Topics: Preparing the garden for fall

Lansburgh Park
1098 Delaware Ave SW

Twitter: @swgardens
Facebook: SW Community Gardens

Food, Flowers, & Friendships

For the week of: September 21, 2015


Wednesdays, 6-7pm
Saturdays, 4-6pm

* Work days will be cancelled on days of inclement weather.

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Fall is almost here!

This Wednesday, September 23rd, is the autumnal equinox -- representing the official ending of summer, and the beginning of fall. On this day, the sun aligns with the equator, providing nearly equal amounts of daylight and nighttime.

In preparation for fall, we've already planted some season-appropriate crops: mustard greens, wasabi-flavored arugula, and brussels sprouts. Garlic is on the way, and once it arrives, we'll put that in, too.
Last week, we held our hot-(sweet)-potato harvest. 18 kids, parents, and adults helped harvest a little over 15 pounds of sweet potatoes. After harvesting, and washing, we played a few games of hot-(sweet)-potato, Whip/NaeNae style! Check out this video.

A big thank-you to everyone who has been dropping off their food scraps at the garden. Thanks to you, we've got some quality compost available! Stop by during one of our Wednesday or Saturday work days to pick some up. And if you'd like a little ab-workout in the process, you can use our soil-sifter to remove the bigger chunks of wood and debris.
That's it for now,
see you in the garden!

What comes from the Earth is of the greatest worth
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