Salon: Issue 395
14 November 2017
Next issue: 28 November 2017
The Society of Antiquaries of London Online Newsletter (Salon) is a fortnightly digest of heritage news. It focuses on the activities of the Society and the contributions that the Society's Fellows make to public life. A copy of Salon’s editorial policy can be found on the Society’s website.
Please send news, comment and feedback for publication to the Editor, Mike Pitts, at Salon Editor.
Salon does not review books, but the Editor is pleased to receive details and front cover images of new titles written by Fellows. Scholarly publications are reviewed in The Antiquaries Journal: for details see Publications.
Fellows may occasionally find they do not receive email notification of a new Salon. There are suggestions for solving this here, but failing all else there is an online archive where new editions go live at the same time as the mailing. Every Salon lists the publication date of the next edition at the top.
Inside this issue
From the Desk of the General Secretary
Adrian James FSA Rejoins the Team as Reviews Editor
 The Reviews Editor has a key part to play in the success of the Antiquaries Journal, garnering reviews of newly published titles while ensuring a good balance of period and discipline. Over the last 18 months or so, the Antiquaries Journal has been excellently well-served by not one but two reviews editors: Tom Beaumont James FSA and, more recently, Amanda Richardson FSA. More than a year ago, when a serious illness forced Tom to take time out, Amanda stepped up to help in his absence and has been invaluable ever since, expanding upon Tom’s system and encouraging new reviewers to come forward. During this difficult time, Tom has nevertheless offered his advice and support. However, earlier this year, Tom decided, despite progress with his recovery, that he would not return as Reviews Editor, and Mandy, too, with regret, has had to give up the role due to pressures of time. The Publications Manager and Editor of the Journal, Lavinia Porter, has keenly felt their loss, but hopes you'll join her (and the Society) in thanking both Tom and Amanda for their help with vol. 97. We wish them all the best for 2018 and beyond.
With the departure of Tom and Amanda before the summer, there has been an urgent need to find the right person to deal with reviews for future volumes, in particular, for vol. 98. We are therefore delighted to announce the appointment of Adrian James FSA as the new Reviews Editor. You will know Adrian well as the former Assistant Librarian in the Society’s Library here at Burlington House. Since leaving the post in 2016, Adrian has been elected a Fellow of the Society and has been volunteering with the Society. We hope you will join us in welcoming Adrian in his new role, which he will begin this November.
Fellows who have a book that is about to publish and would like it to be considered for review in the Antiquaries Journal should ask their publisher to contact Adrian by email at reviewseditor@sal.org.uk.
More News of the Antiquaries Journal
The forthcoming volume (97) of the Antiquaries Journal will publish later this month (November 2017). If you cannot wait until then, you can access the latest papers now in FirstView via the Fellows’ Area of the Society’s website.
The latest paper to be published online examines the medieval shrine of Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey. The original abbey church was founded by the Confessor in the 11th century, but was rebuilt by Henry III in the new Gothic style of architecture in the 13th century. Henry III had a special devotion to the Confessor, and had the shrine constructed to form a suitable resting place for the royal saint’s remains. Its consecration took place in 1269, but the now-lost inscription on the shrine was said to read ‘1279’, therefore the actual date of the shrine’s construction has been the subject of debate for many years.
Now, Warwick Rodwell FSA and Matthew Payne FSA have re-evaluated the evidence and present a compelling new argument that the manuscript evidence for a later date is based on an identifiable scribal error. Their painstaking research has located the source of this error, and they suggest an alternative original reading of the inscription on the shrine’s pedestal. To read 'Edward the Confessor’s Shrine at Westminster Abbey: Its Date of Construction Reconsidered', visit the ' Library Resources' page in the Fellows' Area of our website and follow the link for the Antiquaries Journal to access FirstView articles.

Unlocking Our Collections: Victorian Christmas Carols in Context
The Society of Antiquaries has, over more than 300 years, accumulated astonishing collections. Through the Library and Museum collections at Burlington House (London) and Kelmscott Manor (Oxfordshire), the Society cares for a vast array of material, ranging from Old Master paintings to archaeological objects, from prints and drawings to one of the finest libraries for antiquarian and archaeological research anywhere.
Library Assistant Harriet Hansell, BA MA, has used her love for and academic interest in music as inspiration for looking into some of the Library's musical texts.
A new display was installed in the Library on 3 November 2017 on the theme of 'The Victorian Christmas Carol in Context'. The display highlights three printed books from the 19th century that contain the music and texts of various Christmas carols, including some modern favourites, dating from the late middle ages until the Victorian era. Recordings of extracts of the five carols were produced and are available in the videos below. Visit the website to read more.
Fellows, We Need Your Help!
If you have a favourite object in the Society's Library or Museum collections and would be willing to research and write a short feature for our website, please contact the Communications Manager Renée LaDue, at rladue@sal.org.uk.
Bloomberg’s London

Bloomberg has launched its new European HQ in the City of London. For archaeologists used to thinking of new office block construction as a threat to heritage or an opportunity for excavation, this large development comes with a rare bonus: an integrated museum with displays of artefacts found on the site. The Bloomberg London building is extraordinary. But so is its engagement with archaeology and art, as several Fellows realised when the gallery – London Mithraeum Bloomberg SPACE – was revealed on 8 November.
Among those I saw at that event were Duncan Wilson FSA, Chief Executive of Historic England; Janet Miller FSA, Chief Executive of MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology); Sadie Watson FSA, who directed the new excavations for MOLA and Bloomberg; Roger Tomlin FSA, who deciphered the Roman writing tablets from the dig; Susan Wright FSA, MOLA’s Managing Editor responsible for what will be a series of Bloomberg monographs; and John Shepherd FSA, the archaeologist who brought the 1950s excavations on the site by William (‘Peter’) Grimes FSA and Audrey Williams FSA to print. Bettany Hughes FSA gave a stirring introduction to Mithras and Roman culture at the start of the day. At the presentations, Loyd Grossman FSA admitted Mike Bloomberg as an Honorary Member of the Worshipful Company of Arts Scholars (whose emblem is the Roman marble head of Mithras excavated at the site in 1954).
The photo above shows (left to right) Sadie Watson, Sophie Jackson (who managed the Bloomberg programme for MOLA), Janet Miller and Louise Fowler, in front of Isabel Nolan’s rug (see below). If you are a Fellow and were there – and there will have been more, sorry to miss you – please write with your impressions.
The building, two relatively low blocks divided by a walkway on the revived route of a Roman street, was designed by Foster + Partners. Rumoured to have cost £1 billion – which Bloomberg has neither confirmed nor denied – it has pioneered solutions to sustainability and engineering. Relatively modest from the outside, and blending into its surroundings like a quiet leader, inside it is beautiful and breathtaking, and not just for a stunning picture-window view of St Paul's Cathedral.
Bloomberg has replaced Bucklersbury House, a post-war office development on a bomb-devastated site that was the first in the City to rise above 100 feet. Peter Grimes was invited by the architect to investigate the archaeology ahead of construction. With hindsight, the developer probably felt the invitation ill-advised: Grimes and Williams discovered the remains of a Roman Temple of Mithras. It caught the public imagination and stalled construction, in a heated debate that engaged the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill.
Saving the temple, despite public hopes, was deemed unaffordable. Scheduling the site would have led to compensation payments sufficient to wipe out the Ministry of Works. A political compromise was agreed: the temple’s stone and tile walls, which stood up to 2m high, were salvaged and stored, eventually to be returned to Bucklersbury and reconstructed as an amenity with free access.
It was not a success. Grimes complained that it was inauthentic. The reconstruction was wrongly orientated, away from the temple’s original site, and at street level rather than 7m down. Its cellared floor had been rebuilt as flat crazy paving.
Planning consent for the site’s redevelopment included a condition that the temple remains be resited and properly restored. In keeping with the spirit of the man who founded Bloomberg Philanthropies (which distributed a little over $600 million in 2016), Mike Bloomberg has delivered a restoration and museum that go far beyond planning requirements.
The shabbiness of the 1962 reconstruction was fully exposed when it was dismantled. Cement holding together a muddle of Roman, medieval and modern brickwork had to be removed with diamond-tipped chainsaws; some of the key Roman stonework had probably sidled off into gardens while it was in store beyond the City. For the new project, Grimes’ detailed records, supplemented by contemporary photography and newsreels, were used to make an exact replica of the remains as exposed by the archaeologists. Roman materials were supplemented by custom-made Roman-style tiles and bricks. The excavated earth floor (originally probably timbered) that you now see is a painted resin cast of an earth floor made by MOLA archaeologists with Roman dirt and debris from the City. And so on.
The result is now at the right depth and orientation, but just a little to the west: the Bloomberg excavation revealed that more of the original temple had survived the Bucklersbury development than anyone had expected. A mezzanine floor, suspended between street level and the restored temple with an introductory display, hides these remains in situ. Grimes would have been delighted, Shepherd told me, that so much had survived.

He would have been astonished at the display (above). ‘There’s this great quote by Grimes,’ Jake Barton told me, ‘about how ancient ruins are this dialogue between the rubble and your imagination.’ Barton is Principal of Local Projects and Lead Designer of London Mithraeum. Mike Bloomberg is said to have been inspired to recruit Local Projects by their National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York. More than 13,000 were killed in the first four months of the London Blitz; the night in May 1941 when the block now occupied by Bloomberg was bombed into ruins, 1,400 people died across London. There is plenty for the imagination to work on, 7m down among the layers of London’s history, in a dark place conjured into life with whispering voices, lights and haze around the upstanding footprint of a Roman temple. Eberhard Sauer FSA, Professor of Roman Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh, has contributed to an oral presentation about the cult of Mithras, a mysterious tradition popular with soldiers, bureaucrats and other clubbable men.
The Roman history of the site, and the modern City’s origins in the first century AD, are represented at Bloomberg beyond the Mithraeum. Cristina Iglesias’ Forgotten Streams, a three-part sculpture in two of the public plazas outside, depicts the Roman stream, the Walbrook, that shaped the site’s early history and whose waters preserved a wealth of organic Roman remains, including over 400 writing tablets and extensive structural timbers. Olafur Eliasson’s No Future is Possible without a Past picks up the Walbrook theme. Its two great polished aluminium plates, whose shiny rippling surfaces are a strong presence throughout the main building, use the metaphor of a flowing river to convey a message of deep time, and the need to be aware of a world beyond Bloomberg. Arturo Herrera’s Sortario, a bright wall-hanging of machine-cut wool felt, is said to refer to Roman artefacts found by MOLA ahead of construction. And in a corner of the 6th floor, the spacious social hub of the building, are two Artefact Tables (above). Designed by Studio Joseph, New York City, working with MOLA, these are museum cases doubling as worktops displaying groups of pottery sherds, mostly – but not all – Roman.
And finally, back at the Mithraeum, there is a permanent installation of some 600 Roman artefacts from the dig (photo top) in a spectacular wall display at the back of the street level gallery, Bloomberg SPACE. The gallery’s contemporary art commission (the first, we are told, of a series ‘reflecting broadly on the history of the site’) is by Dublin artist Isabel Nolan (photo right, with John Shepherd). How do humans bring the world into meaning, she asks? How can we love this world we create? In a large, bright tapestry, The Barely Perceptible Vibration of Everything, she shows London (‘bursting with history’) emerging from cosmic chaos only to dissipate in a universe ‘completely hostile to life’. She used archaeologists' ‘hugely informative diagrams’ as inspiration, not least Grimes’ section drawings of the Walbrook valley. Whether or not we’re conscious of it, said Nolan, the past is always with us, from street names to inherited social structures: ‘The past will not be ignored.’
The tapestry (or rug, as she called it) is accompanied by Blind to the Rays of the Returning Sun, a painted steel work that evokes an insect struggling into life. It conjures the huge horizontal tubular steel props that spanned the northern corner of the construction site, holding up the modern streets while archaeologists worked furiously below – or, as Louise Flower suggested, ‘Ranging rods’.
Nolan’s two works are being exhibited under the title, Another View from Nowhen, and will be on show until 3 June 2018. The new re-creation of London’s Temple of Mithras, like the gallery, is free to enter, and open to the public Tuesdays to Saturdays, from today. You need to book ahead online. Free Bloomberg material already includes a teachers’ information pack to Romans Key Stage 2. This is a building, and a business, with long-terms plans for its future in London.
Main photos Bloomberg, others mine.
Pricy Pictures

A large number of art historians, curators and critics, including nine Fellows, wrote to the Times on 6 November to say that ‘fees charged by the UK’s national museums to reproduce images of historic paintings, prints and drawings are unjustified, and should be abolished.’ The fees interfere with the purpose of public museums and galleries, they say, which is to disseminate knowledge. ‘We urge the UK’s national museums’, the writers conclude, ‘to follow the example of a growing number of international museums (such as the Netherlands’ Rijksmuseum) and provide open access to images of publicly owned, out of copyright paintings, prints and drawings so that they are free for the public to reproduce.’
The letter is signed by Bendor Grosvenor, Art History News; Michael Hall FSA, Editor, the Burlington Magazine; Waldemar Januszczak, the Sunday Times; Martin Kemp, University of Oxford; Dorothy Price FSA, University of Bristol, Editor, Art History; Janina Ramirez, University of Oxford; Pontus Rosén, Chief Executive, Association for Art History; Robin Simon FSA, Editor, the British Art Journal; and David Solkin, Courtauld Institute of Art. Other signatories include Diana Dethloff FSA, University College London; Sir Nicholas Goodison FSA; Michael Liversidge FSA, Emeritus Dean, Faculty of Arts, Bristol University; Alexander Marr FSA, University of Cambridge; Malcolm Rogers FSA, Director Emeritus, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; and Richard Stephens FSA, independent art historian.
Separately, Grosvenor told the Times that ‘the current charging system has led to … scholars having to abandon research because they can’t afford to publish it. When you’re faced with thousands of pounds just to publish a journal article, it’s prohibitive.’
Tate said that it allows free non-commercial use of low-resolution images, but ‘There are significant costs to Tate for creating authoritative images of works in the collection, both in the preparation of artwork to be photographed and in post-production of the photograph.’ The British Museum echoed the point, saying its fees reflected the ‘significant cost’ of making more than a million images from its collection available online.
Subsequent letters to the Times noted the particular burden for ‘authors without any academic backing’ and ‘an occasional publisher of modest local history titles’.
The letter was organised by Grosvenor and Stephens. The latter has created an online petition to Karen Bradley MP, to ‘End fees for images of historic pictures in national museums’.
On the Art History News website, Grosvenor says Tate is reviewing its image licensing policy in January 2018. He quotes ‘an informed source’ commenting on the British Museum’s position: ‘I thought it was a bit rich for the British Museum to state that the cost of making the images was so high since a huge number of these (notably their British print collection) was paid for with a grant of £500,000 from the Paul Mellon Centre awarded back in 2011.’
Does this affect you, as an institution, a curator, a publisher, a writer or a researcher? Let Salon know. My photo shows a visitor at the press view of Tate Britain’s exhibition, Rachel Whiteread, open until 21 January 2018.
Sir Joseph Hotung Gallery of China and South Asia Re-opens

On 8 October the Queen visited the British Museum to officially open the Sir Joseph Hotung Gallery of China and South Asia, after a major refurbishment which has brought a new narrative taking the story up to the present. The redisplay has allowed the museum to add new types of objects which need controlled conditions, such as paintings and textiles. These complement material already on show, such as sculpture, ceramics, lacquer, jade and metal ware. Updated interpretation, and new lighting and design allow the collection to be better seen and understood. The gallery also introduces new research and contemporary objects, the BM says in a blog, ‘allowing visitors to engage more fully with these extraordinarily important parts of the world’.
The Queen was greeted by Hartwig Fischer FSA, Director of the British Museum (above, right), and Sir Richard Lambert, Chairman of the Trustees (left); the photo also shows Sir Joseph Hotung. The photo on the right shows the Queen with Richard Blurton FSA, Curator of South Asia collections.
Phased public opening of the gallery began on 10 November, and the full suite of galleries will be open from 14 December. The Queen opened the original gallery in 1992.
Inside Scotney Castle

The National Trust has found a hoard of antique coins at Scotney Castle, Kent: volunteers searching for photographs came across 186 coins in a study drawer. The castle was home for two centuries to the Hussey family, before it was left to the Trust who opened the mansion house to visitors in 2007. Nathalie Cohen FSA, National Trust Archaeologist for London and the South East, said family diaries in the archive point to Edward Hussey III and his son Edwy as keen 19th-century coin collectors, and the compilers of the hoard.
The group includes coins from Syria, China and Archaic Greece, and a late 18th-century Welsh bronze token. The bulk of the collection, however is made up of Roman coins. It's possible that the Husseys, says the Trust in a release, were trying to gather a complete set of Roman rulers, which they came close to achieving. Julian Bowsher FSA, a MOLA numismatic specialist who examined the coins, noted there were Roman pieces that rarely appear in Britain, such as those of the third-century emperors Balbinus, Pupienus and Aemilian, none of whom ruled for more than a year
The coins are being displayed as part of a new exhibition, Inside the Collection, celebrating ten years since the Trust opened Scotney Castle to visitors (until 4 February). Other objects on show include Ming vases, and letters from Wallis Simpson and Margaret Thatcher who both had close connections to the house. Details online.
Fellows (and Friends)
Roger Lockyer FSA, Tudor and Stuart historian and gay rights pioneer, died in October. An appreciation appears in Fellows Remembered below.
Nick Merriman FSA, Director of Manchester Museum, has been appointed Chief Executive of the Horniman Museum and Gardens in south London. He will take up the position in May, succeeding Janet Vitmayer. ‘Respected throughout the museum and heritage world, particularly around issues of diversity and sustainability,’ said the Horniman in a release, ‘Merriman has overseen a major programme of public engagement at the Manchester Museum and the transformation of its galleries, resulting in the doubling of visitor numbers during his tenure since 2006. He joins the Horniman as it prepares to open an exciting new World Gallery in June 2018, showcasing over 3,000 extraordinary objects from its internationally important anthropology collection, and a new Studio space later in the year.’
 Fellows visiting Burlington House recently may have noticed a ruin-like structure outside in the Annenberg Courtyard. It is a statue plinth in the making. The Royal Academy of Arts, in collaboration with Watts Gallery Trust, is to reveal a new bronze cast of Physical Energy, a famed equestrian sculpture by George Frederic Watts (1817–1904), first displayed in the courtyard in 1904. The Trust commissioned a fourth cast of the horse and rider to mark the bicentenary of G F Watts’ birth. Made at the foundry of Pangolin Editions, it will be in London from 20 November–30 March 2018, and will be installed permanently at Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village in Compton, Surrey. A local consultation over a proposal to site it on a hillside beside the A3 closes on 26 November.
Following disputes about works of art caught in limbo by buyers seeking to avoid controls designed to keep the works in the UK, the Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest is itself to be reviewed. In his Biteback column in the Sunday Times, Richard Brooks reports (5 November) that the Government has asked for ‘an internal examination’ of the Committee, to be led by Nigel Carrington, Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Arts London. No less than five of the eight Committee members are Fellows: Peter Barber FSA, Philippa Glanville FSA, Lowell Libson FSA, Christopher Rowell FSA and Leslie Webster FSA.
Iain Gordon Brown FSA has peer-reviewed, and contributed a substantial Introduction to, Robert Adam and Diocletian's Palace at Split, edited by Ana Šverko and Joško Belamarić and published by Škloska knjiga and the Institute of Art History in Zagreb. Adam, Brown tells Salon, ‘made his celebrated expedition to Spalato, Dalmatia (modern Split, Croatia), in 1757, and in 1764 published his superb folio on the ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian. The title-page of his Ruins … at Spalatro [sic] in Dalmatia proudly proclaims Adam as FSA. His great book can best be described as part archaeological report, part architectural pattern-book and part very grand advertising brochure for an up-and-coming architectural practice. The making of the book, one of the most outstanding essays in architectural antiquarianism of the 18th century, is extraordinarily well documented in contemporary sources. Already the subject of detailed study, Adam and his work on the late-Roman palace has now been examined with a greater degree of attention than ever before.’ The book, the fruit of a conference held in Split in 2014, contains essays written by 18 international contributors, and many illustrations.
 In February 2016 Christina Riggs FSA gave a Society lunchtime lecture about photography at the excavation of Tutankhamun's tomb. ‘I could talk for hours about this’, she said at the time, and now her research is nearly done she has worked on an exhibition for the Collection, Lincoln, called Photographing Tutankhamun. It opened last week on the 95th anniversary of the discovery of the tomb in November 1922, and will be there until 28 January, before moving to the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge in the summer; her academic monograph is due out in 2018. Riggs, she says, is the first person to study the entire photographic archive, and consider it from the viewpoint of photographic history. ‘Harry Burton’s photography did much more than simply record information about the tomb and its treasures,’ she says. ‘By looking at the different kinds of photographs Burton made, and how they were used, this exhibition places the Tutankhamun discovery in its historical context and asks whether photographs influence the way we think about both ancient and modern Egypt.’
Fellows feature in the shortlist for the William MB Berger Prize for British Art History 2017. The £5000 prize, administered by the British Art Journal in association with the Berger Collection Educational Trust of Denver, Colorado, is awarded for a book or exhibition catalogue that has made an outstanding contribution to the history of British art. Among the six books is English Medieval Embroidery: Opus Anglicanum (Yale University Press with the Victoria & Albert Museum), edited by Clare Browne FSA, Glyn Davies FSA and Michael FSA, with the assistance of Michaela Zöschg. Opus Anglicanum, quotes the citation, ‘Stands alone as an outstanding collection of expert contributions to accompany one of the great exhibitions of all time, providing a permanent recreation of the show.’ Also listed is Kenneth Clark: Life, Art & Civilisation (William Collins), by James Stourton FSA. This is ‘A delight; a book that brings out the different sides of Clark’s complex character through the most thorough research and perceptive writing.’ Technology in the Country House (Historic England), by Marilyn Palmer FSA and Ian West, and Inquisitive Eyes: Slade Painters in Edwardian Essex (Sansom & Company), by Gwen Yarker FSA, made the longlist. This year’s panel of assessors includes Robin Simon FSA, Editor, the BJA, and Andrew Wilton FSA, art historian. The award ceremony will be held at the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, on 30 November.
David Mitchell FSA has written Silversmiths in Elizabethan and Stuart London: Their Lives and Their Marks. The book, says the blurb, is one of the most important works of silver scholarship in recent years. Starting from the first surviving makers' mark plate in the archives of the London Assay Office, Mitchell identifies some of these previously unknown craftsmen and pieces together the narratives of their lives and trade in the Elizabethan and Stuart periods. The first part of the book tells the story of the silversmiths' trade in the Elizabethan and Stuart periods, including the many influences on smiths and the wider trade, from the impact of French design and 'Stranger' silversmiths through to Plague, Fire and Civil War. The second part contains attributions for 540 separate marks and some 400 individual biographies. With over 200 images, this work combines social, economic and art history.
On 30 October David Davis, the Brexit Secretary, gave a House of Lords committee a list of 58 sectors covered by separate studies, said to have been commissioned by the Government, on the economic impact of Brexit on the UK economy. The list was given to the press. Reports of immediate interest to Fellows included Higher Education (28), Museums, Galleries and Libraries (38) and Publishing (46). Davis said the studies would not be released, despite demands, because ‘this information could be detrimental to the Government’s [Brexit] negotiating position’. A motion to release them, tabled as a ‘humble address’, was soon passed unanimously in the House of Commons. This obscure device apparently allows the government no option but to publish the studies. That has not yet happened.
 On the day when the Queen went to the British Museum and Mike Bloomberg opened his Mithraeum in London (above), the Presidents of France and the United Arab Emirates launched Louvre Abu Dhabi. Anna Somers Cocks FSA (she tweeted this photo of herself with the museum’s architect, Jean Nouvel) talked from the museum to Front Row on BBC Radio 4 on 7 November. In the ten years during which the museum came together, she says, when questioned about UAE’s politics, the country has embraced art: it’s not a democracy, but it is a tribal system that works; it’s not for us to suggest it should change. ‘Emirati curators have been trained,’ she writes in the Art Newspaper, ‘and Hissa Al Dhaheri, the female Deputy Director, has devised an educational programme that reaches as far as the remoter eastern emirates. The national curriculum has been modified to embrace art, creative studies and the museum.’ In the Times (11 November), Rachel Campbell-Johnston concluded that ‘the outcome of this new project, with its fundamentally humanistic message, could prove of profound benefit to all’.
In his Times column of 4 November, Normand Hammond FSA reported that six different species of starfish, four of sand dollars and two kinds of sea urchin have been identified in archaeological excavations at the Aztec Great Temple at Tenochtitlan, 250 km from the coast and 2250 m above sea-level. The echinoderms, 14 species in all, had been deposited in stone offering boxes with other materials between the 14th and early 16th centuries AD. Creatures from both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts were buried at Tenochtitlan; it is thought many were brought alive to the temple by runners. Favoured fish had striking characteristics, such as strong bodies, sharp teeth, strong spines, bright colours or a toxic nature. Leonardo López Luján Hon FSA, director of the Temple Mayor excavations, said the unusual selection of animals ‘is symptomatic of the biological diversity of [Aztec] ritual offerings’.
Caroline Barron FSA writes with news of the latest in a series of historical atlases, which she calls ‘a triple triumph for Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries’. The first three volumes of the British Historic Towns Atlas project (1969–1989) are out of print, but are available free of charge online. The Historic Towns Trust’s series ‘sprang into life again in 2015’, says Barron, ‘with the publication of the new-style portfolio atlas of Windsor and Eton written by David Lewis FSA. This was followed by the City of York, edited by Peter Addyman FSA (which has had to be reprinted), and November will see the publication of Winchester, edited by Martin Biddle FSA and Derek Keene. These atlases provide a principal map showing the towns’ historic features on a digitised 19th-century topographic base-map, and other maps show the towns at different stages of their development. All atlases have a detailed gazetteer of streets, buildings and other topographical features, and a general introduction describing the towns' topographical and historical development. There are numerous illustrations and a CD is included to enable maps to be used in talks and presentations.’
Bruce Boucher FSA, Director of the Sir John Soane’s Museum, is among the contemporary art world’s ‘alternative 100 most influential people’, in a list compiled by ArtLyst. ‘2017 has been an extraordinary year for exhibitions both here in the UK and abroad,’ says Artlyst. ‘London is currently … basking in a golden age of curation.’
Fellows Remembered
Roger Lockyer FSA died on 28 October, a month before his 90th birthday. He was elected a Fellow of the Society in May 1981.
Lockyer read history at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, where he was a scholar, after National Service in the Royal Navy. He became Reader in History at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Maryland. His Tudor and Stuart Britain 1471–1714 (1964), subsequently revised as Tudor and Stuart Britain 1485–1714, remains a standard text; a fourth edition is due (updated with Peter Gaunt).
Other books include Hapsburg and Bourbon Europe 1470–1720 (1974), Henry VII (1987), The Early Stuarts: A Political History of England 1603–1642 (1989) and James VI and I (1998); he co-edited Shakespeare's World (1997, with Gerald M Pinciss). In his obituary for the Independent, Marcus Williamson notes an academic benefit of the openness that eventually followed the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967: gay figures from history, he claims, ‘could be discussed with less fear of rebuke’. Thus Lockyer was able to reveal in The Life and Political Career of George Villiers, First Duke of Buckingham 1592–1628 (1981) ‘that its subject had an intimate relationship with King James I’.
A distinguished historian of the Tudor and Stuart periods, Lockyer is nonetheless better known among many for his social life. He made news in 2005 when he told journalists of his impending civil partnership with Percy Steven, which was to begin on the day the new arrangement became officially sanctioned. The couple were much interviewed again in 2014, when same-sex couples were able to convert civil partnership to marriage. Their relationship began, they said, when ‘homosexuality’ was illegal; at one point Lockyer had had an affair with Jeremy Wolfenden, the son of Lord Wolfenden whose Committee prepared the report that led to decriminalisation.
 In press depictions Lockyer seems to be in a state of permanent joy, though in a perhaps telling acknowledgement in his life of Buckingham, he thanks Percy Steven for his ‘readiness to shoulder additional burdens at moments of great stress’. He was interviewed for the BBC shortly before he died by Alice Hutton, who calls him ‘a historian who walked into the pages of history’. Paul Twocock, from the gay rights charity Stonewall, told Hutton that Lockyer ‘was a real pioneer. He showed that you can triumph over tremendous odds, through prejudice and discrimination, and really become recognised for the person you are, to love the person you love, and that be accepted by everybody around him. That’s why he was such an inspiration.’
You can read Hutton’s article online, and listen to her report for Saturday PM (4 November, 24 minutes 30 seconds in). The photo above (BBC) shows Lockyer (right) with Percy Steven at Pride in London 2017; top, Against the Law/BBC Studios.
Memorials to Fellows
Chris Jones-Jenkins FSA sends this photo of a plaque to Wilfrid Hemp FSA, Secretary to the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Wales and Monmouthshire.
‘During the Welsh Fellows recent weekend visit to North Wales,’ writes Jones-Jenkins, ‘we spotted this memorial to W J Hemp on the wall of St Catherine’s Church, Criccieth. Although born in England, he became the first ever Inspector of Ancient Monuments for Wales, and later Secretary of the RCAHMW (...and Monmouthshire). He died in Pwllheli.’
Hemp had an early connection with Criccieth. His mother’s sister married J Lloyd-Jones, rector of Criccieth, and the family holidayed in what was then Caernarfonshire. He was elected FSA in 1913, the same year he was appointed Inspector. He and Dulcia (née Assheton) moved to Criccieth in 1939.
The Wisdom of Fellows

Christopher Whittick FSA, County Archivist at the East Sussex Record Office, has a church in need of identification. This watercolour, bought by its present owner in a saleroom in Lewes, East Sussex, in 2011, was painted by Thomas Café the younger (1820–1913) in 1846. ‘It seems to me', writes Whittick, ‘to represent a new church built within the previous decade.’
‘The church is similar in style to work by the architect Thomas Little (1802–59). It has a passing resemblance to his church at Fairlight, on the coast east of Hastings in East Sussex, but although that was built in 1845–46, the topography is wrong.’
‘There is a tiny triangle of sea almost exactly half-way up the left margin,’ he adds.
Mark Dunkley FSA reports that on 31 October, Lord Ashton of Hyde (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport) issued a written statement on Underwater Cultural Heritage on behalf of the Minister of Arts, Heritage and Tourism, John Glen MP.
‘In the Culture White Paper, published in March 2016,’ says the statement, ‘we undertook to review the government’s position on ratification of the 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage… [Since then] we have had to reconsider our priorities and our ability to carry out a review in the light of changing circumstances. As a result, we have decided to defer the review while we focus our efforts and resources on delivering new and more immediate priorities… We remain committed to reviewing the government’s position on ratification of the Convention when priorities and resources permit.’
The White Paper, says Dunkley, noted that the UK ‘should continue to be at the forefront of cultural protection at home and abroad’. We are left to guess what ‘changing circumstances’ have forced this delay.
Grace Ioppolo FSA, Professor of Shakespearean and Early Modern Drama at the University of Reading, is inspired (my word) to write to Salon about an article in the Guardian (1 November) by Maev Kennedy FSA, about the 16th-century Rose theatre in London. The piece, says Ioppolo, repeats ‘the ridiculous story’ that the theatre was ‘Shakespeare’s Rose’, with no mention of Philip Henslowe, ‘who actually financed the construction of and then ran and maintained the Rose for several years.’
‘As the founder and director of the Henslowe-Allen Digitisation Project’, continues Ioppolo, ‘I’ve spent years, as have my fellow Fellows Jan Piggott FSA, Julian Bowsher FSA and Robert Weaver FSA, reminding academics and non-academics that the Henslowe-Alleyn Papers at Dulwich College constitute the single largest archive on 16th- and 17th-century English theatre history. Almost certainly all of Henslowe’s expenses and earnings for the Rose are clearly documented in the archive, as are any records of direct or indirect partners in his enterprises. Shakespeare and his pals occasionally performed at the Rose, but this does not mean that Shakespeare owned it, or had any authority, control or influence over it. Henslowe is probably spinning in his grave near the altar of Southwark Cathedral (formerly St Saviour’s Church), considering how obsessed he was in making clear the ownership of anything and everything in which he was involved. More succinctly, Julian Bowsher, the major author of an article on the Rose on our website, notes that Henslowe referred to the Rose as “my playe howsse”.
‘As a Shakespearean I enjoy seeing Shakespeare’s name celebrated in journalism and popular culture, but the Guardian article is utter nonsense,’ concludes Ioppolo, ‘or I suppose I should call it “fake news”.’ Ioppolo also had a few words to say on the topic on Twitter.
The illustration shows an artist’s impression of a pop-up theatre, reported in the Guardian, which is due to open in a car park beside Clifford’s Tower in York next summer for the performance of four of the bard’s plays. It will be named Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre, and, says Lunchbox Productions, ‘will sit within a Shakespearean village showcasing the best of Yorkshire’s food and drink, with free wagon performances and other forms of Elizabethan entertainment vying for attention.’
Edward Biddulph FSA, Senior Project Manager at Oxford Archaeology, has found some unexpected references to the Society and Kelmscott Manor. ‘Salon tells of Fellows past and present,’ he writes, ‘but what about fictional Fellows?’
‘I’ve been reading The House of Whispers, a novel published in 1909 and written by William Le Queux, the prolific late 19th- and early 20th-century author of mystery, political and espionage thrillers. One of the characters in the novel is Sir Henry Heyburn, a man of wealth, secrets, and hidden enemies. He is also a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, and, as the novel tells us, “had read papers before the Society of Antiquaries at Burlington House upon mediaeval seals and upon the early Latin codices.”
‘His daughter, Gabrielle, is no mean authority on archaeology and seals herself, having assisted her father with his work. “I believe I am qualified to become a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries,” she tells her father, before adding, “if women were admitted to fellowship” (women were admitted from 1920). Reading this, I wondered whether there are any other fictional Fellows.'
Which Fellows will be first to rise to this challenge?
And here is Biddulph's note on Kelmscott:
‘While on a literary theme, the 2015 memoir of Robert Harling, commando, thriller writer, noted typographer, and friend of James Bond creator Ian Fleming, includes an account of a walk by Harling, accompanied by Fleming’s future wife, Ann O’Neill, to Kelmscott Manor at the tail end of the Second World War. “Kelmscott Manor was locked against all-comers,” Harling records. “We cased the joint, but all was bleak and blank.” We’re not told whether Ian Fleming himself ever visited the house, but as he grew up in Oxfordshire, it’s a distinct possibility.’
Photo Peter Harrington, who is selling a first edition of The House of Whispers for £300 (‘A superb copy in the very lightly rubbed jacket with a short closed tear’).
In the last Salon I wrote a paragraph about how some of the British press, and a Member of Parliament, appeared to be questioning the right of universities to express views contrary to government policy. An image accompanying the piece reproduced a photo and a correction from two different editions of the Daily Telegraph. A Fellow wrote to the Society with concerns about the use of the photo, which showed a Cambridge student.
The article was about political interference with universities, and freedom of expression. The photo, and the student's identity, had already been well aired in print and online, as had the newspaper’s erroneous story and its subsequent correction. There was no intention to offend, and if any offence was caused I’m sorry.
Also in the last Salon, under the heading Smear Review?, I wondered if any Fellows had had experience of their published research being misrepresented in the wider media. Gordon Barclay FSA has. He writes:
‘Your piece about pre-prints and the misrepresentation of research may remind readers of Salon of my experience during the campaign for the Scottish independence referendum. My research published in my book If Hitler Comes: Preparing for Invasion: Scotland 1940 (Birlinn 2013) was misrepresented in two newspaper articles to invent a “grievance narrative” about the supposed plan to “abandon Scotland” if Germany invaded. I published an account of the birth and development of the “factoid” in 2014. As it happens, I have just prepared a revised version of my paper, now titled “The birth and development of a factoid, 2013–17: ‘victimhood’, ‘grievance’ and the invention of history in the Scottish independence debate”. A draft has been uploaded to Academia.com. I would be very happy to receive comments through the email address at the end of the text.’
The picture shows a clipping from the Mail on Sunday, 24 March 2013 – a piece which began, as Barclay puts it in his article, a trail of ‘nonsense’. ‘It continues to be upsetting’, he concludes, ‘to have other people's prejudices “proved” by what I am supposed to have written.’
Forthcoming Events for Fellows
You can catch up on meetings you've missed by watching our lecture recordings (visit the events page and filter the results list by choosing 'past events'). Our programme of Ordinary Meetings will resume in October.
Ordinary Meetings of Fellows
16 November: 'The South Wiltshire Temple: An Unusual Late Roman Temple and its Landscape Context', by Dr David Roberts, Richard Henry and Steve Roskams.
23 November: 'Science and Stonehenge,' by Prof Michael Parker Pearson FSA.
Preceding the Ordinary Meeting on this day will be a presentation of the Society's Statutory Report and Accounts, 2016-’17.
30 November: 'Understanding Life in the Roman Town,' by Dr Hannah Russ (MEETING IN YORK).
Interested in proposing a lecture? Please download and complete the Lecture Proposal Form, and email it to Renée LaDue, the Society's Communications Manager (rladue@sal.org.uk). Please note that lecture programmes are planned between 6 and 12 months in advance.
Introductory Tours for Fellows
Not just for newly-elected Fellows! If you've never visited Burlington House or had an introduction to the Library and Collections, please join an introductory tour. You'll meet the Society's professional staff, learn about your Fellowship benefits, and discover more from the collections at Burlington House. Coffee is served at 10.45; tours begin at 11.00.
1 February: Tours are free, but booking is required.
19 April: Tours are free, but booking is required.
28 June: Tours are free, but booking is required.
Burlington House Holiday Closing
Please note that the Society's apartments (including the Library and the Fellows' Room) will close for the Christmas and New Year's holidays at 16.00 on Friday, 22 December and re-open following New Year's Day.
Forthcoming Public Events
Public Lectures
Public Lectures are held from 13.00 to 14.00 on Tuesdays. These lectures are very popular, so advance booking is advised to be sure of a place. Details of forthcoming lectures can be found on the 'Events' page of the Society's website.
28 November: 'Will Van Gogh's Sunflowers Ever Wilt?', by Ashok Roy FSA.
16 January: 'Chinese Art for Western Interiors, c. 1650-1850', by Colin Sheaf FSA.
27 February: 'The Domestication of the Dromedary Camel', by Peter Magee FSA.
Click here for more information on our public lectures. We also run public tours of our building and collections (£10 per person) preceding the lectures above.
Regional Fellows Groups
South West Fellows
8 March: 'Feeding Anglo-Saxon England,' (an Out of London Ordinary Meeting of Fellows, held in Exeter). Find out more online.
Want to join the South West Regional Fellows Group? If you would like to receive email updates about forthcoming meetings, you can subscribe online at: http://eepurl.com/MvHUr
Welsh Fellows
22 March: 'The Legionary Fortress at Caerleon,' (an Out of London Ordinary Meeting of Fellows, held in Cardiff). Find out more online.
Want to join the Welsh Regional Fellows Group? If you would like to receive email updates about forthcoming meetings, email Bob Child at bob.child@ntlworld.com.
York Fellows
30 November: the Society of Antiquaries of London will hold a meeting for York Fellows with a lecture by Dr Hannah Russ, 'Understanding Life in the Roman Town'. Save the date; more information on the Society's website at www.sal.org.uk/events.
Want to join the York Regional Fellows Group? If you would like to receive email updates about forthcoming meetings in York, you can subscribe online at: http://eepurl.com/8nvxL
Other Forthcoming Heritage Events
17–19 November: Arras 200 – Celebrating the Iron Age (York)
This year’s Royal Archaeological Institute conference is in partnership with the University of Hull and Yorkshire Museum. The conference will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the first excavations on the Middle Iron Age cemetery at Arras in East Yorkshire, and will coincide with a special exhibition at the Yorkshire Museum displaying artefacts from those excavations. Twelve speakers will discuss recent excavations and other current research. There will be an optional field visit to the site of the Arras cemetery and Hull and East Riding Museum, which holds finds from other important Middle Iron Age ‘square barrow’ cemeteries. Details online.
25 November: Celebrating 70 years of HER and PAS Archaeological Data (Woodstock)
A day school at the Oxfordshire Museum, focused on the 50th birthday of the Oxfordshire Historic Environment Record (HER) and the 20th birthday of the Treasure Act and the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS). George Lambrick FSA will round up the day. Details online.
29 November: Nihon to Seiyō: Japan and the West (London)
Neil Jackson FSA will give the 2017 Annual Lecture of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, at the Courtauld Institute, Somerset House. He will look at the influence of Japanese architecture in the West, and of Western architecture upon Japan, over the last 150 years. Following sakoku, Japan's self-enforced seclusion from the 1630s, the opening up of the country in the 19th century led to the rapid westernisation of many aspects of Japanese culture, not least its architecture. Meanwhile, in the West, Japan became suddenly fashionable and western architecture responded accordingly. Jackson will examine five examples of the architectural 'dialogue'. Details online.
5 December: Heritage Day 2017 (London)
The Heritage Alliance’s annual Heritage Day (‘the biggest event in the heritage calendar’) will be held in the Grade-I listed Royal Society of Arts house built by the Adam brothers in 1774. Speakers will include Chairman Loyd Grossman FSA and John Glen MP, Heritage Minister. This popular event offers delegates the chance to meet a wide range of colleagues from across the sector, and hear eminent speakers address the latest issues affecting the future of our heritage. There will be a presentation of the Heritage Alliance's Ecclesiastical's Heritage Heroes Awards, a series of HEDx presentations from Alliance members, and the annual launch of Heritage Counts. Details online.
6 December: House, Shop and Wardrobe in London’s Merchant Community (London)
Simon Thurley FSA, Visiting Gresham Professor of the Built Environment at Gresham College, talks about London at the Museum of London. In the first of two lectures with the theme Merchants, Money and Megalomania, he will unearth the lost mercantile buildings of medieval London and show how influential they were. Details online.
7 December: Byzantine Routes And Frontiers in Eastern Pontus (London)
Jim Crow FSA will speak at the British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, in a British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara event in memory of Anthony Bryer FSA, who died last October. Byzantine Trebizond (Trabzon) has a rich collection of written sources up to 1461. This lecture will combine new archaeological evidence from the miracle tales of St Eugenios, with fieldwork carried out at east Trabzon at the monastery at Buzluca. It is possible to reconstruct routes and journeys across the Pontic mountains and identify Byzantine border lands around Bayburt and beyond. Details online.
7 December 2017: The Sunbeam Struck the Roof – a journey of Discovery in Jerusalem (London)
Archie Walls FSA will give the Palestine Exploration Fund’s Evans Memorial Lecture at the British Museum. During a night-time visit to the Haram, by chance he turned west towards the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as the sun rose over the Mount of Olives. Sunbeams struck the roof of the Rotunda of the Church, and illuminated the tops of two nearby minarets. As Architect to the British School of Archaeology (1968–75) and in his spare time architect to the Armenians in the Church, Walls knew these buildings well, but this was a surprise. The lecture will present the case for a conscious relationship made in stone between the three monuments, and will draw an unconventional conclusion as to how it should be interpreted. Details online.
17 January 2018: London Merchants and Their Residences (London)
Simon Thurley FSA, Visiting Gresham Professor of the Built Environment at Gresham College, talks about London at the Museum of London. This is the second of two lectures with the theme Merchants, Money and Megalomania. Details online.
20 January: New Insights into 16th- and 17th-Century British Architecture (London)
The eighth conference in its series, organised by Claire Gapper FSA and Paula Henderson FSA, takes place at the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House. Speakers include Paul Holden FSA (the Lanhydrock Atlas 1696), Pete Smith FSA (the English Country House and the Civil War) and Adam White FSA (the Banqueting House and Grotto at Skipton Castle). Details online.
2–4 February: Places of Worship in Britain and Ireland 1990–2020 (Oxford)
This is the last in an annual series of chronologically arranged weekends at Rewley House on Places of Worship in Britain and Ireland. Starting in the 1990s, when members of many of the more recently arrived faiths and Christian denominations began to build permanent, purpose-designed, places of worship, contributors will discuss the proliferation of buildings, discussing their distinctive features, and the ways in which they are used for worship. An overall picture will emerge of how religious diversity is reflected in physical reality and in the contemporary landscape. Speakers include Sharman Kadish FSA and the Director of Studies is Paul Barnwell FSA. Details online.
6 February: Henry VIII and Luther: A Reappraisal (London)
David Starkey FSA, author of books on Henry VIII and the Tudor court and well known as a regular contributor to radio and television, will talk at the Lambeth Palace Library in association with the University of London seminar on the Religious History of Britain 1500–1800. Details online, or email juliette.boyd@churchofengland.org.
19 February: The Forests of Essex (London)
This day conference at Gilwell Park, held in memory of Oliver Rackham FSA, will explore the cultural and natural heritage of the forests of Essex, and issues of the understanding, management and future of trees, woods and forests in the county. The conference will include a keynote session by Tom Williamson and contributions from Charles Watkins FSA. Details online.
7 March: St James’s and the Birth of the West End (London)
Simon Thurley FSA, Visiting Gresham Professor of the Built Environment at Gresham College, talks about London at the Museum of London. In the first of two lectures with the theme Buildings in the West End of London: Palace, Park and Square, he looks into the ingredients that went into making a court quarter there and the way it formed a blueprint for the new West End of London. Details online.
17 March: Interpreting Medieval Monuments: Iconography and Meaning (London)
A Church Monuments Society conference in Senate House. The speakers will include Sally Badham FSA, Brian Gittos FSA, Moira Gittos FSA, Nicola Jennings FSA and Sophie Oosterwijk FSA. See online for details.
18 April: The Birth of Modern Theatreland: Covent Garden and the Two Theatres Royal (London)
Simon Thurley FSA, Visiting Gresham Professor of the Built Environment at Gresham College, talks about London at the Museum of London. In the second of two lectures with the theme Buildings in the West End of London: Palace, Park and Square, he looks at the significance and impact of theatres on the development of London. Details online.
19 April: An Evening with Lambeth Palace Library Conservators (London)
An opportunity to view the Lambeth Palace Library conservation studio and discuss techniques and treatments with the Library’s conservation staff. Please note that the studio is reached by a Medieval spiral staircase. Numbers will be limited, please book in advance with juliette.boyd@churchofengland.org or phone 020 7898 1400.
28 April: Ancient to Modern: The Changing Landscape of Sussex (Lewes)
A day conference offering a broad overview of the changing relationship between the Sussex landscape and the people who lived there, from the earliest arrivals. The emphasis will be on how new ideas resulted in significant changes in the use of the Sussex landscape. Speakers, specialists in their periods, include Sue Berry FSA, John Manley FSA, David Martin FSA and Matt Pope FSA. Details online.
8 May: ‘Mysteries’ Demystified: The Making and Meaning of the Lambeth Articles (1595) (London)
Nicholas Tyacke FSA, whose books include Altars Restored: The Changing Face of English Religious Worship 1547–c 1700, will talk at the Lambeth Palace Library in association with the University of London seminar on the Religious History of Britain 1500–1800. Details online, or email juliette.boyd@churchofengland.org.
5 June: New Perspectives on Seventeenth-Century Libraries (London)
This event at Lambeth Palace Library will showcase some recent research on library formation, public and private, in the 17th century. Three short talks, among them Jacqueline Glomski FSA on ‘Religion and Libraries in the Seventeenth Century’, will deal with patterns of book selection and acquisition as revealed by individual practice and in 17th-century theoretical writing on bibliography. The presentations will discuss the potential for research and the application of digital methods. In association with the University of London research seminar on the History of Libraries. Details online, or email juliette.boyd@churchofengland.org.
Call for Papers
7–8 February 2018: Celebrating Ten Years of New Technologies in Heritage, Interpretation and Outreach (Aberystwyth)
Organised by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, Digital Past is a two-day conference which showcases innovative digital technologies for data capture, interpretation and dissemination of heritage sites and artefacts. As this year marks Digital Past’s 10th anniversary, we will reflect on the exciting developments over ten years of digital heritage, the lessons learnt, and the opportunities and challenges for the sector in the decade ahead. We are seeking submissions from those working on innovative projects in research or operational capacity, who may contribute made through formal presentations or workshops, or more informally through the ‘unconference’ session or a show stand, in Welsh, English, or bilingually. Details online.
June 2018: Ceramics in Circulation (Brussels)
The Medieval Pottery Research Group will hold its next annual conference at the University of Brussels. The examination of patterns of pottery distribution forms a major part of ceramic studies. For Medieval and post-Medieval periods, pottery distribution has informed discussion of trade and production, the transmission of cultural influences and technical knowledge, and patterns of discard. This conference aims to explore the dynamics behind the movement of pottery. How and why do pots end up where they are found? And what does that tell us about the societies in which they were circulating? The committee invites 20-minute papers addressing any aspect of the circulation of ceramics in north-west Europe and beyond, in Medieval and post-Medieval times. Please submit an abstract of no more than 150 words to Lorraine Mepham FSA, MPRG Meetings Secretary, by 1 February 2018: l.mepham@wessexarch.co.uk.
The Society of Antiquaries is currently recruiting for a Communications Manager. This is a full-time, permanent role for an individual with experience working in an arts or heritage organisation and with a strong background in membership communications, marketing, public relations, and project management. Find out more via our website.
The Society is also recruiting volunteers for our Journal Collection Review. The project will be of particular interest to students and recent graduates of Library and Information Studies, as well as subjects relating to History, Archaeology and the History of Art. This project is long-term, offering long- and short-term volunteering opportunities. More information is available on the website.
The National Trust seeks an Archaeology & Engagement Manager to join their team at Sutton Hoo. Deadline for applications midnight 17 November 2017.
The appointed candidate will be responsible for the operational management and curatorial development of the nationally important archaeological collection based at Sutton Hoo. With their conservation background, they’ll ensure that the highest standards of conservation, care and presentation of the historic collection are maintained. Delivering an engaging visitor experience is crucial, and you’ll be leading on programming; bringing to life the stories through interpretation and engagement activities, whilst at all times ensuring the preservation of its ‘Spirit of Place’. Details online.
The Department for Continuing Education, Central Oxford, seeks a Departmental Lecturer in Architectural History. Deadline for applications noon 24 November.
The appointee will contribute to the teaching, supervision, examining and organisation of the Architectural History Programme. Sufficient depth and breadth of knowledge will be required in the architectural history of England to be able to teach the broad-ranging syllabus, and to supervise dissertations in both architectural history (following a humanities-based tradition) and historic conservation (a social-science model). Details online.
Propose a Lecture or Seminar
Please download and complete the Lecture Proposal Form, and email it to Renée LaDue, the Society's Communications Manager, if you are interested in giving a lecture at one of the Society's Ordinary Meetings (Thursday evenings at 17.00) or as part of our Public Lecture series (occasional Tuesday afternoons at 13.00). We welcome papers based on new research or themes related to the Society's field of interest: the study of the material past. You can view our current lecture programme in the Events section of our website.
Fellows are also encouraged to propose topics or themes for conferences or seminars that bring scholars and professionals from a variety of disciplines together to explain, discuss and debate our material culture. Please download and complete the Conference Proposal Form, and email it to Renée LaDue, the Society's Communications Manager, if you are interested in helping us organise such an event.