Radically Connecting the RMC
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Connected at Our Roots:
News by and for the Rocky Mountain Conference
Visit the Rocky Mountain Conference Website
In This Issue: 
RMC Signs On to Historical Amicus Brief
In Memoriam: Rev. Dr. Larry Kent Graham
Black Forest UCC Gets "In the Mud"!
Exciting New Calls & Award-Winning Ministry
"Excellence in Ministry" Zoom Calls
Join the Best-Practices "So-That" Team!
A Public Health Emergency
Help Us Reach Our OCWM Goals!

RMC Signs Onto Historical Amicus Brief

The case against Masterpiece Cakeshop will go in front of the Supreme Court in December.

You may have heard about the controversy surrounding Masterpiece Cakeshop in the West-Denver suburb of Lakewood, CO. 

Colorado has a law protecting LGBTQ persons from discrimination, which includes discrimination by businesses. In 2012, David Mullins and Charlie Craig (a gay couple engaged to be married) visited Masterpiece Cakeshop to order their wedding cake. However, the shop and its owner, Jack Phillips, refused to make their wedding cake for them. His reasoning? They were gay, and they don't serve same-sex couples. 

In the years since, the State of Colorado has ruled in favor of Mullins and Craig, but the case continues. In early December, it will reach the floor of the United States Supreme Court, making it an important landmark case for LGBTQ rights. 

Before the case is heard, entities not involved with the case are invited to submit an Amicus Brief, especially if they have a strong stake in the matter.

In support of LGBTQ rights, the Rocky Mountain Conference has signed onto one such brief to be submitted by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. You can read the entirety of the 129-page brief on the RMC website, or by clicking the image above. The gist of it is simply that everyone in Colorado, the RMC, and the world should be safe from discrimination, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. 

It's not breaking news that some people are gay, and they want to fall in love and get married and eat cake like everyone else. It is surprising that still, in 2017, prejudices still spring forth from fear and misinformation. Thankfully, love is on our side, and it is for everyone. As we fight for justice, we pray that Jack Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop look into their heart and see that we are all Children of God. 

In Memoriam: Rev. Dr. Larry Kent Graham

On October 19, 2017, we lost a big presence in the Rocky Mountain Conference. The Reverend Doctor Larry Kent Graham, Professor Emeritus of Iliff School of Theology, sadly passed away after his struggle with pancreatic cancer. He was 75 years old. 

Rev. Dr. Graham, born January 8, 1942 in Los Angeles, CA, taught at Iliff from 1977 to 2014. During his tenure there, he served as the Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs; Director of the Joint PhD Program in Religious and Theological Studies; and chair of many committees, including the Faculty Personnel Committee. During his career, he also chaired 17 PhD dissertation committees, and oversaw several DMin projects and Master's Theses.  

Rev. Dr. Graham began his ministry in another denomination. Then, in 1989, he requested and earned a Privilege of Call in the United Church of Christ. With a pending call from Iliff, he was granted Ordained Ministerial Standing.

His service was held on October 24 at First Plymouth Congregational Church in Englewood, CO, where he was a member. To view the service program and video from the service, you can do so by visiting a lovely tribute page on Iliff's website

It was Rev. Dr. Graham's wish that, in lieu of loved ones sending flowers or gifts, they instead consider donating to The Larry Kent Graham Scholarship Fund at Iliff School of Theology. Donations can be securely made online here. They can also be sent to: 
The Larry Kent Graham Scholarship Fund
c/o Iliff School of Theology
2323 E. Iliff Ave
Denver, CO 80210
Black Forest Community Church Gets In the Mud 
An overview of their powerful work with La Puenté Home.
An "In the Mud" Report from Tom Putney with Black Forest Community Church.
Have "In the Mud" news from your church to share? Let us know!

We finished our project at La Puente, which utilized our $1,000 “In the Mud” grant to replace a 47’ fence behind the La Puenté Home's homeless shelter.

There were four of us representing BFCC and getting in the mud, and we also had help from two La Puente employees, Amy and Jason. Home residents got in the mud, too, including Steven (AKA Cowboy Preacher), Richard, Jose, and Jeff.

We arrived just after noon on a Wednesday and began demolition, with a goal of setting the new fence-posts before dark. Help from the staff and residents arrived just in time, as Connor Stricklan and I got worn out from using the heavy auger and running into roots. Jason used a chainsaw to cut an 8” root on the tree, and we met our goal!

Afterward, the four of us had a nice Mexican buffet downtown, before getting a good night's sleep and hitting the ground running the next morning. Richard and Cowboy helped with cutting and driving screws, and our day went fast. We had local burgers for lunch, and finished the fence at 1:30 in the afternoon!

Our group felt great satisfaction with what we were able to accomplish for La Puenté, and for being able to work alongside the people there. Director Lance Cheslock was impressed with the 8’ fence, and very thankful for the dedication of our UCC congregation, especially in the face of opposition from parts of the surrounding community. Unfortunately, there are those who don't see the value in La Puenté's work—but we at Black Forest Community Church do, and we are proud to support them in the ministry!

Thank you, Rocky Mountain Conference, for funding this project to Glorify God’s Love. 

Yours in Christ,

Tom Putney—Missions Ministry
Black Forest Community Church
Black Forest, Colorado

Exciting New Calls & Award-Winning Ministry

RMC Homecomings, Sermons + Awards, and Sacred Events

Left: Rev. Heather Haginduff. Right: Rev. Karen Winkel.
Photo of Karen Winkel courtesy of the 
Montrose Daily Press

RMC pastors continue to raise the bar on ministry.

Rev. Karen Winkel, pastor at Community Spirit Church in Montrose, CO, is knocking it out of the park.

On October 18, she received the 2017 Peace Award from the Colorado Friends of the Himalayas. She was honored specifically for her social-justice work in the community, as well as her work with the Colorado Interfaith Alliance. 

As if that weren't enough, she penned an article for the paper a few days ago, calling for an end to divisive vitriol, and pleading for rational, gracious dialogue between those of all backgrounds and beliefs. You can read her article here. Good work, Karen! 

Rev. Heather Haginduff has been called as the next Lead Pastor of First Congregational Church in Colorado Springs, CO!

For the last three years, Heather has served Trinity UCC in Canton, Ohio, but her roots of ministry rest firmly in Colorado. Before Trinity, she served for several years as Associate Pastor with First Congregational UCC in Boulder. 

First Congregational Church of Colorado Springs will welcome Heather and her family on January 1, 2018. Until then, they will continue to be faithfully lead by their Interim Minister, Rev. Nayiri Karjian, who has been instrumental in helping them during this transitional milestone. 

Welcome back to the RMC, Rev. Haginduff—we look forward to seeing what comes next for you and your new church-home! 

Below, Rev. Nancy Niero, the force behind UCC-Sponsored ministry service Anoint, offers an invitation to two events this Advent Season. 

Hello, RMC!

I'm leading an Advent Ritual Making Class during December; it will take place over three Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m., and will include a simple supper. We will gather and create new rituals for the season around hope, peace, love, and joy. It will take place at Wash Park UCC (401 S. Williams St., Denver).

I'm also one of three clergy folk creating the Longest Night Christmas Service on December 21, 6:30 p.m. at Sixth Avenue UCC (3250 E. Sixth Avenue, Denver). This is a gathering for those struggling during the holiday season with grief, loss, and sorrow. Will we offer music, poetry, silence, and hymns. Childcare will be available, and the church is wheelchair accessible. Refreshments will be served afterward.

More info for both events, including dates, times, and details on attending, are available at www.anointjourney.com. Please share with any who may find comfort in these sacred places this season.

Blessings in all you do. 

Rev. Nancy Niero
Pastor and Community Chaplain

"Excellence in Ministry" Zoom Calls, Nov. 9 & 13

All are invited to join the RMC's "Excellence in Ministry" Initiative!

Photo by Jerrit Peinelt on Unsplash
Below is an invitation to join the RMC in dialogue, from Conference Minister Rev. Sue Artt and Associate Conference Minister Rev. Erin Gilmore.

As a part of our many "RMC Forward" initiatives to redesign church to flourish in the 21st Century, the RMC is proposing a new Conference-wide “Excellence in Ministry Team” to manage the complexities of authorized ministry for both clergy and church leadership.

Designed to take advantage of our current volunteer levels and the advance of communications technology, this new model will seek the best balance between the centralization of functions (ministerial authorization, ethical training, fitness reviews, etc.), and upbuilding Association-based capacities such as crisis intervention and situational support.

An initial model was shared at all five Association Meetings in the last month. As we move into the full design stage, we will start with three Q&A/Listening sessions. Details are below, including the links you'll click on in order to join these Zoom meetings.   All are invited to tune in to one or all three of these meetings, and encouraged to share your thoughts about how we can build a model to serve us well into the future.

We Need Your Wisdom and Leadership!

Keep an eye out for opportunities to join the RMC's Best-Practices "So-That" Team!

Photo by Mathias Jensen on Unsplash
In the Spirit of our 21st-Century Leadership Model unveiled last year, the Conference is forming (and has already formed!) "So-That" Teams, made up of volunteers to help the RMC be the Church of the Future—and we need you!

In particular, we need your insight, wisdom, and energy. As a "So-That" team member, you'll brainstorm with a team leader and other team members to create a vision. Then, together, you'll formulate a plan to realize that vision throughout the RMC. 

On the horizon is a "So-That" team around Best Practices for RMC churches, led by Director of Communications Ministries, Cory Kibler. This team will identify key best practices, and implement platforms through which to share the great wisdom abundant in this Conference.

If you are interested in being an Association Rep on this team, please email Cory Kibler and let him know! 

A Public Health Emergency

A message from CHHSM on how we can stop gun violence together.
From the UCC's Council for Health & Human Services Ministries (CHHSM): 

" 'As followers of a truth-seeking, truth speaking Christ, we have a responsibility to search for informed, reasoned, and rational solutions to the problems that plague our nation and world. People of faith and goodwill cannot willingly avoid the best possible solutions when it comes to protecting ourselves and our neighbors from the horrendous rates of gun violence.'
"These words, taken from the resolution passed by the General Synod of the United Church of Christ in the summer of 2017, remind us that as followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to seek and speak truth. And an undeniable truth is: people are dying."


Click here to read more, get involved, and find out how you can contact your elected officials on this Public Health Emergency, as designated by the United Church of Christ. 
Up-to-Date on OCWM?

The Rocky Mountain Conference doesn't exist without you. In fact, we (the Conference staff) are here with the main goal of lifting up and supporting your church. And, the more churches that uphold their OCWM covenant, the better-equipped we are to aid ALL RMC churches! 

If your church hasn't yet fulfilled your OCWM pledges to date, please send them in soon! 

Have a story you'd like us to include in the next newsletter? 
Send us your idea!
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