
We have a winner! 

Celebration time

Above centre photo caption: TLF Director Robbie Francis accepting Attitude's Entrepreneur Award.
Photo credit: Attitude
Bottom left photo caption: Robbie and her parents, Jackie and Ken, at their hotel before the Attitude Awards.

Bottom right photo caption: TLF board member Erin Gough and Robbie at the Attitude Awards.

We are pleased to announce that our talented Director Robbie Francis won Attitude's Entrepreneur of the Year award last week!

The Attitude Awards honour and showcase the achievements of people with disabilities in New Zealand. Robbie was nominated alongside Bruce 'Pic' Picot, creator of Pic's Peanut Butter, and Victoria Lessing, founder of Merge, who provide tutorials on New Zealand Sign Language and Deaf culture as well as consultancy services. 

We've said it many times, but we'll say it again, because we are so proud of Robbie's achievements. Congratulations Robbie for continuing to highlight the importance of inclusiveness, perseverance and hard work. Robbie's passion for disability inclusiveness and her drive to see an end-to-end inclusive and sustainable supply chain is at the core of The Lucy Foundation's work.

Robbie is also a PhD candidate at the University of Otago researching the experiences of people with disabilities during conflict and displacement. We are privileged to work with this incredible woman. 

Head over to Attitude Live to learn more about Robbie and the other Attitude Awards finalists. 


We are now beginning the next phase of our Mexican coffee project thanks to the $20,227 we raised through our PledgeMe crowdfunding campaign. 

Phase Two of the project will include agricultural workshops for the community, increasing coffee production, paying for day-to-day operations and developing a community development fund.

More specifically over the next few months we will be:

  • Helping local families with coffee harvest and processing 
  • Establishing a TLF education facility
  • Continuing community workshops, focusing on agricultural practices, beekeeping, barista training etc.
  • Working one-on-one with families to develop practical skills to use within the community

Thank you for helping us to carry on this extraordinary project here in Pluma Hidalgo, Mexico. 

At the start of November, we held a TLF team reunion in Pluma Hidalgo to visit families involved in the project, reflect on Phase One, discuss future plans and do some good ol' team building.

TLF team members Courtney Wilson, Robbie Francis, Darren Ward and creative mind Yonel Watene joined TLF field directors Ryan and Jess Sanders and their two children Lorenzo and Ebony in Pluma Hidalgo. 

On Darren's first night, Doña Gaby and her two daughters Marisol and ViryLu cooked a delicious Mexican feast to welcome The Lucy Foundation team. Pepe, Doña Gaby's youngest child, has been working with Jess and Ryan for more than a year now helping with workshops, renovating an old coffee mill and assisting on building projects. It was amazing to see how this entire family has welcomed Jess and Ryan and The Lucy Foundation's vision with open arms. 

The next day it was planning time! We each wrote down our ideas, no idea was too small, too big, too strange or too normal. It was all about sharing and collaboration. As we move forward with Phase Two, we are also thinking about Phase Three and the future sustainability of the project. 

That afternoon, we met with another family working with The Lucy Foundation - Don Epifanio and Doña Serafina. Ryan and Pepe have been working with Don Epifanio and his son Fidel on their family coffee farm prepping coffee for this year's harvest. The family has adopted practices from our agricultural workshops and applied them to their crops. This has resulted in a smaller coffee crop this year, but healthier plants for a high-quality, high-yield crop in the future. 

While the team were together, Doña Alicia, one of our beloved family members, passed away. She has worked with The Lucy Foundation since the very beginning and encouraged two of her sons, both with disabilities, to participate in training and employment opportunities offered by The Lucy Foundation. Earlier this year, in a reflection meeting she commented on how happy it made her that her sons were more independent and had purpose outside of the family home. Seeing how much that meant to her is part of the reason we do what we do.

As you walk through the town you can feel the love that there is for Jess, Ryan, the kids and the project, from people offering support to wanting to be a part of our activities, people are open to The Lucy Foundation and empowering people with disabilities in the community. 

It is not an easy process, nor is it straight-forward and we couldn't have asked for two better, more committed field directors than Jess and Ryan. They have started to create real change in Pluma Hidalgo through meaningful interactions with the community and their passion for inclusion and equality. 

All-in-all a great reunion! 
Above left: TLF reunion family dinner 
Above right: Introducing Board of Trustees member Darren Ward to Don Epifanio. 
Bottom left: Ryan and Doña Serafina preparing treatment to apply to coffee plants. 
Bottom right: TLF brainstorm session.
Our busy season being harvest time, which this year, has already kicked off. We are working with the community to develop knowledge around speciality picking and processing techniques.

This year our harvest will be small, but we are not worried about this as it is for good reason. We have worked closely with farm owners to prune their coffee trees and have spent the year caring for the plants and investing time into nourishing the soil to create a healthy foundation to achieve an even better result in years to come. Needless to say we are practicing the art of patience! Which in turn will deliver a tasty speciality brew when it reaches New Zealand. 

It's a hum of coffee activity around here in Pluma and we're happy to be amongst it. 
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Collaborating with communities. Empowering people.

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