Choosing engaging classes for success
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In this issue of The Free Agent

Choosing engaging classes for success
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Choosing Engaging Classes for Success

This time of year, students are learning about and choosing classes, career pathways, programs of study and majors. They need your help. Using Holland’s theory is one effective way students can clarify what really fits and engages them in school. Identifying career directions also help make school more meaningful. Why is choosing the right classes and doing well in them important? (Forgive the right brain exercise here)
For college admission…

For college success….

But this brings up another question… How can we best help students make career-related choices when research shows 14-25 year olds are intensely exploring their self-identity with a changing brain?
There’s no magic answer.  But we do know one’s strongest Holland personality types are stable for most people, starting in late middle school. With this self-knowledge, students gain greater clarity about themselves and how personality impacts their success in environments where they work and study. That leads to better decisions.
Activities in these Career Key articles will help your students make more sense of their options:

Research you can use...

Outcomes for liberal arts and science college graduates may not be so bad according to a new NACE report on their post graduation outcomes.  Its findings raise questions about blanket recommendation of STEM careers – biological sciences are the worst performers in student outcomes. I have to admit being a little surprised by that.

In advising students about promising careers and majors you may want to take some of these report highlights into account:
  • Many liberal arts and sciences grads choose to go to graduate school, which throws off pot-graduation salaries and employment stats.  This is also an issue with data on the new government College Scorecard website. Grads don't necessarily seek advance degrees because they cannot find good jobs – some starting salaries in physical sciences are comparable to those offered to professional degree holders (engineering, finance, etc.).
  • Best performing majors: urban studies, meteorology, physical sciences, sustainability studies, social sciences, legal studies, cognitive science and biomathematics.
  • Poorest performing majors: Slavic languages, ethnic/gender studies, zoology, ecology, physiology, neuroscience, cell biology, and creative writing.

Career Key News

Our new infographic shows the new ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors covered when using the Career Key test. School counselors can see how your work fits in with the research-based, National Model. Pin it on Pinterest too!


Career Key case studies and reviews
Read new case studies describing school and college customers who use Career Key.

In the press...
The Career Key test, website, and ACIP decision making model appears in NCDA’s Fall 2015 Career Developments magazine article, “Applying Holland’s Theory of Career Choice to High-Risk Students” by Jerry Ochoa.


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The Free Agent
September 2015

Career Key's monthly e-Newsletter for counselors and career/college advising professionals about careers, education choices, and job skills.

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Editor: Juliet Wehr Jones, GCDF, J.D., VP, Career Key

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