journaling, laughter, friendship, forgiveness, mindfulness, flowers, hot baths, real food.

Managing Pain
"Cloud Nine - New Pain Formulas from the SOphia Health Institute"

How best to look at, and conquer pain. After all, It's one of the most complex and difficult parts of healing, not only that, but there are so many different factors that come into play when working with each individual person, because for each person, this pain derives from a different source, and in order to target that source, we need to know it's origin and how it works. 

To help address these different kinds of pain, The Sophia Institute and Dr. Yarnell created three different formulas; Formulas that help target each main source of pain...

1. Cloud Nine targets all three types of pain.
  • Ingredients include: water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin, wild lettuce aerial parts in flower, willow bark, pacific valerian root, skullcap aerial parts in flower, Jamacian Dogwood bark, Corydalis yanhussou rhizome, Gelsemium root, black cohosh root, jimson weed leaf, sichuan Aconite root, and Arnica flower.
2. Neuropathic Pain formula was created with nerve damage in mind. It aids in relieving neurological pain and helps heal nerve-related injuries with symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning, or any change of sensation accompanied with pain.  It is also an effective healing aid post-surgery, as nerves can often be damaged during a surgical procedure. 
  • Ingredients Include: Piper methysticum, Pedicularis racemes, Hypericum perforatum, Centella asiatica, Rosmarinus officinalis, Corydalis yanhusuo, Gelsemium sempervirens, Zingiber officinale, citric acid, water, alcohol, vegetable glycerin.
3. Musculoskeletal Pain formula is great for treating acute musculoskeletal injuries as well as relieving musculoskeletal pain and tension. It also helps alleviate organ pain, which may stem from the smooth muscles of the body. 
  • Ingredients Include: Musculoskeletal Pain formula contains the following ingredients: Stachys betonica, Pedicularis bracteosa, Piscidia piscipula, Apium graveolens, Salix, Gelsemium sempervirens, Chinese Giant Hyssop aerial parts, Glycyrrhiza glabra
NOTE* If you’re suffering from any type of pain, herb formulas can be a great and natural way to alleviate it. However, as with Cloud Nine, many medicinal herb formulas may react negatively when used in conjunction with other herbs, supplements and medications, or they may contain ingredients that can be toxic if not used in the proper dosage. That’s why it’s important to speak with a physician before starting any herb treatment.


Source of information from:
The Sophia Health Institute
Dr. Eric Yarnell

~Under The stars~
"Sacred attar"


Welcoming, Well Scent's powerful new Essential Oil. A wonderful addition to the REST OF THE Emotional supporT apothecary. 

In light of the full moons' passed, and the ones yet to come, we look to our newest blend, Under The Stars... help us with grounding, letting go, chakra balance, and nighttime healing. We absolutely love utilizing essential oils, along with crystals, and journaled intentions, to support our body, mind and spirit in its effort to release, regenerate and renew. Dab on this earthy, sweet blend of Bergamot, Oak Moss and Tonka Bean and step outside tonight to gaze up at the moon, "Under The Stars". Carry some crystals in your pocket, bring out your journal, and make a wish. The Universe is listening.


Physically Balancing Benefits: Balancing and grounding for an over-active nervous system. Restores homeostasis. Stabilizes neurotransmitters. Heals root triggers for insomnia and promotes peaceful, restful, healing sleep. 

Emotionally Balancing Benefits: Emotionally grounding. Facilitates ease and peace in moments of anxiety. Aids in releasing worry, stress and anger. Connects us with hope for healing.

Spiritually Balancing Benefits: Supports first chakra grounding. Grounds the spirit into the body. Aids in release of unwanted energy in the 6th and 7th chakras. Facilitates the release of energy that no longer serves us, sending the message to the spirit that it is strong and resilient, and in this moment all is well. 

Suggestions for use: Dab on sternum, wrists or temples during ceremony and prayer. Dab on yoga mat during yoga. Diffuse near alter or in bedroom. Use in an evening bath. Drop on pillow or place on a cloth or cotton ball near bed. 

Content by, Candice
Well Scent Social Media Manager

SEASONAL healing rituals 

"coming home to my body"

Written by guest blogger, Kat Woods.

"What does it even mean to have Love, Compassion, and Forgiveness for your Body? What does that look like? Feel like?"
At first I wasn’t sure. So I started with the basics. When I became aware that my body was thirsty I drank water. When my body was hungry, I ate healing foods. When I noticed exhaustion, I allowed myself rest. I started with these baby steps, and then I began to incorporate special rituals and practices to strengthen the tender new relationship I was forming with myself.

The practice of using Affirmation Self Massage is one of these deeply healing rituals. It has helped me to reconnect with my Body and to appreciate the way my Body tirelessly supports me.  With time, this practice has powerfully shifted the way I experience myself as a physical being. I begin by preparing some body oil for myself. You can use any body oil or lotion you resonate with, though I have always enjoyed creating special and seasonal blends using a variety of oils that I mix intuitively. After doing this for some years I’ve found that I am instinctively drawn to specific oils during certain seasons:
  • In Fall I relish in using oils made from high quality nuts like macadamia, walnut, and sweet almond, which feel grounding and help replenish and rejuvenate our skin after a season in the sun. For additional wellness support, I recommend adding essential oils that boost immunity and create a protective layer on the skin like the blend Renew. These oils also serve as a reminder that even though the leaves are falling, we will have the ability to restore and start anew.
  • Winter months invite me to sooth and nourish my skin with deeply moisturizing butters like Shea and cocoa, and anti-oxidant rich extra virgin olive oil. The Over The Moon essential oil blend is the perfect addition during these colder months as its reminds our Spirit that we still have the ability to bloom in all seasons.

"Thank you for being the lead sponsor for the 2015 annual Ryde for Lyme. We appreciate Well Scent’s ongoing support of the LymeLight Foundation and the community in general."
Nancy Rollett · Co-Executive Director · LymeLight Foundation
   Chloe O'Neill
well scent's lead content creator
Each adventure that you take is a chapter of your story, and you get to choose what direction this story takes, where you go, and who you become. So, don't be afraid to make changes, don't be afraid to take detours, and don't be afraid to take these adventures for just you. Yes, some chapters will be more challenging than others, some will test your ability to keep going, but while you're in the thick of these chapters, don't forget to step back and look at all the amazing ones you've have done, and the ones that are yet to come.
Let us remain in awe of the past, captivated by the present, and excited for the future!
-Words from Chloe on @morethanlyme.

Chloe, we are excited for your future with Well Scent, and we're grateful that you and your shared adventures are now an official part of our world.

Meet the rest of the Well Scent Team:

Well Scent Social Media Manager

I have been a patient of the Sophia Health Institute and a Well Scent customer for over a year and a half. The products from Well Scent continue to be a major component of my health protocol moving me towards better health. I continue to be impressed with the quality and effectiveness of their products. I am, however, even more amazed with the heart and soul that has gone into the creation of this company and their products. Stacy has always extended such kindness, generosity 
and interest in helping all of her customers. When Stacy saw that I was organizing a fundraiser for two close friends suffering from Chronic Lyme disease, she very generously offered a $200 gift certificate for our auction. Along with Brad and Christina, the beneficiaries of the fundraiser, I am so grateful for the incredible generosity of Stacy and Well Scent for giving back to the community of people suffering with chronic illness through her donation. Thank you Stacy and Well Scent!

Warm regards, Mary Ellen Hamilton
Well Scent Instagram
stay inspired by daily posts from the well scent girls + other community members.
tara Mackey
celebrity blogger/customer:
The Organic life

" I’ve been pumped about brushing my teeth in the last few weeks!  Using a powerful combination of the Shine Dental Powder + Sparkle Dental Powder Watch Your Mouth, my teeth have never been cleaner or whiter! "
claire ragozzino
CELEBRITY BLOGGER/customer:Vidya living

" I’ve fallen in love with my Well Scent emotional support oil blends and complete dental care line. Having switched from regular toothpaste to an Ayurvedic blend years ago, I’ve loved upgrading now to the tooth powders and oils that use wonderful naturally cleansing ingredients like neem, activated coconut charcoal, and echinacea. My mouth has never felt so clean and fresh! I feel great using these products – whether I’m diffusing, anointing or brushing – knowing the quality care and intention that has gone into them makes all the difference. "

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